Food Ideas for a College Student Budget

  • I have the best resource for working out I could ever imagine. My apt is a mile from my college and just 1/2 mile farther is our new WRAC's awesome.

    I walk to and from class. I participate in Color Guard (marching band) and visit the gym, however, I need some budget friendly & healthy style foods.

    I was curious about making my own flavored yogurt from reading the Dannon protest post. lol

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • I'll be here watching! I'm not a college student but we're on a tight budget. Just had to say Yay colorguard/marching band!
  • Yogurt is super easy to make. I make it most Sundays (although lately I've been hooked on the Fage 2% yogurt).

    Get yourself a container of good quality plain yogurt - just a small container will do. About 4 oz is what you need for one batch of yogurt.

    Put 4 cups of milk (2% works well, but I find skim milk makes runny yogurt) into a saucepan and bring to a low simmer. You want to heat it to 180 degrees, but not much higher. (A good candy thermometer will help here - they're cheap at Target or Walmart.)

    Let the milk cool to about 115 and add a heaping Tbsp of plain yogurt for every cup of milk (4oz to 4 cups works perfectly for me). Mix it well.

    Pour the mixture into a jar of some kind (a corning ware bowl works, a glass jar, whatever, just not plastic). Put it in a warm place for anywhere from 4 - 12 hours. I personally put mine in the oven overnight and set the temp on 110 (but I can set my oven that low). If you have gas oven with a pilot light, that works well. Or put it in a cooler with a heating pad to hold the warmth. The longer you leave it in the warm location to proof, the thicker and tangier it will become.

    That's it. Voila - you have yummy yogurt. Then to flavor it, all you do is add whatever you want. I've added honey, sweetener, frozen fruit, mashed banana, protein powder ... just about anything you want.
