What Zumba would you recommend?

  • I am 109 pounds overweight. 55 years old. Out of shape. WOuld like to try Zumba, there are no classes in my area and I am not sure if I could make one because I work A LOT! So if I were to get this on DVD which have you tried or would recommend? Thank you for the advice. GOd bless.
  • If you have the ability to, or have one, Wii has Zumba games, as well as the Xbox (not sure on playstation). I really like the one for the Wii, may not always recognize me because the controller is awkward to hold while dancing but I do get my heart rate up and can definitely feel it after the session is over! I haven't done any DVD's. I know they also have a youtube videos of zumba classes!
  • I recommend going on YouTube and looking up a few to try. It's free and fun