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fillupthesky 02-09-2011 05:51 AM

anyone doing metamorphosis?
was wondering if anyone here has been doing tracy anderson's metamorphosis series? i just started it and was hoping to find a workout buddy or two here to keep motivated :)

thelast20 02-09-2011 05:53 AM

I have never heard of this? Is it a video or what?

fillupthesky 02-09-2011 06:09 AM

yeah, its a 90 day program, and its changes up the workouts every 10 days. its cardio for 30 min and her version of strength training i guess, she calls it muscle sculpt i believe, for 30 minutes as well. her cardio is dance, very cheoreographed, but fun. it also includes a food plan, but i'm not going to follow it, as i'm doing well with weight watchers.

Abbyew 02-09-2011 09:24 AM

I was reading about this program and it looks good! I have heard a lot of mixed reviews about Tracy Anderson's methods of working out. Please let me know how it goes for you. It is a little pricey but if you think its worth it I will probably give in! Right now I am just getting back on track and I am really focused on getting back to clean eating.

fillupthesky 02-09-2011 01:28 PM

i will keep you posted along the way :)

one of my friends from college swears by tracy's methods. i have to say, the movements seem weird, and there is a flow that i hope to catch on to very soon..lol.

ringmaster 02-09-2011 10:15 PM

I've been wondering about it also... I'm confused which set to get. I'm leaning towards omni...but I tend to be more of an apple so maybe the ab set would be better?

saef 02-09-2011 10:22 PM


That's the name of it?

"As Fillupthesky finished a Tracy Anderson workout one morning, feeling somewhat uneasy, she found herself transformed in her living room into a gigantic cockroach."

[Who knew what high reps with light weights would lead to?]

fillupthesky 02-09-2011 10:29 PM

yeah...i'm actually kind of pear shaped, but at this point, i need to lose weight all over, so i just went with omnicentric. if you go to the website, there's a customer service number that you can call, i believe they're open till 7pm eastern time. they might be able to help.

edit- where do you tend to gain the most? go by that?

fillupthesky 02-09-2011 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by saef (Post 3704143)

That's the name of it?

"As Fillupthesky finished a Tracy Anderson workout one morning, feeling somewhat uneasy, she found herself transformed in her living room into a gigantic cockroach."

[Who knew what high reps with light weights would lead to?]


thats GREAT!!!

i was hoping for "magically shed her cocoon of fat and bat like arms and revealed a perfect size 8 figure...."

we'll see which one happens? ;)

anne211 02-15-2011 07:29 PM

just ordered it! i ordered the hipcentric and im really excited!!!! I have been doing her 30-day book and its been really good, i have not been doing the dance part, as i used to be a dancer and now i am a runner and prefer it as my cardio but i am doing her strength training. I find its a real challenge but i have already seen a difference in my butt in only 2 weeks! its not a workout that can be half assed at all i set aside at least 45 min apart from my hour long cardio a day to do her strength. Im excited to see if mentamorphisis works, keep us posted!!! good luck!

fillupthesky 02-18-2011 04:51 AM

thanks :) let me know when you get it!!!
i do have a question for you- i'm having a bit of trouble doing the dance cardio on the carpet. i was thinking of investing in the exercise flooring that you can get at home depot. do you think it would be better? i find myself tripping up on the carpet a lot. i know you're not doing the dance part, but as a former dancer in general, just curious as to what you think.
otherwise, i'm really liking it! i had to kind of restart, as i was so sore after the first few workouts, i had to let myself heal before picking it up again. i have omnicentric, btw.

trying2doitall 02-23-2011 07:43 PM

I just ordered my Metamorphosis package this morning.

It was SUCH an impulse buy, I don't know what came over me! But I am really excited...how've things been going so far for you ladies doing it?

fillupthesky 02-24-2011 03:05 PM

been going well minus the awkward carpet thing. it was a total impulse for me too...lol. but i really like it. its awkward, but challenging. i really like the dance cardio, and i am determined the get the routine down!
i'm actually in california visiting my bf, and couldnt bring my stuff down, so i'm taking a break from it. booooo. no room here for me to dance and such.
keep me posted ladies :)

trying2doitall 02-28-2011 01:58 AM

Totally psyched! My Metamorphosis package should be at my doorstep Monday!!! (Today I guess, lol...working overnights messes up your concept of days)

I'll post my reaction later on when I get a chance to check it out.

trying2doitall 03-01-2011 05:36 PM

First workout experience...
Okay, so I tried out the workout last night. So far...

The dance cardio was almost impossible to keep up with. All I did was bounce around on the balls of my feet and every now and then I caught a dance step or two. I have no idea what kind of calories I burned because I'm still figuring out my HRM, but I was sweating like a bandit. I'm going to keep up with it and hope I catch on.

The other part of the workout, the muscular structure workout, was pretty good. It's quick movements, starting with arms, then abs, and lastly legs. The arms were fine, I kept up alright. The abs were rough, I was pulling too much on my neck. The legs were REALLY tough, I managed to get through the first two exercises okay and then had to take a break.

The diet plan is a whole other story. I can understand the use of a week long cleanse eating only pureed foods (quick weight loss makes a person motivated to keep it up, toxin cleanse, etc.) but honestly, I lost weight before simply by reducing calories and eating real food with my family. So I'm going to go ahead and skip the meal plan and eat my own way.

fillupthesky 03-02-2011 01:21 PM

yeah i don't do the meal plan...its not realistic for me....i think some of her recipes (like the corn puree and kale soup and such) would be good additions to my overall food plan, as it incorporates more nutrients, but on its own, it lacks oils, calories, and dairy...lol

yeah, it took me a good three weeks to get the cardio down. and i'm still not totally goo with it. but its fun :)

were you totally sore after the first day? i was awfully sore..lol

trying2doitall 03-03-2011 02:12 AM

Very unrealistic diet...maybe if I didn't work full time, go to school, have a family, I'd be able to sustain myself on only 1000 calories (or however many the nutrient boost food plan is)! But who knows, maybe I'll give it a go this summer when things calm down in my schedule.

I actually felt almost coordinated last night with my 2nd session of cardio...until about half way through! I don't know if it's because its my TOM or if the moves get more complicated, but I am drying at the half way point in the workout. I'm hoping my endurance will pick up as I go along. It has to!

I was definitely sore after the first day...but not too sore, which was a good thing. I hate when I start a new workout regime and my body hurts so much the next day that I totally cop out of doing any sort of exercise. I was more sore after my 2nd workout, but once I was up and moving I felt fine.

I do need to get myself some 3# weights, tho. I keep forgetting to get some and I'm only doing the arm exercises w/o weights, whoopsie!

I can't wait to weigh myself after a week and see how it's going, and I def can't wait to measure myself after 10 days to see if anything has changed. :-)

fillupthesky 03-15-2011 01:54 AM

how's it going???

the arm exercises are better with weights...also if you google tracy anderson goop arms, this link comes up and its like an arm routine that a lot of people do. i like it. the song is pretty good too :)

i got back from california recently and have GOT to get back on this...i'm not looking forward to being sore again. so you were able to work out even with soreness?
i think i get supersore because i'm heavier? not sure if that has anything to do with it. or maybe my muscles hate me. or maybe i don't like working out with pain...lol

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