Has anyone tried No More Trouble Zones by Jillian?

  • I went out on a limb and ordered this yesterday. I want to vary my workouts - I have been going to the gym for around 4 yrs - mostly doing cardio workouts. I am at the stage now where I think I need some variation in my workouts. So I have started the C25K and for my weight training I want to do this DVD by Jillian.

    Has anyone here used it? What were your results and experiences?
  • This is one of the DVDs I use. I like it but don't love it. It's well cued and easy to follow. It gives me a good workout without making me feel like I'm going to die though it took me several weeks to progress to being able to do the entire routine. I do find it pretty boring and repetitive though.

    You can read some reviews from users here.
  • I've owned this one for awhile, along with the 30 day shred. Initially, I hated it - mostly because it was too hard for me. I was sweating so hard & could not complete most of the moves. While this fuels some people into trying harder, it made me put it on a shelf & not look at it for several months .

    So, I focused on the 30 day shred, and just pulled out NMTZ about a month ago. I LOVE it. It is one of my favorite strength training DVDs & for me, a really great total body workout. It is different from the 30 day shred, though, in that it is primarily a strength training/toning routine - no real cardio after the warm up.

    I incorporate this 2x/week - my other days I make sure to include more cardio (or primarily cardio).
  • I own it. I like it. I have not stuck with it. Story of my life with exercise dvds-haha!!

    Hope you like it and stick with it. I do think you can get good results with it.
    Good luck!
  • This is by far my favorite of JM's workouts. 30DS is too fast-paced and repetitive (and too short, IMHO). Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism is pretty good but is also almost like a longer version of 30DS. NMTZ is where I think she's in her comfort zone: a good strength training workout that keeps moving and keeps you in a fat-burning zone while still testing your strength.

    Once you get really good at it, I do think you can heavy up on the weights, though. She has you using only 3 lbs., which is fine, but I'm trying conscientiously to increase the amount of dumbbell size I can use on faster-paced workouts. For most other WOs of the same length, I use between 5 and 7 lbs., and I think depending on the move, that would be safe with this one once you're used to it.
  • I like it. Good workout.
  • I enjoy it! It's definitely not easy though. But by the time the fourth circuit is done, I find the rest of them much easier. The last few are on the floor, and not that bad at all!
  • Add me to the "like it" crew. It's a good, hard full body workout. She varies the moves a lot so you don't get bored. If workout videos work for you, this is a good one.

    My standard Jillian commentary follows:

    While I don't buy the whole Jillian package (books, pills etc), I do find that she choreographs and leads a good workout.
    Personally I also enjoy that she is encouraging (no Biggest Loser style yelling) without being bouncy and perky because I do my workouts before I'm fully awake and perky does not work at that time of day.
  • Amazing workout!

    ...........But only if you go heavy on the weights. I sometimes do it with a pair or 20s and I easily burn over 600 calories