Suggestions for DVD's for Flexibility & Stretching?

  • I feel like I've lost a lot of my flexibility and wanted to try to retrain my body. I'm guessing this would be some kind of yoga or Pilates workout. I'm not interested in cardio or strength training as I have DVD's that will help me with those areas. I just want one that will focus on flexibility. I know I'm getting older, but it just seems so hard to get up and down off the floor when I'm working out or just need to clean up. Any DVD titles you can suggest and what kind of results did you see?
  • I don't know any DVDs for yoga, but I have been doing yoga since April, putting together my sequences from a variety of books. I just want to say you'll love the results. I was also embarrassingly inflexible and stiff and prone to straining things while doing something everyday like taking a shirt off. And now I'm doing great. I love it. Sometimes the changes seem to come faster, usually they come slowly. But so worth it.
  • I'm really flexible already, but I love to stretch and do yoga. The best flexibility DVD I have found is the Tami Lee Webb Total Stretch. I lent it to my cousin who couldn't even touch her toes, and she found great improvement just by using that. She even found some relief from a reoccuring back pain.
  • Yoga Zone has some very nice beginner's DVDs- the ones with two 20 minute segments are more fun than the longer, single session 55 minute ones, IMO. has some nice free-bees, too, but some are closer to intermediate level. Some are found on Comcast's On Demand free exercise section, as well, if they are your cable providers.
  • Cathe Friedrich (check the spelling) has a nice set of 3 stretch DVDs. FiTV runs it once a week. I read many good reviews about it and recorded it from FiTV, then bought the disk since the commercial breaks come at awkward points. Many of the moves are yoga poses, the commentary is not- so you are not told "Now move to Down Face Dog, flow into Gate Pose" Etc. Sometimes yoga DVDs seem to assume you know a pose without being told how to get there. The series of 3 work outs are 20 mins each. Stretch Max I uses no equipment, II a stability ball, and III a resistance band.

    I also love Namaste Yoga on FiTV, it seems to be designed for TV, so commercial breaks are not an issue. It is beautifully filmed, but I always recorded and did the routine later. Some of the advanced routines include awkward handstands and rolling onto your shoulders with your body bent double. At my weight those are not happening! I have never seen the series available on DVD and lots of people complain that the producers focus more on the beauty of the women and the location than the instruction. It is just very relaxing to me.