WATP DVD's Has it helped you?

  • Haha yep I have a bunch of walk away the pounds dvd,do I use them no,I let excuses get in the way......There what at the most 45 mins and I find a reason to not do them,but I sit on the computer all day......I need to be motivated,has WATP helped any of you lose some inches and tone up?I have been eatting really healthy lately but I need to exercise,and with kids its not always easy to do a full 60min arobic workout kwim?
  • Yes! I love my WATP DVDs. I keep buying more so that I have a variety to choose from. I like using the stretchie, the walk belt, even the boosters like kicking and jogging (which really challenges me). I also use dance aerobic dvds, yoga dvds, pilates dvds and resistance band dvds, but the mainstay of my collection is WATP.

    Not only am I consistently losing weight, but my body is firming up. My husband is amazed at how much muscle tone I have developed in my legs and hips and backside. I like the "fast miles" dvds since they take less time. 4 fast miles only takes 47 minutes and is a really good workout - especially for this 50+ body - LOL

    Do I always feel like doing them? No. But I put on my walking shoes, put the video in the dvd player and start. 5 minutes in, I am always really glad that I did. Schedule it, and then just do it. You will be glad you did. Leslie makes you feel so good about your workout that you just can't help being happy when you are done.
  • I've walked off 70 lbs with Leslie Sansone and the gang so far.

    So yes, I'm a fan. LOL.

  • CountingDown-HAHA yes I do need to put them into my scheduel I dont know why its so hard to put them aside.......Thats great that you are firming up WOW where do I get the fast miles?

    Cassie501107-Congrats for the 70 lbs loss that is so great and very motivatin for me....... WAY TO GO
  • I LOVE the WATP dvd's and have several. I never believed I would look forward to exercising...but...I do!!
  • Yes they're good exercise! The DVDs and walking outdoors were my main source of intentional exercise for the first 140 lbs. Mind you, you'll need pay attention to what you eat as well (counting calories, low carb, etc) but they are a good way to start exercising.
  • Quote: Haha yep I have a bunch of walk away the pounds dvd,do I use them no,I let excuses get in the way......There what at the most 45 mins and I find a reason to not do them,but I sit on the computer all day......I need to be motivated,has WATP helped any of you lose some inches and tone up?I have been eatting really healthy lately but I need to exercise,and with kids its not always easy to do a full 60min arobic workout kwim?
    Forget motivation. What you need is COMMITMENT. Sure there's 101 other things that need to be done, but SO DOES EXERCISE. We can't pick up a newspaper or turn on the news without hearing practically on a daily basis all the benefits of exercise - and the horrible statistics for those who don't. No it's not always easy to carve out time for exercise, but it's so incredibly vital that we do it nevertheless. I can't imagine where I would be right now had I not added exercise to my daily life, certainly not at my goal weight and certainly with lots more flab on me and lots less muscle. So, please make the commitment to it. You won't ever regret it, not for a minute.

    I'm not sure how much weight you need to lose or what your current weight is, but if 60 minutes is too difficult, there's no reason why you can't start out with less time and increase.

    And yes, I LOVE the WATP series. They were a main form of exercise for me as I was losing weight. And just until recently I was still using them. The only reason I stopped, for now, is because I now work at a gym. Had I not gotten this job, I have no doubt I'd still be using them.

    Good luck to you.