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-   -   I'd like to hear from people who DIDN'T like TurboJam.. (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/fitness-videos/113542-id-like-hear-people-who-didnt-like-turbojam.html)

FitMomEB 05-25-2007 01:52 PM

I'd like to hear from people who DIDN'T like TurboJam..
... because I'm very temped to buy it and I'd like to hear the criticism at this point. I've had the situation before where I buy something because of all the rave reviews and then I hate it. Of course this is something that can happen with virtually anyone and anything, but it has happened way too many times for me when buying exercise videos!

So, since I've heard all the rave reviews, I'd like to hear from those who bought the set, tried it and didn't like it. Could you share what you didn't like and if you really hated it or you are planning to try it again sometime?

TIA :)

nomorefatpants 05-25-2007 02:11 PM

I think this is a great idea. I bought the Jillian Michaels boxed set and hated it!
I just got the TJ so I won't add anything about that b/c so far i'm a fan, but I think it's important for the sake of what you're trying to figure out for people to say what other DVDs they like. For example, if you LOVE Denise Austin, I probably am going to take that into consideration when reading your review of something else, b/c I can't stand her. HTH

FitMomEB 05-25-2007 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by nomorefatpants (Post 1708960)
For example, if you LOVE Denise Austin, I probably am going to take that into consideration when reading your review of something else, b/c I can't stand her. HTH

Which won't be an issue because I cannot stand her either :) but I get the drift :D

Girl79 05-25-2007 03:45 PM

I haven't tried TJ but I do hate the Firm videos bad intructions, its hard to hear and very very complicated but if you want to try couch to 5k you can download some podcasts those are great!

natascharenee 05-25-2007 05:54 PM

I did turbo jam for about 3 weeks. I stopped doing it because I did something to my knee during one of the moves. I like Chalene. She is very motivating and positive. The Turbo moves were very confusing to me. I would have liked it better if I could have done the moves. I guess I should have stuck to it. Now I'm doing Walk away the pounds and I'm getting ready to start a spinning class. Right now I need something with simple moves.

FitMomEB 05-25-2007 06:28 PM

Thank you for your input! "involved" moves is actually a plus for me. I have a dance background and I enjoy the challenge of learning something with a choreography. I got Power 90 because of the awesome success stories and reviews (not just those on the BeachBody website) and I think it's a very well made program but it's boring for me, the moves are too straightforward for my taste. Pity because it's really a great plan but it's just not calling my name :(

RachelleS 05-26-2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by natascharenee (Post 1709210)
I did turbo jam for about 3 weeks. I stopped doing it because I did something to my knee during one of the moves. I like Chalene. She is very motivating and positive. The Turbo moves were very confusing to me. I would have liked it better if I could have done the moves. I guess I should have stuck to it. Now I'm doing Walk away the pounds and I'm getting ready to start a spinning class. Right now I need something with simple moves.

I'm curious Natacharenee so I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you start with the Learn and Burn and do that for awhile until you got the moves down somewhat and was that the workout you were using when you injuried yourself?

The reason I ask is because I am a firm believer in doing the instructional until you get the form down really well and I also know I am not always the best at following this myself even though I know it is the right way to do it. I want to get to the good stuff right away and it's hard to have the patience to go the slower route. It is always a good thing to go back to that instructional even when you are using the advanced workouts just to remind yourself of form pointers - this is with ANY workout.

I also want to let you know that if someone had a video of me the first few weeks of doing Turbo Jam especially, they could have won a lot of money on America's Funniest Videos - and this is with doing Taebo for YEARS. I hope some day you go back and try them if you did like it for the most part. Even if you have to stop the workout and go over the moves again. I know it's easier said then done and if you get discouraged with a workout, it's easy to just say forget it, it's not for me. But down the road, try it again. I've heard of this from a few people who did not like Turbo Jam the first time around but tried it later on and love it.

Not everyone is going to love every workout that comes out - we all can't have the same tastes and that is why it is so neat that there are so many instructors to choose from. Also, in the different stages of life I've been in with injuries and recouping from surgeries, etc. - your body needs different things and is sometimes limited to what it can do. That isn't a bad thing. Listening to our bodies is VERY important. It's when you push ourselves or make ourselves do something we really don't want to do that you get into trouble.

I hope those that dislike TJ share the reasons why because the negative and positive can help but you have to remember that sometimes you just have to try it and see for yourself because it is a personal thing. I've tried MANY MANY instructors and workouts that others loved and I did not. But there are many I do so it all works out. I have enough likes to give me variety and that is the most important thing so I don't get bored.

:) Rachelle

bbobsgrl 05-28-2007 12:02 PM

I can't say anything negative about Turbo Jam because I would still be a couch potato if I hadn't given it a try in May 2006....needless to say, I'm still going strong.

If you have Time Warner Cable on Demand, you can normally find the 20 minute workout or Cardio Party listed under the workout topic. This will give you the opportunity to try out the workouts for free before making your decision to make the purchase. Good luck!


kiwichic 06-01-2007 10:14 PM

Hi Girl79 I had a look on the couch to 5k and couldn't find the podcasts. Could you give me some info on where to find them :)

ddc 06-02-2007 06:48 PM

I tried TurboJam for about 6 weeks and my knees and hip joints were in constant pain. I kept trying to "work through" the pain, but it didn't get better until I quit doing it. I can't do Taebo either. Anything with kicks bothers my knees and hips. Lately, I've gone back to Leslie Sansone. Now that I'm 42, I've decided to not abuse my body anymore:)
Good luck, Donna

safields88 06-02-2007 07:03 PM

I'm sorry but I can't say anything bad about Turbo Jam. At first you will get tired easily but the more you do it, the better you'll feel, the easier it'll get, and the more weight you'll lose. I love it!!! Make sure you are wearing good sneakers though.

Turbomer 06-10-2007 09:20 PM

After ONE year, I can't say anything bad about TJ
Ok, I know this is supposed to be bad things about TJ- honestly- I have to tell you my story-
I was hospitalized May 06 w/ diabetes- I saw the amazing Chalene Johnson on her TJ infomercial- I, like you, was afraid I would waste my money! Chalene took an interest in me when she met me last August- and keeps in touch with me. She has a cult following- lol- including me- but the thing is, I never tire of her or her workouts. I have met the most amazing group of people through the www.beachbody.com message threads!
It was the best 59 bucks I ever spent!
I am now down over 100 pounds, also doing weight watchers- and have met Chalene- I was 300 pounds when I started- I was able to keep up with the moves- You can do it low impact. While I am sure there are people who do not like it- they do have a 30 day money back gaurantee!

Check out my story and my pictures.

I used to go to the gym, but this is FUN!!!!
The gym was more of a drag to me.

freeqeegrl 06-11-2007 12:07 AM

i absolutly loved it , my boyfriend however wanted to step on my dvd's lol . he kicked a pointy table while trying to do a kick. its really fun but hard to stick too.

mozzer 06-15-2007 10:24 PM

I registered just so I could post this. :)

I hope you don't mind if I comment, because I actually like TJ. BUT I did have problems with it in the beginning. It was pretty intense for me, even doing the 'low impact' modifications I still had to rest at least twice even during the 20 minute workout, because I got so tired and my back got sore (though that isn't the workout's fault; I always had tons of back pain). I set it aside and picked it back up about 40 pounds later, and was able to do much better with it. So, I don't think it is a good choice for someone at a low fitness level. You also have to be VERY good at listening to the complaints your body may have...I had some tendon problems in my ankles, I think because I was pushing the squats too hard in Turbo Sculpt.

It also gets a touch monotonous. I'm thinking of picking up another workout that is a little more dancy, because I want a little more variety, YBB maybe, I haven't decided. Sometimes I'm in the mood to punch and kick things like crazy with TJ, but sometimes I just wanna dance.

Altari 06-17-2007 04:36 AM

I'm still doing it, but these are my problems with it.

The videos are CONSTANT infomercials. All the time she's telling you how much you're going to love doing the video that you're doing that very minute!!!!

Also, there's not really an 'intermediate' level. I'm in pretty good shape [just fat, bleh], so the 20 minute workout was easy to adjust to. But then, jumping up to the next level is RIDICULOUS.

If you have kids, don't do it with them around. A few days ago, my 2 year climbed over the couch to get behind me and ended up with a back kick to the face (no damage done, luckily. there was crying, then her breaking out in giggles yelling 'You're funny mommy!').

When I did it religiously, I lost a bunch of inches. I dropped about 2 sizes in 3 months.

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