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krampus 12-02-2010 07:26 AM

The Bad Day Thread (Whine and Cheese?)
I woke up and weighed, up somehow from the day before, but whatever.

Weather didn't cooperate - I had planned to run after work but it rained, the cold wintry sideways kind of rain. Weather bummed me out and I didn't do Tae Bo. But I ate pretty darn well.

And then I binged on peanut butter and jam and bread, not even bothering to make coherent PB&J sandwiches.

And then while clipping my toenails I nipped my toe and ended up ripping off my pinky toenail. Wound up crying like a frustrated small child, and then felt better. Ready to face tomorrow.


Have a bad day? Frustrations? Tantrums? Here's a home for all your rants and bad days.


Dianne042425 12-02-2010 09:32 AM

Your phrases are too cute Krampus. I just wanted to say that I really admire how far you have come and I think you need to stop, breathe and give yourself the credit you deserve. The scale fluctuates. You know this. You are so close to goal and the weight seems to be falling off at a good rate. That tells me your body isnt comfortable yet! Keep it up - you will get to goal!! :carrot:

Dont you just hate days like that - Everytime I have a bad day, where everything seems to be going wrong, I stop and think "this day could be so much worse if....blahblahblah". Count your blessings little lady :)

krampus 12-02-2010 07:42 PM

Awwww thanks Dianne. All I can do is keep on moving. Even if I'm stuck yo-yo-ing at 127 forever (which is possible), it's far better to be stuck at 127 than to creep back up. And you're absolutely right - there is always something worse. I feel lucky that I started trying to make things right in my young twenties vs. waiting until I was someone's grandmother. I have loads of independent free time, youthful metabolism and enough money to buy vegetables on my side.

xty 12-03-2010 04:52 PM


Ive been having a rough week, 102F fever makes me dumb and somewhat irrational. Crying lots.

Reminder: we actually do release stress hormones thru tears, so it helps to cry for physical reasons! Let it out.

And we are always here if you need to vent.

JessieCat 12-03-2010 06:40 PM

I like how you say not even bothering to make coherent PB and J sandwiches. That made me laugh!

I hate days like that. Hang in there! We are here to listen to you vent!:hug:

krampus 12-05-2010 07:48 AM

Haha, this is EVERYONE'S bad day thread!

xty, sorry to hear about the fever! Get well!

oneoftwelve 12-05-2010 09:46 AM

I ate five cookies last night. AFTER eating a banquet diner and a cupcake.
Today is a new day! I WILL hit the gym today!

thesame7lbs 12-09-2010 09:50 AM

Argh. Today is the worst kind of day.

For me, the hardest thing is when you lose weight and you get to where you're very happy and buy some clothes and then one day... they're too small.

I almost returned a fabulous pair of jeans this summer because I knew they would be the pair that would taunt me, sitting in my drawer, just too darned small.

But strangely, it was a sweater that killed me this morning, a pretty ruffled cardigan. The sleeves were so, so tight. Back into the closet it went, and now I am wearing a complete outfit of pre-weight-loss clothes. ~sigh~

However, I am feeling very motivated and inspired today. I am past the point of a quick fix, of eating a few days of high protein to get back to weight. Nope. I need to be full-on back to plan. I am hoping for a pound a week until Christmas, to maintain that through New Years, and then back to a pound a week until I see 122 on that scale for days and days in a row.

I know how to do this. I've done it before. I will do it again!

krampus 12-09-2010 07:29 PM

*big hug.*

Yesterday was a whiny tantrum-y binge day. I probably ate a total of 2500 calories, well over half of which was either chocolate or peanut butter, and I just felt incredibly sad and helpless. Today is a new day though, and it really helps that it is Friday.

xty 12-09-2010 08:36 PM

Love the new day outlook :)

I was confused about how it was Friday until I remembered you are in the FUTURE, lol.

neurodoc 12-09-2010 08:39 PM

Same7, I know that you've gained, but are you sure that the sweater's sleeves are tight because you've gained 4 pounds, or could it be that you washed it in too hot water? Sleeves are an odd thing to notice a mere 4 pound weight gain - arms aren't usually the place where fat reaccumulates first. Are you still doing the NROL4W? I increased my arm circumference by 2 inches in the first months I lifted...

In any case, I feel for you ladies. I have also struggled again the last few days, with feelings of self-pity and evening overeating (not quite a binge, but putting my daily calorie intake into the 1500-1600 cal range, which is definitely not enough for weight loss). Krampus is right, every day is a new day, and offers a new opportunity to set things right. Good luck!

thesame7lbs 12-09-2010 09:23 PM

Neuro, that's so funny you bring up the arm thing, because about an hour ago I realized that I wore my smallest jeans earlier this week. So how much bigger could I possibly be?

The sweater is new and I think I've only worn it once, haven't had it cleaned. I know the sleeves were on the tighter side to begin with, but they were downright uncomfortable today. I haven't really been lifting, but I need to figure out how to fit it into my schedule. I started, and then my son got a cold so I was running with him in the stroller rather than going to the gym (this was before it got so painfully cold here). No gym = no lifting.

Anyway, I really do need to out what my happy weight is, how low I can comfortably go, and how high is too high. The process continues...

GradPhase 12-09-2010 09:55 PM

My whole life is a disaster.

I think I actually failed three out of four classes I'm taking right now.

My weight is up. My patience is down. My stress levels are through the freaking roof.

I think I'm just going to go right on ahead for a complete pizza and breadsticks and soda binge. I will cry. And drink alcohol. And be pathetic.

And then starting Saturday I will have four solid weeks of waking up every day at five am to go running. They say it takes 28 days to start a new habit and actually keep it... so........ here we go. But not tonight.

Tonight I give up.

DoraUK 12-11-2010 07:58 AM

Oh Eskinomad, I hope you feel better after your binge. Sometimes that is the thing that sets me right and resets my motivation. We all need it once and a while, otherwise our routine becomes a bit stale.

My bad day story is kinda funny so I thought I'd share it with you guys. We all need a laugh, yea?

So on Wednesday I had the office Christmas lunch. This was a planned bad day. 3 courses absolutely lovely. But far too much wine and then spirits and then beer.


So anyway after being in the pub where we were eating/drinking for *8* hours, I ended up snogging (making out) with one of my co-workers.

Only the one who sits on the same ruddy desk as me. Flarg.

So as you can imagine Thursday and Friday were pretty awkward. No one in the office knows which just adds to tensiony fun.

Ha ha ha ha. Oh the fun of being a singleton.

thesame7lbs 12-11-2010 09:19 AM

Eskinomad, :hug::hug::hug:. Believe me, I've been there (I had a 1.0 GPA my first semester). I hope you are feeling better. Can I offer unsolicited advice? Setting a goal of running every day at 5 am for 4 weeks sounds like a recipe for burnout. Please consider a more moderate goal, one that allows for rest days. Running 4 days a week and taking a walk or doing some yoga on the off days is gentler to your body and more likely to lead to long-term success. As for the grades -- next semester is a clean slate. Take it as a learning experience and promise yourself to do better moving forward. :hug::hug::hug:

And Dora, you are so funny! Your office party sounds like Bridget Jones!

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