Running helped

  • Hi. Havn't posted in a long long time.
    I couldnt' stop creeping upwards nearing the 200 mark. It was the single most frustrating thing in my life.
    Getting back to a normal(for me) weight was the only goal I was not able to achieve in the last few years.
    Last year I started to run, AGAINST MY WILL!!. I hated every minute of it.
    Then something happened....I missed it when I couldn't get out.
    I have PCOS and Hypothyroid and although these are by no means "excuses" they sure have made keeping weight off HARD.
    I'm under 150 now and although I would love to be at another place...I am content. I look good in my clothes. I look good in my bathing suit....I'm feeling great...ABOUT TIME.
    I now am training for my first 10k. Scared @#$less but I know I can do it.

  • How awesome!! It's such a great feeling to read stories like yours.. it makes me always push a little harder.
    And you are right... MOST people don’t enjoy exercise at first, but when your body grows accustomed to it, you miss and crave it.
    Good luck on your training!!
    *Hugs and high fives*
  • Brilliant well done
    I'm so pleased for you, and hope to be able to say the same thing one day, that I'm doing my first 10k run. I hope you don't get to nervous , you can do it .
  • Good luck! Good luck! And GOOD LUCK! Maybe post something in the mini goal section and keep us all posted!
  • Can you post on mini UNgoals? Is ungoals a word?
    I have to recalibrate my scale or I have gained 9 pounds in under a WEEK!!
    How miserable I feel right now.
    I have not missed a day except for yesterday.
    I live in two states right now and travel a few times a month between the two by car. It kills two whole days and eating on the road is not the healthiest.
    I'm bloated and crampy and just miserable!
    I just put up a tracker so I will be more accountable to myself.