Im not keen on exercise

  • Im not keen on exercise but i think i have a plan , Im gonna put on a cd all the songs that have dance routines , i.e Cha Cha slide, YMCA, Macarena etc and dance to them every day for half an hour non-stop , do you think this is a good thing to do or is it not gonna burn that many calroies.

  • What sort of exercise are you used to doing, or is this all new for you? ANY sort of movement, when you dont normally do ANYTHING is an improvement. Your body will adjust, though, so it's good to switch up what you are doing from time to time. Have you thought about a dance dvd? That's what I do, and I switch up the routines from day to day.
  • I think the number one important thing about exercise it to find something you like to do, and then do it consistently. Dancing is definitely good exercise.

    That said, it is also important that you are getting your heart rate up enough for it to be aerobic. You can either take your heart rate manually or invest in a heart rate monitor. Being able to monitor my heart rate by using a treadmill has really helped me to understand the kind of intensity I need to be working out at.
  • Dancing is fantastic! Especially if you're not a big fan of traditional "exercise" (yawn). If you like to dance, by all means, do it!

    Last week, when I was in dire need of something new to do (just couldn't hit the treadmill one more day), I loaded up a bunch of dance, funk, disco tunes on ITunes and, for about half an hour, I became...

    ...a hip-hop back-up dancer!

    Oh, I performed! Tore it up! I was hot and stinky sweaty afterwards, but I had a blast. And I know I got a good cardio workout from it. Of course, I had to rest between songs (so the half hour playlist actually took me about 50 minutes to complete), but one day, I'm hoping I can "perform" for a full half-hour straight.

    Dance, baby, dance!
  • hehe thanks for all your replys i definatly dont like areobics so dancing definatly got to be the way to go for me, i have tryed a dance DVD (jade goody one ) and it was too hard i couldnt get to grips with it she went to fast for me i think at least if im doing it with my own songs i can go at my own pace , and i understand what u mean about not being enough to get the weight moving but i figure at least if i give it a go and see if weight has shifted a little then ill know if its right for me or not , i dont have the money to go to the gym and running around the park just aint me (not that i can run anyway ) i'll all let you know how it works out once i finally get tunes sorted.

    Thanks for all the advice.

  • I do that too, with a dance pad and Stepmania It can seem not much at first (doing "slow and easy" songs because getting used to the pad doesn't come in 2 seconds only), but once you're experienced enough to switch to more advanced modes, it's a blast, and it's pretty quick as well (Japanese rave songs are, uhm, interesting, to say the least).

    The key in my opinion is that, if it's fun for you, you'll stick to it, and not only for a few weeks. And you can always up the difficulty to make it a better cardo workout.
  • The important thing is to find something you think you keep up long term. If dancing is what you love. Just do it!