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auer~j 02-02-2006 06:46 AM

February Walkers - Walking Away The Pounds!
Hope it's okay that I start this thread. I'm new and all :o

I missed my goal for January by 2.5 miles, so I'm bound and determined to make it this month. I'm shooting for 30 miles for February and I got 2.5 in yesterday.

Goal 30, Total 2.5.

crk05 02-02-2006 10:12 AM

Hi! I made my January goal + four miles. I have a pretty busy month coming up, and since February is also short, I'm going to set a goal of 40 miles. I didn't walk yesterday, so it will be starting from today.

Good luck to everyone this month!

lumifan4ever 02-02-2006 04:20 PM

Maybe I should make a goal for how many miles i walk in February. so, there are 28 days in February. I will say 35 miles this month. and I have no miles in by the 2nd day of the month. means, i will need to get busy on it tomorrow!:o

Michele L 02-02-2006 06:12 PM

I almost DOUBLED my January goal, ending up with 55.55 miles (goal was 30)! So, I'm going for 50 this month!

I got the new 5 mile WATP DVD Tuesday in the mail, so I did 3 miles last night! Will go do more tonight after supper and sending the family off to dance and Scouts!

Michele :wave:

dawn7672 02-02-2006 11:39 PM

Hi ladies
I will throw myself back in the ring for this month's challenge. I didn't meet my goal in January, but I will meet my goal for February, which will be 20miles. Good luck everyone.:carrot: :carrot:

crk05 02-03-2006 07:07 AM

Congrats on nearly doubling your goal Michele! How do you like the new WATP DVD?

Yesterday I walked my first two miles of the month (did a Denise Austin walking DVD) so I have 38 to go for the month.

Michele L 02-03-2006 09:28 PM

I've only done the first 3 miles of the new 5 mile, but I really like it so far! I'm hoping to do all 5 miles tomorrow!

Last night, after everyone had gone to dance and Scouts, I did the 30 Minute Walk, which I ordered at the same time as the 5 mile. I like it.

Tonight I did the 2 mile Express workout, making 7 miles for the month so far!

Happy walking!

Michele :wave:

crk05 02-05-2006 07:47 AM

I added 2 miles on Friday and 1 mile yesterday, so I'm up to 5 for the month so far.

Michele L 02-05-2006 10:05 AM

I did the entire 5 mile on Saturday, with all the boosters! I LOVED it! It's not something I can do during the week, but it's a great option for my weekends! I'm at 12 miles already this month. Not sure what I'll do today yet.

Happy walking!

Michele :wave:

MelodyAM75 02-05-2006 08:25 PM

I just started using the WATP DVD's. What kind of results are you guys getting with these? Do you think they are just as good as actually taking a walk?

chaarli 02-05-2006 11:07 PM

Goal for feb
Okay I'm setting my goal for February again at 30 miles.
So far I've walked 9 miles so that's a good start for the new month.

WATP I think they are great and just as good as a walk. I usually use my treadmill but when I want to change things around a bit and up my weight loss I use my WATP tapes.

icmethinner 02-06-2006 07:36 AM

I walked 3 miles Feb1, 3 miles Feb 3 and 5 miles Feb 5, so 11 so far.

My goal for February will be 85 so 74 to go.

I missed my goal by one mile last month!!! I have to do it this time! :tread: :cheer: :tread: :goodscale

cathyxxx 02-06-2006 11:45 AM

good morning gang :wave:

I am desperately trying to get back to my walking routine.

Soooooooo this morning I got at 5 am and did 2 miles with Leslie before getting ready for work.

Feb Miles = 2

cathyxxx 02-06-2006 11:51 AM

Michelle - I'm so glad you are enjoying the 5 mile dvd!
can I ask how long it took you to get it in the mail?
I ordered mine on Tuesday 1/24 and I'm really hoping it will be in the mail when I get home today.
I won't have the time very often to do the whole 5 miles, but I wanted to have it for when I do, but I also noticed there were a couple of really fast 2 mile segments which I'm looking forward to doing.
glad you got yours and that you like it.

cathyxxx 02-06-2006 11:56 AM

crk05 - I saw the new Denise Austin walking video and wondered about it.
How do you like it?
do you also happen to have some of Leslie Sansone's walking videos?
are they about the same?
just curious

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