Question for the girls...

  • Hey girls...
    This is kinda embarrassing but here goes...
    Do you have ideas for exercises I can do to strengthen my chest muscles and make my boobs less saggy?

    Thanks in advance!
  • Gee, 17 hits so far to this post and no responses... Are the rest of us just fine and perky? Just kidding, I'm nowhere near perky. I know there was a discussion about this on the Ladies (and Gents) Who Lift bodybuilding forum. Maybe you can try posting your question there. I tried to do a search but couldn't find the exact thread. Sorry I couldn't be of more help .
  • Push ups helps

    Also if you workout at a gym the butterfly press helps!
  • Angel's got it right. Exercises that work your pectorals will help solve that for you.
  • Thanks! Do you have any specific ideas on what exercises work the pecs? (besides push ups?) Thanks

    I'm not strong enough yet to do real push ups, but I'm working on it!
  • You can "simulate" the butterfly press if you hold weights or have wrist weights on each writs and start at a position with elbows bent , arms together, and fists facing your face, pull arms back sort of like you would be opening a door really wide and do reps that way. There is only so much that can be done without surgery. Age plays a big part in this so if you are young you have a better chance of improving them. If you are very large, forget it! Mine are a lost cause without surgery even though I do exercises to strengthen those muscles. Also the length of time you have been overweight and the extra weight has pulled them down makes a difference. Just don't get too depressed if you don't get totally perky. It all depends on a LOT of things!
