Cardio creates muscle loss?!?

  • Ok, so I"m looking for some great info from you smart 3fatchick members. I just read an article on yahoo (not the greatest source, I know) that stated doing cardio is very bad for weight loss and that the most ideal thing to do is interval weight training. I've known for a while that increasing muscle mass is great for the metabolism and fat loss but I didn't think cardio was actually bad (aside from possibly increasing appetite in some people, but that doesn't effect me because I count calories anyway).

    So anyone heard of this? What are your thoughts? I'm so confused.
  • Cardio alone is not the greatest thing for weight loss.. interval training is the best thing since muscle helps burn fat.
  • My understanding is that, for the average person, cardio shouldn't result in muscle loss. The body will burn carbs and fat before it starts burning protein (the latter resulting in muscle loss). In certain unusual situations, cardio can result in muscle loss. That would happen if you were overdoing the cardio and, at the same time, you weren't properly feeding your body. Typically, that would be someone trying to lose weight too quickly. For example, if you were eating 1,200 calories per day and running 10 or 20 miles a day, in the hopes of dropping 4 or 5 lbs a week, then chances are you will lose muscle as well as fat. However, if you're eating a reasonable number of calories, eating sufficient protein and your cardio is not off the deep end, then I wouldn't get too worried about muscle loss...your body will feed off the extra carb and fat stores first.
  • I agree that there is truth to interval/strength training, that muscle does burn more calories than fat, and that it will help people stay in shape.

    That being said, I skimmed the article and find it to be pretty much terrible. There are some things he writes that are true, but the manner of which he writes them makes it seem like it's 100% truth and anyone who thinks differently is wrong. I personally enjoy cardio...I like to sweat, I feel like I've burned calories. And because I count calories with it, I don't worry about overeating.

    If the article had listed both sides of the argument (why is cardio good, why is cardio bad), and compared the two, I would have probably been more interested to read it, but I really don't care for the writer's style and the article was more a turn-off than anything else.
  • If the article is written by a "muscle head" it will tell you cardio is HORRIBLE and you'll lose muscle.

    If the article is written by a cardio person, it'll tell you big muscles are terrible and won't help you in weight loss.

    I lost 228 pounds doing a LOT of cardio AND strength training. If you are VERY thin and training for an ultra-marathon, you probably are going to lose muscle. If you have a lot of fat on you, cardio burns it. And strength training is great for a number of reasons.

    I HATE HATE HATE interval training and don't do it. But it does burn a lot of calories.
  • You know what the BEST exercise is?

    The one you'll actually do!

    Be it running, lifting weights, cycling, swimming, elliptical, stepping, yoga, intervals, push ups, sit ups, chin-ups, whatever, the point is to just do it!

    I think that articles like his can be detrimental. People may not read it critically and conclude that it's best not to bother.
  • Quote: You know what the BEST exercise is?

    The one you'll actually do!

    Be it running, lifting weights, cycling, swimming, elliptical, stepping, yoga, intervals, push ups, sit ups, chin-ups, whatever, the point is to just do it!

    I think that articles like his can be detrimental. People may not read it critically and conclude that it's best not to bother.
    +1 Love your attitude about this Missy Krissy!
    It's what I tell myself when I'm swimming laps -- they might not be 'pretty' laps, but they're sure better than sitting on the couch watching tv!
  • Quote: Ok, so I"m looking for some great info from you smart 3fatchick members. I just read an article on yahoo (not the greatest source, I know) that stated doing cardio is very bad for weight loss and that the most ideal thing to do is interval weight training. I've known for a while that increasing muscle mass is great for the metabolism and fat loss but I didn't think cardio was actually bad (aside from possibly increasing appetite in some people, but that doesn't effect me because I count calories anyway).

    So anyone heard of this? What are your thoughts? I'm so confused.
    You're right the source here is very questionable. Cardio exercise is very good for your heart and lungs--(it's called endurance)--something we all need--and yes it burns calories--(there's no doubt about it) which stimulates weight loss. The best match is cardio with weight training--or cross training-you get the benefit of both.

    I have known several just weight trainers--and they gain weight through the muscle-they look great--but they're gasping for breath if they walk up a steep hill. They have no endurance because they don't include any cardio in their work-outs--so to me they're still totally out of shape.
  • Chronic cardio can cause muscle wasting. A little cardio isn't going to do that. Picture long distance runners (marathoners) vs. sprinters. Long distance runners often look like string beans. Sprinters often have huge muscles. Anything can be bad if overdone.