
  • I'm thinking of joining my local Y. I like that they have a pool and that the excercise is indoors. Is anyone else a member of the Y? Do you like it?
  • I am a member of the Y and I love it, love it, love it!! Of course the swimming is great, but I also like both the cardio and weight rooms at our Y. They have lots of equipment, it's clean, and I've never had to wait to get a machine.

    If you have kids, it's especially helpful. Our Y offers a program called Kids Club during the summer. It's free with your membership and they take kids ages 5-12 from 9-11 a.m. Monday thru Friday and do crafts, movies, field trips, etc... with them. That means my kids will be happy and entertained and I can work out for two hours each morning all summer. For us it's perfect.
  • I use to belong when we lived in another city. We liked it except for the hours. Hated them. They don't open on Sundays til 1 pm and weekdays I think was like 5:30 am.

    So when we moved we joined 24 Hour Fitness. Open 24 hours and go on our schedule.
  • Our town just got a brand new YMCA. It's great - state of the art everything. Free aerobic/spin/weight lifting classes, plus the pool and for me FREE BABYSITTING - all kids 6 mo and up and 90 minutes is a decent amount of time to get in a workout and a kid-free shower/sauna.... ahhhhhhhhhh I'd definately check yours out!
  • We're members at the local YWCA. I love it. It's a great facility, well maintained, and hardly EVER crowded when we go there, which I love. Also, there are a wide variety of people there.....fat, thin, old, young....it's not just for gym bunnies!

  • I love my Y! It has everything in terms of equipment, classes and amenities that my previous frou-frou gym does (except for the aromatherapy and massage) without the frou-frou attitude and the frou-frou price.

    Mine has an 18+ locker room so if you want to get away from the kiddies you can. It also has the wonderful benefit of full of people of all shapes and sizes. There's very little in the way of gym bunnies in skimpy outfits and it's not a meat market.
  • We have a Brand new YMCA that is just around the corner. Literally its less than a mile from my house.

    I called today about joining.. and I am really glad to see this thread. I dont know if all YMCAs have the same fees.. but its a bit pricey per year here for a family membership. They will do a bank draft month to month which would work out fine for me though. I never realized it was so expensive to join. All the health clubs are much cheaper.. but further away.

    I was told ours has 2 pools, weight room, fitness room, suspended indoor track, game room for kids, nursery, etc. I am going tomorrow to take a tour and see what its all about before I decide for sure.
  • hi -

    im a member of the YMCA and im also an employee for their branch offices in the northeast. i have to say that i really LOVE the Y.

    i wouldnt have thought i wouldve have found a gym environment that i love so much or feel so comfortable in.... forget barbie-dolls and their ken counter parts... the Y is real people, real families, just staying fit.

    they also offer a variety of classes to keep you active and interested........

    pm me if you have any questions.