zumba anyone?

  • Does anyone do zumba? I have it for the Wii but get tripped up. A friend has been doing classes 2X's a week 1 hour each and asked me to join her. I am scared to death of making a fool out of myself. I guess I am posting for encouragements, tips etc.

  • I got into it recently and fell in love with it! I'm so terribly awkward, but it's so fun. The music gets going and you get into it and forget how silly you feel. At least, that how I think.

    I say go for it. Try it just once.
  • I've been doing zumba for some time now and love it. I will say it depends on the instructor. So you should try it and give it a few times. I'm very uncoordinated so if I can do it, anyone can. Have fun