Daily Yoga Thread?

  • Would anyone be interested in a daily thread for yoga lovers that would provide support, inspiration, tips, etc.? If so, post here and I'll be glad to keep one going!

  • Sounds interesting! How about tips for yoga newbies?
  • Hello!
    Donna-this is a great thread idea! I am a lover of alternative exercise...I pretty much loathe the idea of Jazzercise and perky aerobic classes! So, my weekly exercise program consists of two days of total body strength training, one day of Pilates, two days of bellydancing, and two days of yoga! I would love to post with you about this wonderful exercise!
    Suzanne suggested some tips for newbies-well, here goes!
    YOGA STICKY MAT-it is very important that you have one-they can be purchased online, or at stores like Target in their exercise deprtment. They are different than a regular exercise mat, in that they have a special texture that keeps your hands and feet from slipping in certain poses. Your workout will be much more pleasureable and effective if you can concentrate on the stretch than on your foot sliding across the carpet! You will also want one, even if you are going to take a class, as your bare hands and feet will be all over the mat-I wouldn't want to use anyone elses!
    YOGA STRAP-also sold in sports stores, online, or in Target type stores. You can substitute a sturdy scarf or cloth type belt if until you get one. They are used for wrapping around the arch of the foot and pulling your leg into certain positions-while keeping your torso and back aligned.
    YOGA BLOCKS-these are optional. They are basically pretty much for certain postions if you are really inflexible. For example-you are not flexible enough to bend over and touch your toes. You would put the blocks on the floor and rest your hands on them instead of the ground.

    You always want to practice yoga with bare feet, with your hair pulled back, and in unrestrictive clothing-stretchy lycra type pants and a tank top are popular. (Pregnant women should not do regular yoga videos, only ones that are specially designed for them that do not include certain torso twisting and stretching moves.)
    The important thing about yoga is that it really strengthens and stretches your entire body. I used to have lower back pain all of the time, especially in the morning-and the yoga has really strengthened my back, and stretched out the "ow" spots. I feel like my posture has greatly improved, and it is so peaceful. I feel like a new person when I am done with a session. I can't praise enough what it has done for my back pain and my mood in general.
    If you want to start out with videos, I would recommend "Yoga for Dummies" or there is a set of two videos called "a.m. yoga" and "p.m. yoga" and both are available at some Meijer stores, and at www.collagevideo.com. These are easier videos that teach you some basic yoga poses. There are also videos that are yoga inspired for specific purposes-such as one I have called "Back Care Yoga" that I purchased from the site above. It is stretches and yoga poses designed to help strengthen the back and abdominals.
    Yoga is really a great workout. We are all so involved in using our weights to tone, and our aerobics to burn fat, that we forget how important it is to strengthen our spine, stretch our muscles and keep our flexibility, and have that 20-30 minutes of relaxation to release us from our hectic schedules. It is just as important, if not more so.
    Thank you Donna for this wonderful thread start! I am looking forward to being "yogi's" together, and educating others on this wonderful exercise!
  • Hi Suzanne & Aphil,

    Thanks so much for responding! I wasn't sure if there were any yoga enthusiasts out there, so I hadn't checked back for awhile. I'm glad I did!

    Aphil, your tips were wonderful - keep them coming! I am definitely a "newbie" at yoga - I've done it off and on (more off than on) the past year and want to rededicate myself to the practice. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of bouncing-around-aerobics and prefer walking, toning, etc.

    I hope this thread generates some interest - it would be a wonderful daily haven for us "yogis". So any lurkers out there, please join in!

    Today's inspirational thought: Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
    ~Sydney J. Harris

    Have a wonderful day!

  • Hi Donna!
    I am glad you checked back! What started you out with yoga? Videos or a class? What equipment or videos do you have?
  • Hi Aphil!

    I got hooked on the "Yoga Zone" TV program last year. I believe it was on the Health Network or something like that. The network was sold to Disney, and they dropped the program from their lineup. Now it's only on an obscure network that my cable company doesn't offer.

    I bought most of the Yoga Zone VHS/DVDs, and I've also done a few classes at the local adult education center. But I get bored doing the same routines from tape over and over again (which was why I liked the TV program as it differed each day).

    So now I've been trying to practice on my own. Do you have any recommendations for routines or other yoga tapes? What do you use?

  • I have the am Yoga and pm Yoga tapes, and the back care yoga tape Imentioned above-I think they are by Living Arts. I need to get a few more. I avoid boredom by switching and doing a different one each time-I do that with all my workouts-I have about 4 different bellydance ones plus my class, and a ton of toning/strength training-so each week I do a whole new line up!
  • I am interested in getting back to yoga. I used to do it in high school and have now forgotten most of the poses. i really haven't been able to get a video because our house is too small for me to move any furniture in order to start strecthing out. i barely have room to do situps (in the bathroom - very little furniture in there ) Perhaps we could post different "feature" exercises too.

  • Aphil - I'm definitely going to check out those AM/PM tapes - thanks!

    Ashley - Welcome! Glad you joined us I know what you mean about space - I have to move the coffee table everytime I want to practice - thank God it's on wheels! The nice thing about yoga is that it doesn't take up as much space as doing aerobics, or a treadmill, etc.

    I love your idea about a "feature" exercise. How about if we focus on one asana per week and each of us work on it and give each other support, comments, tips, etc.

    What do you think?

  • Anyone have the tape "Yoga for Weightloss"? I just ordered it.

    I currently have am/pm yoga for beginners. I have to do some modification but I like them a lot.
  • After a while with increased flexibility, you will have to use modifications or yoga blocks much less. For instance, when you stretch after a regular aerobic workout, sitting with your legs spread apart in front of you, touching your toes-I can now actually lay my upper body relaxed on my legs, and was never before able to do that.
    I also have to scoot my coffee table up against my couch before I work out-it only takes a minute-and it gives an extra foot of space!
    As a starting feature move for the week-I suggest a cobra position, where you lie on your stomach, toes pressing against the floor. Put your hands at about chest level, like you are going to do a push-up, and sSLOWLY straighten out your arms, lifting your upper body, and looking to the ceiling. You can modify this to make less of a backbend by moving your hands up a bit on the floor-closer to shoulder or head level if you cannot bend up that far. If you are unfamiliar with this move, you can punch in the words cobra and yoga on your search engine, and you should be able to find a picture of it.
  • Nelie - Welcome!! This thread is taking off -- I'm so psyched! I have the Yoga Zone "Yoga for Weight Loss" and I love it - I think I have the entire Yoga Zone series!

    Aphil - Cobra pose it is! It's one of my favorites - a great stretch for the back. Let's practice this one for the remainder of the week & weekend and start with a new pose on Monday.

  • Hey! That's one of the old ones i used to do (about 7-8 years ago). I never knew what it was called!

    Also my living room is smaller than my bathroom at my current residence. We had to throw out a sofa and 2 wingback chairs when we moved in to this place. Maybe if i move the kitchen table and roll my tv to the kitchen area i could do some tapes there. Also it's a duplex; we have the front half of an old elevated house. You have to walk very softly so that the neighbor doesn't complain about us "stomping about." Not a good aerobics studio....

    Wow! i can't believe anyone liked my "feature pose" idea, but I'm not complaining. that will feel great after i walk home tonight!

  • Ashley - I can commiserate - I used to live on the top floor of a two-family and had the same problems. Enjoy doing the cobra after your walk home (do you walk to/from work every day?)

    To all the rest - have a wonderful evening & see you in the morning!
