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tattoodles 02-23-2011 05:21 PM

you DO have time, quit making excuses!!!
One of my best girlfriends (who definitely falls in the obese category) commented on my weight loss recently and said, "I wish I could do what you've done, but I don't have the money for healthy food or a gym membership. And even if I did, I don't have time to go to one."

I have not been to a gym or had a membership to a gym at all throughout my weight loss journey. Nor have I had a bunch of money. But I've made my health a priority regardless.

I should point out that my friend without time or money to spend on food and exercise watches at least two hours of tv each night and goes to the movies twice a week (sometimes seeing the same move more than once in theaters and always with a large popcorn and soda).

I've seen a few posts lately about people who are not able to (really choosing not to) exercise due to weather, time, no gym membership, no treadmill, etc. And I think it's time we all stop making excuses! My mom is another one who says she never has time to exercise but spends probably about 4 hrs a night watching tv or playing games on her computer. I know there are real reasons and times we're not able to exercise, but that's the exception not the rule.

Let's make ourselves a priority ladies (and dudes) and stop finding reasons to be unhealthy. Cuz if you look for excuses, you WILL find them.

nationalparker 02-23-2011 05:26 PM

True! We all have the same 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week - how we choose to use them is what determines how we do in LIFE, not just weight loss. Do we take time to plan healthy meals and do a healthy marketing run? Do we plan in time to be active? I always think that "madame curie, michelangelo, etc. also had 24 hours in a day..." puts things in perspective. How do WE use them to improve our lives?

Shytowngal 02-23-2011 05:52 PM

Like, Like, Like!!! Great post.

beerab 02-23-2011 06:00 PM

It's true- I probably right then and there- not to be mean of course- pointed out that not once had I stepped foot into a gym. In fact me personally I'm doing better on my own than without a gym.

And eating out is costly! If you spend $5 a meal, 3x a day that's $15 a day, that's $450 a month- which is MORE than I spend for the whole family's eating budget in a month (3 of us).

thelast20 02-23-2011 06:05 PM

Well said, Ladies! Until we decide that we want the weight loss for ourselves and make it our priority it is NOT going to one!!! Your friend is not were you are and is not ready to make that decision. Hopefully, you wil continue to be the role model that she needs to she is its possible for her to accomplish the same goal...she just needs to start! If not, you may both go separate ways in the future because you are not going to follow in her ways. KUDOS for you for sticking to your goals.

tattoodles 02-23-2011 06:17 PM

The funny thing is she KNOWS I don't have a gym membership. She's seen me running up and down the stairs for exercise. Oh, and both she and my mom use the weather excuse a lot. We live near Seattle, yes, it rains, but I know they both have good raincoats and rain boots which I do not have (the boots, I do have a good jacket).

tattoodles 02-23-2011 06:19 PM

^^^ that was in response to Beerab's post. Just to clarify.

MariaMaria 02-23-2011 06:32 PM


madame curie, michelangelo, etc. also had 24 hours in a day.
Of course, neither Michaelangelo nor Marie Curie had young kids, an hour-plus commute each way to paid work, and full or primary responsibility for cleaning, cooking, and childcare at home outside of paid work.

I'm not a gym person but I think the idea that everyones time is infinitely flexible just doesn't hold water. And I think it's kind of condescending and dismissive to compare contemporary everywoman with people who by virtue of wealth, power, and sex had very different lives and responsibilities.

joyfulloser 02-23-2011 07:00 PM


...if you look for excuses, you WILL find them.
I didn't take the OP's post as condescending at all....I think the quote above sums it up quite nicely! In other words..."excuses" don't pay bills..."excuses" don't make us healthy...etc., etc.

The everyday "contemporary everywoman" can practice WALL SQUATS over the commode during bathroom breaks. She can incorporate exercise into many of her daily responsibilities, she can eat smaller portions and fruit and maybe even a veggie here and again....bottom line, if people want this...STOP THE EXCUSES and do like Nike say...JUST DO IT!!!:carrot:

ElisabethCK 02-23-2011 07:20 PM

I wish we had a "like" button, because I certainly do like this post!

peanutt 02-23-2011 07:37 PM

I don't think it's condescending at all! I think it's great advice to stop and prioritize what is really important to you in life. If you really want to fit exercise or healthy eating into your life, you will find a way to make it work. If you don't really want it, you'll find excuses to use to try and explain why it won't work for you.

fitkristi 02-23-2011 07:39 PM


peanutt 02-23-2011 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by fitkristi (Post 3727139)


MissKoo 02-23-2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by MariaMaria (Post 3727039)
Of course, neither Michaelangelo nor Marie Curie had young kids, an hour-plus commute each way to paid work, and full or primary responsibility for cleaning, cooking, and childcare at home outside of paid work.

I'm not a gym person but I think the idea that everyones time is infinitely flexible just doesn't hold water. And I think it's kind of condescending and dismissive to compare contemporary everywoman with people who by virtue of wealth, power, and sex had very different lives and responsibilities.

I just want to say that I don't think anyone wants to dismiss or condescend to you (or me or millions of us overburdened, weary, hardworking women!). Still, we all do have to make time when there doesn't seem to be any. If I were your neighbor I would let you drop off the kids and go for a jog!:hug:

seagirl 02-23-2011 09:00 PM

It is so true. People who want to find excuses or reasons that they can't do things, will always find them. Even if they are good reasons like kids and households and illness and busy schedules and being doctors or lawyers or having no job, or living in cold weather or hot weather or rainy weather or being tired or not having the right clothes or being in a bad neighborhood or what have you.

Because for every single person in that situation saying "I can't do it" there are people saying "I'm doing it."

And people who really truly want to make their health a priority will find a way.

joyfulloser 02-23-2011 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by fitkristi (Post 3727139)


tattoodles 02-23-2011 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by MariaMaria (Post 3727039)
Of course, neither Michaelangelo nor Marie Curie had young kids, an hour-plus commute each way to paid work, and full or primary responsibility for cleaning, cooking, and childcare at home outside of paid work.

Um, not to be a punk or anything, but Madame Curie had two kids and a husband. :P

My whole point of this post was that we need to distinguish between can't and choose not to. A paraplegic CAN'T go on a walk for exercise. There are nights I make the choice not to go running because sitting on the couch with hot cocoa sounds much better. Those are two different things. I just think we should be honest with ourselves about how we are spending our time and money.

krampus 02-23-2011 10:04 PM


All you need to do to lose weight for most people is eat less. There's no way that's more expensive than eating more of the same thing.

Jaqs 02-23-2011 10:28 PM

Love it.

MariaMaria 02-23-2011 10:55 PM


Um, not to be a punk or anything, but Madame Curie had two kids and a husband. :P
And not to be a punk or anything back, but Marie Curie also had what would today be called, euphemistically, help. As in hired help. The two kids came after the Nobel; she had money.

Nola Celeste 02-24-2011 01:08 AM

Even an incredibly wealthy woman with no kids or husband to look after whose professional successes are so vast, she can afford to give away cars to her audience members, let alone being able to hire personal trainers and chefs has some trouble fitting it all into her life. I'm not about to throw shade on anyone who can't infinitely expand her day to encompass gym time.

A good friend at my first job was recovering from a pretty nasty illness and working a couple of jobs to pay her way through school after her mom died. She was also the head of a household of four as she was the oldest child. She was about my current size and wanted to exercise and slim down a bit, but I can't imagine anyone shaking a finger under her nose and chiding her for "not wanting it enough"; she just had other things she had to get in order first.

On the other hand, there are reasons and then there are excuses--and it's up to us to be honest in assessing which ours are. I know I'm just being a whiny candy-*** when I put stuff off because of bad weather or "wah, I can't afford a gym membership" or whatever. :)

I think the trick is to apply "No excuses!" to oneself, but not to apply it to others; we all know when we're making excuses and when we're offering reasons. I'll happily cheer on anyone who works out No Matter What, but I'll also understand those who really, truly, honestly can't manage more in their lives than what they're already handling.

I'm absolutely positive that the OP meant the post as inspirational and not as finger-wagging; I'll take it in that spirit and see if I can go an extra fifteen minutes on the bike tomorrow. :)

joyfulloser 02-24-2011 07:07 AM


I'm not about to throw shade on anyone who can't infinitely expand her day to encompass gym time.
I think the OP was making a destinction between can't and won't. I think even Oprah is no stranger to excuses...however, when she got tired of making them...she lost the weight and got healthy.;) She has recently, however, made a conscious decision that the amount of work required for her to maintain the tiny petit size she previously had, was not worth the work for her...and has since made a conscious decision to accept the fact that she's overweight. I'd HARDLY believe that a woman who (as you say), "can give away cars" just simply CAN'T do anything...she's rich an famous...she CAN do whatever she wants.;)


she just had other things she had to get in order first.
Another point that I think the OP was trying to make. We NEED to my our HEALTH a priority and not just put it on the "back burner" like so many of us tend to do (especially mothers such as I). We are preconditioned to think we MUST come last. However, without our health (diabetes, heart failure, sleep apnea, IBS, Ulcers, etc.) how much can we really do for others???

I absolutely believe that people need to hear this message. I, for one, am saying that you have to join a gym...gosh no! I'm also not sayin that you've gotta pay for some expensive diet plan. For every EXCUSE there is someone out there in the world with more difficult circumstance DOING IT! Very few people CAN'T eat better and move a little more. Take the stairs at work...cut down your portions...stay away from the ice cream store, etc., etc. I find it absolutely mind boggling and tbh, quite annoying to hear people constantly making excuses about why they CAN'T do better than living off fast food...pullleeeeezzzee! I'm not being hard harded at all...I was one of them...I did it all...I made allllllll the excuses...this is how I know it's a crock!

You guys should all watch the video posted on page 1 of this thread...I'm sure you'll find it quite "familiar"...:lol:

tattoodles 02-24-2011 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nola Celeste (Post 3727559)
On the other hand, there are reasons and then there are excuses--and it's up to us to be honest in assessing which ours are. I know I'm just being a whiny candy-*** when I put stuff off because of bad weather or "wah, I can't afford a gym membership" or whatever. :)

I think the trick is to apply "No excuses!" to oneself, but not to apply it to others; we all know when we're making excuses and when we're offering reasons. I'll happily cheer on anyone who works out No Matter What, but I'll also understand those who really, truly, honestly can't manage more in their lives than what they're already handling.

I'm absolutely positive that the OP meant the post as inspirational and not as finger-wagging; I'll take it in that spirit and see if I can go an extra fifteen minutes on the bike tomorrow. :)

Yes, this was definitely meant to inspire, not finger point. I just think making the distinction between what is possible for us and what we're opting not to do is an important step in becoming healthy.

When I was pregnant from a very bad unplanned situation, I had to work two jobs (a total of 60-65hrs a week) up until a week before my due date. I had to save up cuz I couldn't get a paid maternity leave. These were physically demanding jobs, worked at an infant daycare with kids constantly in my arms, walking around with them. And I nannyed for a pair of 4 month old twins I also carried constantly and took on walks. I COULD have decided to spend the little free time I had sitting on my butt eating ice cream and I'm sure no one would have blamed me for it. But even though I wasn't keeping the baby (she was being adopted by a couple I'd known for a long time), I wanted the baby and myself to be as healthy as possible. So I went on walks frequently and swimming at least once a week. That was a time where I chose to make health a priority.

I'm disappointed that after giving birth I put my personal health on the back burner for so long. I wouldn't have needed to start this weight loss and health journey if I hadn't.

I'm not saying that making the time to exercise is always easy, but I think most of us (if we're being honest with ourselves) can admit that our time/money management could improve in the areas that would benefit our health.

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