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Tickles 02-16-2011 10:42 PM

Tummy exercise ideas
What can I do to get rid of my flabby tummy roll? Anything other than sit ups?

saef 02-16-2011 10:50 PM

I do two one-hour Pilates classes a week, and one 45-minute session practicing a sequence of about 10 exercises on my own.

That has definitely improved my abs.

Here's someone on YouTube going through a beginner routine for abs in Pilates. You may want to look for other videos or a book. But the best thing to do is to try a class, so the teacher can come by & check & correct your position, to make sure your neck & back are okay & you aren't straining them.


katy trail 02-16-2011 10:52 PM

intense cardio and low fat diet. i like HiiT or just reg intervals. along with the pilates poses.

indiblue 02-17-2011 04:18 AM

Just remember that there's no such thing as targeting specific muscles to reduce the size of the fat nearby. Ab work will definitely tone the muscles of your tummy, but the fat can only be reduced by reducing your overall caloric intake. Read more in one of the sticky posts of this forum: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/exer...ise-myths.html

Sit-ups are actually not the best exercise for the stomach since it puts an unnatural curve in the spine (which your body is positioned in all day long if you're sitting at a desk/in front of a computer, etc). Better are planks- basically like holding the start of a push-up except you're on your forearms instead of hands. Side planks (turning to the side so that only one arm and leg are on the ground) and planks with only one leg at a time are also good. It looks like a number of the excercises in the video that saef posted include planks and work along the principle of ensuring spinal safety and alignment during ab work.

Happy fitness :)

seagirl 02-17-2011 06:47 AM

You can't tone fat, that will come off through diet, and then the toned muscles will show through. But losing weight is what will get rid of the role.

Shu 02-17-2011 04:53 PM

Help!! I need ideas.

With age, I have noticed that my waist has grown disproportionately to my weight. Even with the weight off, my waist is 4-5 inches bigger than it used to be. I am sure that some of this is "aging", but can't it be reversed with toning stomach muscles? I do tons of situps but the waistline is not returning. Any exercise ideas geared specifically for "inch reduction"?

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