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ncuneo 09-10-2010 12:13 PM

Just wanted to jump in. I think I finally feel comfortable calling myself a runner! I love it and hope that running and racing become a staple in my life long term. I'm currently training for a half marathon in Coronado in November. This week is another new long run for me - 7 miles! I ran 4 miles yesterday and 3 miles this morning. I usually don't run back to back days, but my schedule has been a little messed up the last two weeks and it's been a struggle to get all my miles in. So I'm now committed to getting back on track because I don't feel like my body is happy with this crazy schedule. My original training schedule wad very balanced and left me feeling awesome all the time.

I'm excited for my 7 miles this weekend. I did 6 for the first time last weekend and just felt awesome. What I really can't wait for is to get to 10, I think that will feel like such a great accomplishment!

Good luck mk on your marathon! And remember be kind to your body ;)

mkroyer 09-10-2010 01:35 PM

Thank You Ncueno-- 7 miles is huge! IMO, as soon as you hit 1 hour of running, it ALL gets easier. whats the difference between 7 and 8 miles? 8 asnd 9? etc. If you can run for one hour straight than you have the endurance to run for 2 hours straight. Just remember to slow down as the runs get longer. Long runs are more about the time spent on your feet running, than the actual distance covered. As soon as you are approaching 90 minutes you will need to think about supplementing your runs with energy goos, or sports drink or jelly beans or whatever your personal choice is.
Referencing back to your other thread you just posted... i would keep running 3x a week at least, and *try* to run longer occassionally. Doesnt have to be every week. My experience however, is that its REALLY HARD to stay focused with running when you dont have a GOAL. ANd speed at the 10K is DEFINITELY a goal, and one i found personally to be WAY MORE challenging than marathon training. If you are looking to take some time off from TRAINING as a runner after your race, then its super easy to maintain your level with 2 or 3 runs a week. Are you incorporating any speed work yet, into your training?Tempo runs, track workouts, LA Threshold runs, hill repeats?

5 miles easy today-- getting ready to go right now during my lunch break. I feel like crap on a crap cracker. Strength this morning ( I AM HUNGRY)

and then tomorrow...grr..... 20 miles (YIKES) i ahvent run longer than 12 since january.
Its going to hurt. I acknowledge that. But the NEXT 20 miler wont hurt very much at all, and the one after will be a piece of cake, making the marathon feel like old-hand
it has to be done. and i will do it. no matter how SLOW and painful and BORING it is :)

Tafadhali 09-10-2010 01:42 PM


I'm a running (jogging!!) newbie but I'll jump in because it's very much my latest obsession. Wow... is it just me or is running totally addictive!?!

I just finished up 3 full weeks of running (3x a week alternating with interval training). This is the first time I've EVER been able to run in my entire life. I'm not sure why, why now, or what I've done differently but this time I've just been able to do it.

My longest distance right now is 5K, I can run it pretty comfortably at just over a 13 mpm pace through all the dang hills (they don't call this part of TX the hill country for nothin'). I did a shorter 2.5 mile run on Wed and averaged 11 min miles, my best yet. So, I am not about to set speed or distance records any time soon but for me I am thrilled.

My original goal was to be able to run a mile by the end of the year. Kinda smoked that. :)

So, now my goal is to run a fun run 5K in Dec in the 30-something range. My time this morning was 40 min 30 sec, so I think I can have that down to 30-something min. by Dec.

After that... well.... I guess the obvious is more distance, better times... more running!!!!!


ncuneo 09-10-2010 03:03 PM

Thanks for the tips mk. I've been trying to figure out if and when goos, beans, sport drinks what have you will fit into my training. Seems to be a mixed bag of opinions out there on whether or not they're necessary for a half marathon. Right now I'm struggling more with pre run nutrition. I typically always run on an empty stomach and my long runs are always on an empty stomach. Usually this is ok assuming I ate enough the day before, but occassionally I'll get hungry half way through. Since my long runs haven't been all that long yet, no big deal, but as I am approaching the 90 min mark (I'm slow) I think I need to think about this a little more. The biggest issue is that I usually wake up an go so there isn't time to eat and there isn't anything I can eat that won't upset my stomach. So far not eating hasn't seemed to effect my performance, last week was my first 6 miler and by far the best run I've ever done.

I have not done any speed work yet. Right now my goal is to just finish the half and not stop for walking breaks. When I occassionally run in the afternoon on the treadmill I'll challenge myself to run fast but that's about it for now. I'll start looking into that more after my half. Right now I think I need to get this nutrition stuff figured out.

pinkalarmclock 09-12-2010 10:22 AM


i always heard that after about an hour of running a gel/jellybean/chews could be consumed. When I was training for my first half marathon I did not use them at all, and I also didn't carry anything to drink with me during the run. Then for the half marathon I drank the sports drink at almost every stop plus I had some GU chews an hour into the race and I felt great! I know I would have got tired so much sooner wtihout eating it, it really helps.

I also suggest eating before running. I try to eat an hour before or an hour and a half. I go in the mornings too so sometimes it could be hard, I even set my alarm a little of an hour before I planned to run and set the food beside my bed. Then I would eat it and go back to sleep till I planned on wking up and running. I usually ate clif bars or fruit and made sure to eat about 500 calories before the run. I did run some of my shorter long runs (6 miles) on empty and it wasn't bad but for longer you should really eat. If you don't you will get more tired than if you had ate and you're probably more likely to burn some muscle.

I never did speed work for my first, I was just concerned with finishing. My dad and I trained and tried to keep a 12 mile pace, if sometimes we were slower it was alright as long as we were jogging, the same with a little faster but if we got too fast we slowed down. Good luck!!

ncuneo 09-12-2010 11:04 AM

Well I did my 7 this morning. It wasn't my best performance, the 6 I did last week was WAY better. Today I felt tired 2 miles in, which is odd. What was more odd was it was my legs that were tired not my body. I think today was just an off day, but I finished and I did not stop. Fortunatly, my DHs schedule will change the week after next and I won't have to get up as early for my long runs so hopefully I can squeeze a snack in before. I think I'm ok without food as long as the run is 5 miles or less. I tried a gel before I went and it did absolutely nothing and tasted terrible. So I'll have to check out some of the other brands. I wish I knew why my legs were so tired today and I was so slow, oh well, least I finished.

blueridgegirl 09-12-2010 05:16 PM

Hello all,

So glad to see this thread here! There was a running thread going for quite a while last year but it petered out so glad to see it back.

I raced last weekend - a 4 mile race in Charlottesville, VA. I ran it in 47 minutes - I'm okay with that time but it was so darn crowded (3,500 runners/walkers) and it was my first time in a big race (my other race, a 5k was just a few hundred) that my first mile pace was slow just cause I was stuck in a crowd. Anyway, just past the mile point I was trying to move past some folks to be able to pick up my pace and there was two way traffic (runners coming the other direction who hadn't made the U-turn yet) and someone accidently tripped me and I fell! Drama! I didn't know what to expect in a race, but wasn't expecting to fall. Anyway, other runners around me immediately pulled me up and I saw I had scraped my hands and right knee but it wasn't deep and didn't hurt so I just kept running. Proud of myself for finishing despite that experience, but think I will stick to the smaller races as the size and logistics (think: portapotty lines) of big races are just overwhelming.

I'm thinking of doing a 6k in Oct (depends on my work schedule, I have to see if I could get off work on the race day as I usually work saturdays) and want to do a 5k turkey trot on Thanksgiving. They say the route is 'fast and flat' and I would love to pull of a sub-30 5k. I generally run 3 times a week - 3.5-5 miles each run. Running outdoors now but have access to a treadmill when weather is inclement. I've been running just over a year, and I like to dance and/or do yoga on non-running days, and also try to make it to the gym to lift although I am not as consistent with that as I ought to be.

Right now I've got a blister on the bottom of my pinky toe, so think it's time for new shoes. I got a coupon from the local running store for 15% shoes in my 4 mile race packet, so planning on getting a pair tomorrow. :carrot: for new shoes!

Oh, and on the whole question of being an overweight runner. I've still got about 25 pounds to lose, which is pretty significant, but I've lost close to 40 which is pretty significant too. I found in both my races that I finished before a lot of people who appear to have normal BMIs or look 'skinny' to me. Who knows, maybe they are recovering from injury or have something else going on, but it seems to me that even though I am carrying extra weight I'm not really a slouch when it comes to racing and I can hold my own next to the skinny minnies. Actually, I love the photo of me at the finish line of my first 5k - crossing it about two strides in front of a woman who looks like she is about a size 4. :D Sorry if it sounds like pride or gloating, but it's a visual reminder to me that I can do this on days when I am feeling down or unmotivated about my fitness/weight loss goals.

pinkalarm - nice to see another virginian. VA Beach seems like a great place to run. Do you ever run along the oceanfront?

Tafadhali - yes, running/jogging is addictive! But what a great addiction!

thesame7lbs 09-12-2010 08:04 PM

Hi ladies (and any lurking gentlemen),

I am so excited to see this thread. I just did a half marathon this morning and I'm trying to figure out my next training plan, because I agree with MK, it's so much better when I have a goal! I think in the short term I will work on my 10K time and then focus on another half marathon in March. I'd like to get under 2:05, ideally close to 2 (today was 2;08:21).

Blueridge, was it the women's 4 miler in C'ville? I used to live there but never got around to doing that race. I've always heard great things about it -- a nice supportive atmosphere. You know, no testosterone. ;)

Ncuneo, I know what you mean about a plain old not-so-good run. So disappointing when you're coming off a good one! I always eat before I run, even if it's just half a banana or half a yogurt, but it's such a personal preference. I ate GU gels for today's race (and training), usually one around mile 8 of any run of 10 or longer. I like the vanilla or espresso, but I like to have water when I eat one. I sucked one down today right before what I though would be a water station, but no station! Had to run another ~1 mile with a mouthful of vanilla frosting. :p

A little goofy running story: right at mile 11 today I was FEELING IT and I got the "Rocky" theme song in my head. So I shouted, "Does anyone else have the Rocky theme song in their head? Two more miles, come on people!" And a guy said, "How does it start?" So I started singing it, "Duh duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh," and all these other runners started singing along. A woman said, "Keep singing, sing me to the finish!" Totally lifted me for those last couple miles!

ange82much 09-12-2010 10:46 PM

I've just got a running high too after my first fun run of the year yesterday - 8km (did it in just under 45 min). I started another thread too on running because i hadn't found this one - totally missed the 'exercise' forum for some reason, so sorry if it dilutes any of the attention this thread should get, maybe i should try and delete it....

I did a couple of HM's last year and would really like to get back up to that distance. I'm up to around 12km now, and running 3-4 times a week, but after a few injuries previously i'm determined to build a good strong base and take it slowly, so it would be probably Q2 next year before i race that distance (it's also a bit hot here Nov-Feb for 2hr racing!).

In the meantime my next event is a very hilly 10km on 17th Oct!

I have to disagree with mkroyer about everything getting easier after 1hr running though! For me that was true up to about 1:45 i guess, but after that, each time i extended my time i found it really tough, and i had to go lie down for a few hours afterwards!! (up to a max of 2:30 when my ITB finally protested last year!)

I'd love to get up to the 2hr+ mark again though as it's a good amount of time to plan a route on the trails and enjoy that environment out there.

pinkalarmclock 09-13-2010 09:11 AM

blueridgegirl, yeah I ran down at the beach during my training a couple times. wasn't the oceanfront though but another place called sandbridge, instead of businesses its just beach houses. Really nice place to run when it wasn't too hot out. Although the temperature was always a little cooler right at the beach. and btw I plan on running a half marathon in roanoke in november! I'm at blacksburg for the school year.

and now I'm getting worried about my foot. it was doing much better, I could walk fine but I could tell it needed a couple more days before I ran. But Saturday was a college game and I ended up having to walk a lot because the buses were horrible and that night I could barely walk on my foot again! I know I walked a lot but I was walking it felt fine for that. Anyway its Monday of course and my foot is still pretty bad. I was hoping to start running aagain after a week on Wednesday but now I'm worried it might have to be even longer! Not sure, I'm going to go walking today very slowly and gauge how bad my foot is. I'm dying just sitting on the couch everyday.

runningfromfat 09-13-2010 10:23 AM

That's great that everyone had a good weekend running/racing!

This weekend I was so proud of myself for running 5 miles in under an hour! :dance: It really took everything out of me afterwards and I was a bum for the rest of the day but I dropped about 2 pounds just this week so it was definitely worth it!


Originally Posted by blueridgegirl (Post 3477670)
Oh, and on the whole question of being an overweight runner. I've still got about 25 pounds to lose, which is pretty significant, but I've lost close to 40 which is pretty significant too. I found in both my races that I finished before a lot of people who appear to have normal BMIs or look 'skinny' to me. Who knows, maybe they are recovering from injury or have something else going on, but it seems to me that even though I am carrying extra weight I'm not really a slouch when it comes to racing and I can hold my own next to the skinny minnies. Actually, I love the photo of me at the finish line of my first 5k - crossing it about two strides in front of a woman who looks like she is about a size 4. :D Sorry if it sounds like pride or gloating, but it's a visual reminder to me that I can do this on days when I am feeling down or unmotivated about my fitness/weight loss goals.

Ha, yep, I love passing skinny people. Weekends seem to be the best for this, especially when the weather is nice, because it seems many non-dedicated runners are out. Sure, it's probably just that they're out of shape and after a few weeks they could beat me but I try and still enjoy it because it lifts my spirits and makes me go faster. :D

I two questions for you ladies:

1. Does anybody know if pushing a jogging stroller helps/hurts when it comes to calories burned during a run? I definitely feel more tired pushing DD up those hills but I was curious because I'm also not pumping my arms as much...

2. Anybody get seriously annoyed by their shirts while running? Mine always creeps up and I spend half the time pulling it back down. It's an asic runners shirt so you think it would stay put, but no! It doesn't seem to small or two big...

blueridgegirl 09-13-2010 11:27 AM

Running - I am impressed at five miles in under an hour! I usually finish my five mile runs in just a few minutes over an hour and I've got my eye on completing one in under the 60 minute mark. Sounds like you are doing great. In terms of running shirts, one of the thing I like to do is take old t-shirts and cut off the arms and cut into the neck to make it tank top like (and cut off from the bottom, too, if it is long) and then I tuck the t-shirt 'straps' into my sports bra straps over my shoulders - hope I'm describing this well. Anyway, it works for me. I personally am not crazy about the expensive, dry-fit shirts you get at running stores...I like to be able to pull my shirt up and wipe sweat off my face or (okay, I'll admit it...c'mon I know I'm not the only runner to do this) blow my nose. But I do have a pair of running shorts that tend to creep up and it drives me crazy - gotta have clothes that stay in place when you're moving.

Pink - yeah, I've been to sandbridge but never trained there. But I'm sure it's a beautiful place to run. If you're in Blacksburg, you're dealing with hills, just like I am here in Cville. I've heard great things about the HM in Roanoke. So sorry to hear about your foot - hope that it feels better soon.

thesame7 - Great story about the rocky theme song! Yes, it was the Cville women's four miler. Very cool experience, as it is just women and fundraiser for UVa breast care program. Lots of breast cancer survivors and patients ran or walked it, including a coworker of mine whose hair is just growing back after chemo and who had a double mastectomy last spring. Pretty inspiring to see women like that out there completing the four miles. Lots of cute breast cancer themed t-shirts on the runners, too: my fave one said "Save Second Base." :lol:

Planning to get a 3 or 4 mile run in this afternoon after running some errands.

Shannon in ATL 09-13-2010 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by mkroyer (Post 3472353)
If you havent been running, then what HAVE you been doing ;)

Nothing good, I can tell you that. :) I've been getting in short runs pretty much every week, been doing a lot of weight work, riding my stationary bike. Stuff that hasn't been outside in the hot! I'm working on a plan to get back out there now that it is cooler, because I miss it. Didn't realize how much until this weekend...

ncuneo - I run better on a mostly empty stomach, maybe a pb&j and some coffee. If I go late in the day and have eaten normally all day I almost always feel ick. And I don't typically use the gels or anything either, just drink water during the run, unless I am out longer than 90 minutes or so like MK said. Even then I don't do much - I haven't found a gu that likes my tummy. I do like the sports beans afterward, though.

running - I buy 'extra long' runners shirts because I hate the ride up. I got them from RoadRunner Sports I think? And a few from Kohl's of all places.

Amy - I'm glad your half went so well! Woo hoo! Love the 'Rocky' theme story. :)

:wave: to everyone else! I'm off to a meeting this afternoon, enjoying the cooler day. Have a good day everyone!

mkroyer 09-13-2010 02:04 PM

Ughh. my mouth and these constasnt migraines are sucking out my will to live.
even so i still ran------ 26 miles this weekend! actually broke it up into two runs- one 16 miler on saturday, and an easy 10 on Sunday.
This is another method of training to run long that most ultra marathoners use. The body was most certainly not recovered from the 16 miler, so it *closely* simulates the fatigue running long again the next morning.
Both runs went well enough. Had to take prescription pain meds Before AND during both of the runs though. I guess they helped keep me running nice and easy!

Eating/not eating before a run... its all personal preference, although i dont honestly know many who would/could go out and run 20 miles, or for 2 or 3 or 4 hours, without anything in their tummy. I prefer to eat. ALOT. as much as i can actually! ;)

Ncueno- The goos arent magic potions ;) There are simply sugar to keep your glycogen stores from becoming depleted. You arent going to feel like superwoman after one, but taking them just might keep you from feeling like the walking dead after a certain point in your run. The key is to take them BEFORE you need them. If you were doing a 90 minute run, try taking one at around the 45 min to 1 hour mark. OR you could make sure you eat well before hand. YOu might just need to make sure you have a good meal the night BEFORE your long run, if you dont like running with food in your tummy. I dont mean "carbo-load" for a 7 mile run though. Sorry it sucked for you. we all have off days, and this was prob just one of those. Do you do your long runs outsi8de? or on the dreadmill?

mkroyer 09-13-2010 04:18 PM

oh, and forget to add-- Ncueno- i LOVE the new avatar!! HOT HOT ;) Seriously you look amazing

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