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charmtime 08-11-2010 08:04 PM

daily exercise
How many of you exercise daily? It struck me tonight that I do some things every single day no matter what and I always have. I never miss brushing my teeth or eating among other things. So, it occurred to me why should exercise be any different? I have a track record that is several years long of coming up with plans. I have set up numerous calendars to chart my progress and I ALWAYS fail. I get so discouraged if I miss a day or two that I give up. So....what if for some reason I didn't brush my teeth tomorrow. Would I stop for months (sure hope not)? Well, I decided tonight to just do it daily. So...even though my dh had just settled into a movie, I set up my wiifit where I could walk while we watch t.v. Logged over 2800 steps!! Normally I would have said...oh well, he is watching t.v. I will just sit on the couch with him. So....I guess I do have yet another new PLAN....exercise every day. Don't care if it is morning, noon, or night...don't care if it is outside walking the dog, bowling on my wii, lifting weights, working out on my elliptical, taking a bike ride, well, you get the picture!!

So....back to my original question...how many of you exercise daily?

TJFitnessDiva 08-11-2010 08:27 PM

I do :) it's a priority just like brushing teeth & every other little routine I have to keep myself in top form

jeanies 08-11-2010 08:30 PM

Almost every day. Some days my body just demands a rest and I oblige!

Jlyne327 08-11-2010 08:57 PM

I have been for the last 3 weeks.

charmtime 08-11-2010 09:13 PM

I had not really thought about your body needing a day of rest. I am not working out hard enough for that yet...lol.

3fcuser1058250 08-12-2010 08:46 AM

I workout daily too, my rest days are usually active rest where I don't do organised exercises, ie: weights, biking, walking, I consider housework, walking to the store, parking my car further at the parking lot, active exercise...

charmtime 08-12-2010 08:59 AM

Ilene, I think that is the key....having sort of an attitude of exercise....parking far away, etc... I just returned from a 1 1/2 mile walk with my golden. He insisted we quit! It was funny...but I also know it is going to be at least 100 degrees today so I needed to listen to him.

StephanieM 08-12-2010 10:05 AM

With my work out plan, I only work out three days a week. I'm doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women and the work outs are scheduled Mon, Tues, and Fri. I'm glad for the days off! They leave my muscles sore and are good intensive work outs.

Obviouslly on my days off I do try to make a concious effort to go for a walk or not just lay around. I need some batteries for my wii fit board, I was thinking of doing some light work outs between regular work out days.

caryesings 08-12-2010 10:21 AM

Another daily exerciser here. I started out making myself exercise and now at 16 months there has to be a pretty big schedule conflict for me to miss it. Like you said, just something I do now, like brushing my teeth.

charmtime 08-12-2010 01:00 PM

I exercised last night from 7:15-7:45. What a mistake. I was up until after 1 a.m. feeling like I had drank dozens of cokes!! I learned an important lesson....I have to exercise earlier. I wonder how late I can exercise without having that reaction. I would really like to walk on my wiifit or my elliptical while watching a movie at night, but I can't give up sleep.

I am thinking I will have to get up before work in order to do this. But...why not tape my shows and have a little me time in the morning before work!!

I now have a second question....for those of you who exercise daily, have you set a time? Also, anyone else have this reaction to late exercise?

caryesings 08-12-2010 01:48 PM

Generally during the week @6:30-7:30 pm. If I have evening plans then I work out over lunch instead. Weekends all over the place on timing depending what else I'm doing.

Yes, initially I had difficulty sleeping with evening exercise but body eventually adjusted as there is no way on the planet I would get up early to exercise. I barely get up in time to work, and they pay me to do that!

charmtime 08-12-2010 06:26 PM

That is encouraging that your body adjusted because I really want to exercise while I watch t.v. I watch shows almost every night (like I am a big fan of biggest loser, bones, house) so why not use that time to exercise.
Maybe I will try again tonight.

I have to leave my house at 7 for work so morning exercise would mean 5 something. Not a big fan of that but I have done it before.

TJFitnessDiva 08-12-2010 06:36 PM

I mainly exercise first thing in the morning but have started taking Zumba & kickboxing classes on Tuesday & Thursday in the evenings....if stuff pops up I just tweak things a bit to fit it in somewhere :)

charmtime 08-12-2010 07:48 PM

I am wondering how long it will take my body to adjust so I can sleep. Last night I finally got up and read until 1230 and then still took about an hour to fall asleep.

lili58 08-13-2010 08:59 AM

Good for you.
Hopefully, I will there in a couple of pounds. :)

M0vingon 08-16-2010 09:20 AM

I love this thread as I am currently trying to get into a daily exercise habit. When I decide to do 4/5 days of exercise, the procrastination/overthinking bug gets in the way. I find myself sitting on the couch debating whether I should run today or tomorrow, counting how many days I have left in the week to fit it in etc. It's ridiculous, really. If I commit to daily exercise that debate is over.
I have the same reaction to exercise at night. I try to wrap it up by 7:30 and then I have less sleep disturbance. My preference is to exercise in the early morning and the I can go through the day with a clear head.


knitsforfive 08-16-2010 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by caryesings (Post 3433787)
Yes, initially I had difficulty sleeping with evening exercise but body eventually adjusted as there is no way on the planet I would get up early to exercise. I barely get up in time to work, and they pay me to do that!

I'm with you on this. I tried for the longest time to be a good little morning exerciser, but it just isn't me and my work-outs were not effective. Now, I exercise when I feel best and when it fits. People caution against this, but I have never missed a work-out because of my strange schedule.

charmtime 08-16-2010 10:22 PM

Since I decided to exercise daily, I have literally just done it..whenever, whereever. The interesting thing is that after the first night...it no longer bothered my sleep. I was feeling sick last night....and thought, man, I better not walk. But I took my 30 minute walk anyway and actually felt better when I came home. So far I have only walked the dog outside and used my wiifit for walking. However, I am planning on doing 30 minutes of continuous exercise daily....so if I do a video, my elliptical, whatever. I just love the daily part...it is SO SIMPLE, but has taken the "mind game" out of it for me. I know I am repeating myself...but this has been such an eye-opener for me.

Jlyne327 08-17-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by charmtime (Post 3432727)
I had not really thought about your body needing a day of rest. I am not working out hard enough for that yet...lol.

Me too! Maybe when I try to run or something I'll actually give myself a break for a day. But I usually just get my heart rate up for about 10 minutes during an exercise. And I do them in short twenty minute bursts through the day.

Allowatt 08-18-2010 07:59 AM

I've been exercising 5 days a week for the last two months or so, and now I've bumped it up to daily. Let's see how this goes :-)

I myself set aside mornings for exercise. If I don't do it right when I get up, I won't do it at all, I know enough to know that about myself. After the first week of going to bed at 10 and getting up at 6 (I was NOT a happy camper), it became really easy and now my body just wants to get up this early.

Laureedee 08-18-2010 12:06 PM

I exercise everyday. I do planned workouts most days but if I'm too sore of otherwise not feeling well, I'll take a walk or something.

When my kids are in school, I get up early and exercise before waking them for the day. This summer though, I've just sort of done it whenever I got around to it. I'm just the type of person who is going to get it done before the day is over one way or another, so I don't worry too much about not setting a schedule or anything to make myself stick to it.

charmtime 08-18-2010 09:45 PM

I have been doing 30 minutes a day and it has been so easy, so I decided today to up it a bit:) I plan to walk my dog for 30 minutes a day (the dog really looks forward to it) and then I plan to use my wii for 30 minutes a day. I really want to get into the strength training and yoga.

abcunnin 08-19-2010 01:04 AM

I try to exercise 6 days per week, but I LOVE the weeks where I get it to all 7 days. This week, I took Wednesday off because I felt nauseous. Then, today I had Dr's orders to not exercise for 24 hours (well, not to sweat because I had a biopsy on a abnormal mole). Just like always, I get moody on the 2nd day off. That's why I got to 6 days a week. If I let more than a day go by now, I feel grumpy. I love it and hate it. Right now I am so frustrated about my bad mood. It's like the serotonin high is backfiring on me :( On top of it, I find I want to splurge on snacks and bad food the 2nd day (but not the first day off).

Oh well. I'll get back to it tomorrow.

Alicia87 08-19-2010 08:58 AM

I need to get into the habit of exercising daily as well. Somebody said earlier about when they set a certain number of days a week, they bargain with themselves, saying, well, I can do it tomorrow... I am the exact same way!! I need to get to the point where I am doing some kind of physical activitiy (even if it's not a hardcore workout lol) for 30 minutes every single day. Although I'm lucky in that it doesn't matter what time I exercise. I am NOT a morning person, so I when I exercise I usually exercise at night right before bed and then I take a shower and go to sleep :)

StephanieM 08-24-2010 08:18 AM

Does anyone know how to report spam on here? I want to get rid of this guy above me who is hocking his website.

devadiva 08-25-2010 07:38 AM

I have been a daily exerciser foor years a couple hours.....and BOY do I hate to miss it. I usually will take a day off if we are traveling in the car all day or my husband has something planned. Or we have company and I cannot sneak some in some where. Once it becomes a habit its a BIG ONE!!!

jackiemomto3 08-25-2010 10:35 AM

I walk Mon-Fri for 45 minutes to 1 hour. I have not missed a day yet!

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