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belezura 06-01-2010 06:11 PM

Keep track of your own monthly exercise here! (JUNE)
During my cardio one day I was thinking how interesting it would be to know how many minutes I exercise in the period of a month.

So I am posting my exercise minutes daily in this threat and you are welcome to keep your data here too, so we can keep ourselves motivated.

I started it last April and I was shocked to learn that in 3 weeks I worked out over 3,000 minutes!!!!

What a motivation!!!
It has helped me to keep going, because I want to see the number of the minutes go up each day in this threat.

You can even break the month down and learn how many minutes you worked out each week (and use the info to analyze your weight loss in that period) or maybe after 12 months we could also add all the numbers you’ve got and see how many minutes you exercised during the whole year.

You don’t really have to post every day, as long as you keep track of the minutes from previous days and post it at once. It is up to you...

* Make sure you get your minutes from your OWN last post.

You can see my threat from May here:

This is an example of how I am doing it:
Before 30
Monday (May 3) 30
Total 60

Before 60
Tuesday (May 4) 45
Total 105

Alita 06-01-2010 06:32 PM

This is a great idea :D!

1st June: 60mins (gym) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105mins
2nd June: 60mins (gym - Stepper/Climber) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 210
3rd June: 60mins (gym - weight training) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 315
4th June: 60mins (gym - Stepper/Climber) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 420
6th June: 60mins (gym - Stepper/Climber) + 60mins (in total walking) = 120 = 540
7th June: 60mins (gym - weight training) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 645
8th June: 60mins (gym, resistance, core muscles etc) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105mins = 750
9th June: 60mins (gym - Stepper/Climber) + 60mins (in total walking) = 120 = 870
10th June: 60mins (gym - weight training) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 975
11th June: 60mins (gym - Stepper/Climber) + 60mins (in total walking) = 120 = 1095
12th June: 60mins (various) = 1155
13th June: REST DAY
14th June: 60mins (gym - weight training) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 1260
15th June: 60mins (gym - various) + 45mins walking = 105 = 1365
16th June: 60mins (gym - Stepper/Climber) + 45mins walking = 105 = 1470
17th June: 60mins (gym - weight training) + 45mins (in total walking) = 105 = 1575

saef 06-01-2010 10:20 PM

Tuesday, June 1:

I'm gonna try to do a separate post for each day.

45 minutes spin class, and so sweaty afterward from high humidity that I looked like I'd been splashed with water, like in one of the "Flash Dance" routines where the dancer has a pail of water dumped over her head. (The spin instructor had a tape with a lot of 80s hair bands set to the usual disco exercise beat, which is why my mind went there.)

I also worked with dumbbells. My right wrist felt pretty good & I was ambitious, so I tried 10-lb and 12.5-lb dumbbells where usually I'd use 8-lbs. I also tried three new moves, which I got from the Stumptuous.com Web site in the "All Dumbbells All the Time" section. I'm not sure my form was all that great. I am feeling it in my upper back & shoulder blades tonight, a place where I am not usually sore. Either 1) it's working or 2) I did something weird to myself.

belezura 06-02-2010 02:49 PM

Before: 0
Tuesday (June 1) 60
Total: 60

Before: 60
Wednesday (June 2) morning 55
Total: 115

saef 06-02-2010 07:41 PM

Wednesday, June 2:

60 minutes on the stationary bike at the gym at my company headquarters, resistance set at 8, random intervals, for a new record total of 15.89 miles.

I'd been working out more at the gym near my home than the one within our office's headquarters, particularly taking spin classes. But I decided to stay after work tonight. As sometimes happens, the only woman there with about nine or 10 guys. Two of them who are friends & lunch buddies had heard me say I think I worked harder in spin class because the instructor tells us to sprint. So they thought it would be funny to stand beside me on the bike & yell through an actual megaphone at me like drill instructors. Well, it was kind of funny. I did sprint for them, partly as a showoff, which may have led to the personal record.

Afterward, Pilates, using some of the moves I've learned from our class & with the help of a book on Pilates to refresh my memory on the sequence & form. But I do feel funny on my back on a mat in the weight room with nine guys wandering around. Am I alone in this? Same thing when I've done yoga moves. (Not doing yoga much yet till my right wrist is a bit stronger.) In general, I am not a prude, but it just gives me a weird vibe to be on my back with my legs in the air with guys I work with in the background.

belezura 06-03-2010 11:53 AM

Hi saef
You are doing a good job on working out!!!
I hear you about the guys who you work with sharing a workout environment with you. Maybe if you didn’t know them it would be easier?!?!?!?

Before: 115
Wednesday (June 2) evening 120
Total: 235

saef 06-03-2010 09:55 PM

Hey Belezura, how are you doing up there in Albany? Are you having a heatwave tomorrow?

Thursday, June 3:

60 minutes on the arc trainer, hands-free, at intervals, resistance set at 8
60 minutes Pilates class

Today I did what I think of as a split workout: Half in the morning, before commuting into the office, and half in the evening, after getting home from work. This is an anomaly because our usual Thursday morning 9 AM staff meeting was canceled. So I gave myself permission to get in a half hour late. Got up at 5:45 AM & headed to the gym after breakfast to put in a solid hour on the arc trainer.

Then, after working till 6 PM, I changed in the handicapped stall in the ladies' room at work (roomy & no one handicapped was about) & drove straight home to the gym in my neighborhood to attend the Pilates class, which was painful & challenging & intriguing as usual. I think that it helped me that I practiced some Pilates moves on my own on Sunday & also last night.

I think this is going to turn out to be a decent weigh-in week. I feel physically lighter. Also I've been salt-conscious this week.

Tuca125 06-03-2010 10:30 PM

June 1 rest day
June 2 40m burn circuit 2 - 20 min walking 60m total
June 3 40m burn intervals chalean extreme - 10m ABS Burn - 45m jogging. 155m total

astrophe 06-03-2010 10:45 PM

Ok, I'll try to play.

June 1 - 5: 30 min + 30 min = 60 min so far.


calluna 06-03-2010 11:08 PM

June 1 -
Strength - 41 mins
Stat. bike - 30 mins

June 2 - Rest

June 3 -
40 mins weights
30 mins stationary bike - 8.1 mi
40 mins running - 3.1 mi, 41 mins

devadiva 06-04-2010 09:49 AM

I would like to keep track also I am in the middle of a remodel move thing right now so life is really wacky so my life is not in a normal or at least MY NORMAL routine! I figure I better start posting now before its to late! Let me introduce myself I am DEVA I am 58 am addicted to working out stuggle with about 5 to 8 lbs but feel and look great for my age or any age I am 5' 5" weigh today 130 usually weigh about 128 my high about 4 years ago was 174. I started exercising and fell in love with it. I am currantly doing a mix of INSANITY and CHALEAN CLX. And have done 3 rounds of p90x and I love kickboxing.

June 1 CLX 35min, INSANITY 40min = 75min
June2 CLX 35min, INSANITY 45min = 75min
June3 CLX 35min, INSANITY 45 min Tamilee abs 20 min =95 min
TOTAL 245 min

belezura 06-04-2010 10:07 AM

Hi Saef. Definitely having a heatwave lately, which I love... have no complains :)

Welcome to the thread Devadiva!!!
It is so good to see other people also committed to a work out routine. It is motivating to me.
May I ask what are INSANITY and CHALEAN CLX? Are they DVDs?

Before: 235
Thursday (June 3) 115
Total: 350

devadiva 06-04-2010 10:29 AM

Yes they are dvds by beachbody if you watch much tv you would see the adds for INSANITY lots of advevrtising on that! The Clx is A weight lifting womens program 8 to 10 reps compound moves maybe 12 exercises 5 days a week and Insanity is a very INTENCE HITTS anareobic progam 6 days a week. I did a complete round of both of them before my move but moved right after Mothers day and my life is SO hectic that my workouts have only this last week or so have started to get back to routine as it is I have to paint all weekend so might have to miss one day,
BY THE WAY JUST CALL ME DEVA. it hot here too!

saef 06-04-2010 10:50 AM

Friday, June 4:

A great weigh-in this morning, which I had premonitions about last night. Also I woke up feeling ravenous.

60 minutes arc trainer, set at hill intervals, resistance at 8
Dumbbells, again at 10 lbs & 12.5 lbs
For the heck of it, a 30-lb deadlift. No problem -- what I was trying to learn about was the correct form you'd use.

A trainer came by & saw me with the New Rules of Lifting for Women book open when I was doing the deadlift & called it a "cheat sheet." We struck up a conversation. He gave me a couple pointers. Said I couldn't hurt myself with a weight like that so it looked okay. He advised moves that work multiple parts of one's body. I said, "Oh, that doesn't sound so good for my bicep curls & tricep kickbacks." He said people can choose do those for their aesthetic. I also pointed out all the machines around the room that simply move a single part of one's body. He said if he had his way, they'd all be out of the gym & on the curb.

devadiva 06-04-2010 04:03 PM

FRIDAY Having a Dizzy day will explain someday NOT a good thing only got one off my workouts in have to take care of myself today{I HATE THIS THING!}

JUNE 4 CLX intervals 45min =45min

Monthly Total =290
Have a great day DEVA

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