
  • This evening my gym had a Zumba class for the first time (there's already something called Brazilian Moves which apparently is slightly different). I'd done Zumba once before and I'm looking for more cardio to do, so I went along.

    Zumba is awesome.

    That is all

    Ok, I guess it has to be your thing. But I really really enjoyed it Yay for finding exercise that you enjoy!
  • What's zumba? I've heard about it a few times here, but never anywhere else. Idk if it's something available in my area, but tell me about it!
  • Zumba is an aerobics class that involves latin dance moves. I thought the class was odd because the instructor was silent just using hand motions to indicate what she was going to do next.

    Zumba was very fun and dancey. It wasn't enough of a workout for me but it was super fun. I love to dance!
  • Quote:
    Zumba was very fun and dancey. It wasn't enough of a workout for me but it was super fun. I love to dance!
    Wow, you must be in good shape, or our instructors are different, cause it definiely wears me out. Of course, I'm about 40 lbs heavier than you, and I have athritis in my knees.

    My wellness center started an Aqua Zumba class this week on Wed nights. I have no diea how that works, but I'm gonna try it next week. Hopefully it'sll be easier on my knees than regular Zumba.
  • It's basically an hour's dancing - not entirely non-stop (we could get some sips of water and had a minute or two to see some new moves) but pretty close. There were all ages and body types (and both sexes) in the group, which was really good to see - it's something I like about my gym There was also a broad range in co-ordination levels: some people seemed to have it down pat after seeing it just once whilst others weren't (yet) quite so deft.

    The only other time I've done Zumba was back in April. That is, nearly 40lbs ago! And yes, wow, it makes a difference. I mean, back then I also had fun, and rest assured I sweated a lot this evening, but I could really enjoy dancing this time round
  • I LOVE Zumba! Unfortunately my gym only has it once a week at a time I'm not working. I come out of that class completely soaked. It is fun but not easy at all, I don't think. You can modify moves to make it easier/harder.
  • That does sound fun!

    You know what it makes me think of (and maybe it is the same thing!)? That episode of Sex and the City when Carrie goes with Charlotte to that dance class where they had the scarves and stuff.

    I miss sex and the city
  • Zumba is a lot of fun. I find myself laughing at myself the whole way through the class. It's a real mood elevator even if it doesn't get my heart rate up like a step or spinning class.
  • Quote: Zumba is a lot of fun. I find myself laughing at myself the whole way through the class. It's a real mood elevator even if it doesn't get my heart rate up like a step or spinning class.
    Yea, I know that spinning probably burns more calories, but it didn't really interest me. I've only been once and don't particularly want to do it again. Whereas Zumba is fun! (for me, at least ) I'd rather do an hour's exercise which I really enjoyed, even though it might not be as "effective" as something like spinning.

    Besides, I cycle every day! Though not at spinning speeds
  • When I do Zumba, I remind myself of the episode of The Honeymooners where Ralph wants to learn how to do the mambo. I really am fairly coordinated but I look pretty funny trying to do the moves. I cannot make my hips shake like the teacher. She is also gorgeous with a great body - very motivational!
  • Quote: You know what it makes me think of (and maybe it is the same thing!)? That episode of Sex and the City when Carrie goes with Charlotte to that dance class where they had the scarves and stuff.
    I recall that episode only extremely vaguely but that was not Zumba, I think it was more like belly dancing.

    I am a total Zumba addict. I am lucky that our gym has a terrific Zumba instructor, she used to be an aerobics intructor most of her life and it shows (she has about as much body fat as Tara Dorres). Our classes very fast paced and totally pumped. I usually do 3 classes a week. She is now adding "Zumba toning" - I believe it is to be Zumba but with light weight exercise sticks to tone the upper body - I will take the first toning class next week.
  • I love it! I have been doing it for quite a time now, my instructor is fenomenal. She used to be a hip-hop choreographer and she really work us out. She also combines strength bands with some Turbo Jam and it makes the class interesting and sweaty. I'ts once a week and the rest of the week I do other stuff.

    BTW, I just came from vacations and need to start my weekly exercise routine tomorrow.