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sharongracepjs 09-23-2009 09:59 AM

Well, after a terrible horrible no-good very-bad emotional eating day yesterday, I feel great to have my normal (my new "normal"!) self back today. Good 2-mile run this morning.

Question for all of y'all. I really really want to try for a 10k. But because of various scheduling constraints, October 10 is the only weekend possible. Do you think that's too soon to be ready?

I'm moving to New York at the end of October and I would love to do a 10k with my running buddy. She is an old friend who has been a huge support in my healthy lifestyle change, and I'd love for us to have this one last challenge together before I head out of state and have who-knows-what kind of running experience during winter in a brand new city. So far I haven't found one in a do-able distance for either of the following two weekends. But I don't want to be unreasonable in my goals and expectations.

Let me know what you think - you're the Experts! :D

jayjay77 09-23-2009 11:12 AM

sharongracepjs -- loved your story on your first 5K! congrats! sounds like you're hooked. I live in NY and if you can survive Michigan winters you should be fine here. Are you moving to NYC or upstate? If it's NYC then check out New York Road Runners they sponsor tons of races and clinics.

iDream -- sounds like you are more than ready for the 5K... can't wait to hear about it!

mkroyer -- congrats on no smoking!

CakeBatter -- congrats on your time!

I really enjoy everyone's stories and hi to FatPants, loquaiousjogger, iriswhipers, midwife, TakingCharge, Ilene, momof5K, IdealMuse, Windchime and everyone else.

So I've decided to do the cross county 5K as my first 5K. Thanks for all the advice!! I live in NY and apparently they don't like to close the streets down too often so the 5Ks in Oct are primarily cross country runs on trails through Van Cortlandt park in the Bronx which is about 1150 acres and heavily wooded. I'm hoping it will be really pretty with the leaves turning color and that I won't die on any hills LOL!

mkroyer 09-23-2009 11:36 AM

Jay- you will do FONE on your 5k even if it iS cross country!! Any chance you might have the opportunity to train on sometrails before hand??

Sharon...Lets be brutally honest...October 10th is VERY close. That said, i trained for my first 10k in only about 2 1/2 weeks. I was not a runner before that and on a whim decided i would run the BolderBoulder. Best decision of my life!!! I WAS however, in really good shape when i started training (not running shape though). Im not saying youre not!! I have FULL confidence you can complete the full 10K on Oct 10th, but if you dont have as much time to TRAIN for it, then be prepared (ready, accepting) of the fact that it might not be as fantastic of an experience as your first 5k was (although a deeply satisfying and sense of accompolishment in its own right!) you will have to STEP IT UP running wise for the next couple weeks. The longest youve ran so far is a 5k? or no? Longer. ASSUMING the longest is the 3.1 miles so far, then i say TAKE thhe plunge and run 4 this weekend. Try to go for 4 again or even 4.5 DURING the week next week, and then next weekdn jump into a 5 mile run!! it will be hard, yes, but i think its your best shot. Try and get as close to the 10K distance as you can, as many times as you (safely can). no time to build up tolerance!! you can DO THIS! 5k-10k is NOT a huge leap..your body and legs are already used to the stress of running....... now you just have to make yourself do it PSYCHOLOGICALLY!! Please let us know what you decide. a 10k so soon is VERY exciting :)

Idealmuse 09-23-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by sharongracepjs (Post 2939342)

Question for all of y'all. I really really want to try for a 10k. But because of various scheduling constraints, October 10 is the only weekend possible. Do you think that's too soon to be ready?

I don't know your background well Shar other then the 5k, but my view on races is a bit different then other people as in I like to tackle longer ones without 100 percent guarantee I'm ready. If your body isn't ready for a 10k that soon it doesn't mean you can't participate it just means do what you can and if you have to walk the remainder, then so be it. (That is assuming your comfortable walking that kind of distance) Some people don't like to enter a race unless they know for sure they can tackle the distance w/ no walking. So really it's a personal preference thing. Are you ready maybe not the best idea, but it isn't out of the question. I did my first sprint Tri july last year (5k) and then a month later did double that distance at an oly (10k) but I was training for the longer one.

sharongracepjs 09-23-2009 11:49 AM

Jay - I've got 25 years of Michigan winters under my belt...but running in Michigan winters? 0 years! :D I am moving to NYC end of October - probably Brooklyn. Thanks for the reference!

MK - thanks much for the very honest feedback. That's kind of along the lines of what I was thinking - if we're very disciplined and don't let ourselves wuss out and keep upping our distances by little bits, we can do it!! We're doing another 5K this weekend, but starting tomorrow we will be getting up earlier, thinking of 3 miles as our baseline, absolute minimum distance to run and running a little bit farther every time (while listening to our bodies, of course! :D )

IdealMuse - For the 5K, I was dead-set on mastering the whole distance before the race, but for this, I feel a little differently. I feel like I need the big challenge to help keep me disciplined, even if I don't quite measure up by then. I'm ok with taking a couple walk breaks, during the event.

I know it will be hard, but I don't want to wait for spring. I want to keep building on my accomplishments now before I move and face winter running in a new city with no running buddy!

Thanks so much for the input. I will surely keep you all posted on our progress, and please keep chiming in with any advice or warnings. We're going for it! 10K by 10-10!

iriswhispers 09-23-2009 11:53 AM

Sharon, there are women training for the half marathon I'm doing who are planning to walk the whole thing. A 10k is 6.2 miles, and if you can FINISH it - walking or running (I'm sure you can, if you've been running for the 5k), why not go for it? I'm sure I'll be putting in my fair share of walking at the half marathon, but finishing will be a huge accomplishment.

Cake batter, congrats on your new pace!

Jay, the cross country 5k sounds really fun and like nice scenery. I can't wait to hear what it was like!

Idealmuse 09-23-2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by sharongracepjs (Post 2939484)
IdealMuse - For the 5K, I was dead-set on mastering the whole distance before the race, but for this, I feel a little differently. I feel like I need the big challenge to help keep me disciplined, even if I don't quite measure up by then. I'm ok with taking a couple walk breaks, during the event.

Yeah, that's how I look at it too... I use the race sign ups to keep me motivated. I'd go for it. You could even do planned walk/run intervals as a game plan if you need to. I'm not quite ready for my 15k on Nov 1st either. I've only done about 6.5 mi non-stop so far this year, but I'm working on dropping at least another 10lbs before then which will help and I'm running every other day.

mkroyer 09-23-2009 12:05 PM

CAKE-congrats on your new "comfy" pace!!!! you know all your hard work is paying off when your bace pace goes down without any effort!! When is your next race? whats the distance??

mkroyer 09-23-2009 12:08 PM

TAKINGCHARGE- i have found that when i run my intervals faster, my recovery pace will also be a little bit faster!! I think its because my legs are nice and loose after running fast and they naturally settle into a more relaxed faster stride.. Congrats on your awesome interval run....im glad my advice worked and i didnt kill you!!!! Keep working at it!!
-- Ive heard it said that runnign intervals, and working on your VO2 max and all that stuff is like putting your pennies in a piggy bank..overTIME it ADDS UP!! Im so excited for you!! when is YOUR next race?

mkroyer 09-23-2009 12:14 PM

To all of you who hate running in the winter or are worried about it!!!! :) ---- You have three choices.....#1) buy good cold weather gear and suck it up! (you get used to it, as long as its not DANGEROUSLY cold!!)
#2) Dedicate your winter to a overcoming the misery of treadmill running (my condolences go out to those of you who already suffer through it now...TakingCharge, im looking at YOU!)
#3) lose all of the hard work and effort and satisfaction and life changing GOODNESS running has brought you and wallow in your misery all winter while you gain weight and eat chile and xmas cookies!!! (i meant that to be funny and not so harsh--but the reality is that WOULD be harsh, and so sad if ANYONE of you take that path!! you are all wonderful, strong and most importantly HEALTHY woman now!)

CakeBatter 09-23-2009 12:19 PM

Mk - there is a 5k/HM this weekend. I can register thru tomorrow nite. I haven't made a decision though. And you know me....I'll be on the TM as usual. I only about one run a week outside now!!!

Sharon - I say DO IT! As stated before, walk run skip, do whatever to finish. It will build your confidence, give you time with your friend and a new race under your belt!

****Something I have noticed*****

I used to walk for about 5 min for a warm up. Recently I have been fast waking a lap and then jogging the next lap or two....THEN i start my workout. WOW that makes a tremendous difference for me. Like MK said I guess my legs are already loose and comfortably in a stride making it easier to go faster....I think I said that right....

mkroyer 09-23-2009 12:26 PM

Smoking (quitting)update-- As of this morning it has been 8 days without a smoke! I honestly have NO DESIRE to smoke, in the sense that i NEVER want to have to feel this way again if i were to start up and then try and quit later!! I feel like my best friend has died, and im sad--DEPRESSED. Aparently in the clinical sense (my pleasure center neuro-receptors(dopamine) are not functioning well at the moment due to the fac that it was NICOTINE that stimulated them, etc etc, lots of big sciency words).
I started Taking St Johns Wort, hoping it will HELP. My depression is manifesting itself in a lack of motivation, fatigue, and not taking pleasure from the things that USED to give me pleasure, ie RUNNING.
My trainer/coach got back from vacatioin yesterday and we met up and he basically B***C slapped me and told me what i already knew---- i HAVE NO CHOICE but to SUCK IT UP!! My marathon is in 3 1/2 weeks!!! YIKES. Now is NOT the time. I can wallow in my own self pity on Monday, Oct 19th. I am stresssed, un motivated, overtrained, injured and i only have 3 more weeks. He thinks this may also be my version of getting "cold feet". To be honest, i am not WORRIED about the marathon. I am worried about making it through tomorrows run, and fridays run, etc. He made me take today off from running, and tomorrw i am right back at my 12 mile threshold run, no matter how HORRIBLY it goes, or how badly i want to wimp out. He also pushed my scheduled 20 mile run this weekend to next weekend. He wants me to be able to be entirely focused and emotionally/mentally ABLE to have a great productive LAST run.....i am greatful for this. I was dreading having to try and tackle 20 miles this weekend when even a 12 mielr is so daunting.

I am physically able to run the marathon now. I just want it over with...... 3.5 weeks is nothing--so soon.....3 1/2 weeks is so far away.......

TakingCharge 09-23-2009 12:48 PM

Wow, so many interesting comments and stories!

Sharon - I'm so excited for your progress! 10K by 10-10! I love it. I'm running my first 10K on 10/11 so we can share stories that Monday! You can absolutely do it. Train your heart out (making sure to avoid injuries and listening to your body!) and you'll feel a great sense of accomplishment regardless of how you finish (run, walk, crawl...haha).

Jayjay - Good luck on your 5k

Cake - Awesome new pace! Running fast intervals is great and all, but speeding up your comfortable pace is so exciting and such a great marker of your growing endurance and fitness. Congrats!

Windchime and all other winter runners - I commend you all on your ability to run in such awful weather! I'm completely spoiled and refuse to run outside unless it's about 68 degrees and slightly cloudly (haha, not quite, but pretty much...). Honestly, the treadmill CAN be your friend, but make sure to put it on 1% incline to prevent injury and to better simulate outdoor running. It's also fun to play around with speeds to change things up. Also, a cool new exercise I've found is walking incline lunges, both straight ahead and sideways...does wonders for the thighs and quads!

Mk - 8 days!! 8 days!! :carrot: Having learned about the science behind smoking and quitting and all that, I know (though can't fully understand) how physically and mentally difficult this is for you. You're right, you're basically going through a chemical depression. Taking St. Johns Wart is a great idea, as is sticking to running, even though it may seem kind of miserable, but it'll get those endorphins going and eventually make you feel better. You're SO beyond ready for your marathon, so is there any way that you can shorten your runs just a bit so you don't dread them? Think back to your favorite runs...how long were they, where were they run, how did you feel? Maybe try to recreate one of those runs so you can get back to truly enjoying the running. I know a huge part of the marathon is the challenge and proving to yourself that you can do it, but I hope you try to enjoy the process too! You're right, only 3 more weeks, it'll fly by! But maybe try to really enjoy the next 3 weeks of your training and think of running as your gift, your joy, your release, your strength, and all of the other amazing things it's done for you up to this point. This may be WAY too sappy for someone going through nicotine withdrawl and feel free to virtually punch me (I won't be offended!), but just remember why you're doing all of this. And remember that you continue to inspire all of us every day! Thank you for your continued advice and support! I know I wouldn't be doing this well without you! :hug:

Quick 4 miles for me today. I could barely get my butt out of bed and so didn't wanna run, but of course, felt so much better after I did. Shocking, I know. Have a great day everyone!

mkroyer 09-23-2009 01:02 PM

"think of running as your gift, your joy, your release, your strength, and all of the other amazing things it's done for you up to this point"

--my new positive mantra..........

mkroyer 09-23-2009 01:04 PM

CakeBatter---- i havent registered for my marathon yet......

how ridiculous it THAT????/ nothing like waiting till the last minute!!
Seriously though, the registration fee is WELL over 100 dollars and i was waiting for my October 1st BONUS i get in my paycheck to cover it...

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