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CountingDown 05-09-2009 11:42 AM

Exercise encouragement for couch potatoes
For everyone that is dedicated to your exercise program, you can stop reading - this thread is not for you. I applaud your tenacity and commitment to exercise! You absolutely amaze me!

For all the couch potatoes out there that really hate to exercise, my advice is - DO NOT GIVE UP!

Move more - every day. Any way that you can. Keep trying new things until you find what "fits" for you. You will! I promise! Just keep trying! Don't worry about the rules, or advice from others. Forget those voices in YOUR head too - you know the ones - I'm not flexible, I'm too fat to ___. People will laugh, I'm not good at ___, etc.)

Spring is here - now is the time. Make a commitment to yourself to move your body more every day for a month. You CAN do this! And it could just change your life.

For anyone that likes to read sagas, my story is below:

I was dumbfounded recently when more than one person commented on my exercise schedule. They wondered how I motivated myself to exercise regularly. How I got to the point where I actually HATED to miss my workouts?

Who me? The person that for 50 years hated to break a sweat, got bored after 5 minutes on the treadmill, and never met a sport she liked? They can't be talking to me? Can they?

I was the queen of exercise avoidance!

I tried, I really did! I bought the bike, air-walker, weight machines, free weights, treadmill, Gazelle, ab thingies, and an Octagym.

I tried gyms, Jazzercise, running, biking, rollerblading, tennis.

In my workout room, I set up a tv, got a cordless video game controller, rented audio books.

I moved my equipment to the living room so I would have no excuse not to use it.

And - I STILL hated exercise. I suffered through it for several stretches. I persevered. Sometimes for days. Sometimes for weeks. Sometimes I even kept it up for months!

I knew it was good for me, but I just couldn't find anything that I really liked to do. It was a chore that must be completed - not something I looked forward to at all!

Of course, the problem was - exercise is important to weight loss. Exercise is essential, if your goal is health and fitness.

I finally had an epiphany (and it only took 50 years :lol:)!

I sat down and made a list of every single type of exercise I had tried.

I ranked them based upon, cost, availability, sustainability, what I liked about it, what I didn't like about it, and why I stopped doing it.

From this, I learned that I really don't do well with repetitive exercise. I don't like to have to "prepare" for my workouts, or plan a lot in advance. I don't like to have to drive to exercise. I NEED variety. I do best when there is an instructor to tell me what to do. I like a routine with a beginning and an end - something that makes it difficult for me to quit before I am done.

Next, I discarded all the "shoulds" I learned over the years. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes to get your heart rate up. You should get enough cardio. You should do intervals. You should exercise in the morning. You should exercise at night. You should lift heavy. You should lift light. The list goes on and on and on ...

Next, I made up a list of things to try that I had never done that sounded like something I might like: yoga, balance ball, stretchie band things, Walk Away the Pounds (there sure were a lot of 3FC raving about this one). I added to the list things that I had tried that well, I didn't hate - or actually liked in moderation (dance, weights)

Finally, I made a commitment to myself. I WOULD exercise 3 days a week for one month. I would try new things and give myself permission to discard something I didn't really enjoy doing. The key was that I had to keep trying. I could stop after 15 minutes, but the goal was 30 minutes each day. I could switch to anything if I really wasn't enjoying myself. The key was to have fun - to break away from the notions that exercise is work, boring, dreaded, etc.

I tried a few free workouts on Exercisetv.tv to determine what I enjoyed. Then, I ordered a few DVDs, and dusted off the weights and began my experiment. I quickly learned that the 10 Minute Solution, Dance Off the Inches, and the WATP DVDs were my favorites. I slowly added to my collection - variety was still a very, very important factor to keep the boredom level down.

I modified the routines that I couldn't do (steps were too complicated, too high impact, etc.) I laughed my way through some of the "hotter" routines (I will NEVER be able to shimmy properly). But, the real key here - is that I laughed - I had fun - I got a workout, and I enjoyed it. Something that had never happened before. I was actually looking forward to working out.

Over the next two years, I added in additional pieces - I found that I LOVE yoga, and the fitness ball. I still hate push ups and crunches. We got a Wii for Christmas and it has been a WONDERFUL fitness tool (my latest love is Cardio Shape Boxing).

Now - almost two years into this experiment, I love to exercise. I hate to miss a workout! Me - the exercise avoidance queen.

So, as I said above - keep at it. Keep trying new things. What worked for me, won't necessarily be right for you. Analyze what works and doesn't work for you - and don't give up!

EZMONEY 05-09-2009 01:29 PM

Now this is a :cheer3: SUPER WOMAN :cheer2:....

:listen: listen to her :wave:

Nell68 05-09-2009 02:02 PM

Dear CountingDown

Congratulations and thanx for sharing your experience with us ....

best regards

ShutterK 05-10-2009 12:39 PM

Excellent post, thanks for sharing your experience!!

midwife 05-10-2009 02:17 PM

Well, I'm glad I ignored your advice to stop reading! What a great post! Congrats on finding something that is fun and that works for you! Great advice too.....

Yesterday I was doing some agility exercises and I had a *blast*.....it was so so fun. Exercise can be fun!

ringmaster 05-10-2009 04:49 PM

great post! ... Good point to keep trying different things till we find what we like. something I read that helped me get moving recently; just do SOMETHING. I think we get so overwhelmed with what exercises to do, we do nothing but stand still and that gets people no where.

as long as we are doing something, whether it's walking, 10 minutes stretching, anything... atleast it's moving forward a little bit .

bopeep 05-11-2009 01:10 AM

Another vote for a great post!

For 20 years I went to the gym, and then quit. I did aerobics, and then quit. I started swimming, and then quit. I did weight machines, and then quit. Treadmill, exercise bike, rowing machine, stairmaster... Quit. I *always* had an excuse! And it made sense - I could not go because of "_____". and the blank spot always made sense if you didn't dig too deep.

Chore, chore, chore. Work, work work. Sing it!!!

It finally dawned on me as well, to look at why I didn't like going to the gym - why I didn't stick to it. It was because I hated the *going to* part. so I started doing stuff at home. I bought a few DVDs and some light weights and experimented. We bought an elliptical because DH was diagnosed with high blood pressure - but before we bought it, we sat down and examined DH's thoughts on what he liked and didn't like about exercising. The result was something we both enjoy.

But my biggest breakthrough was that I finally got the courage and acted on a long held, but supressed desire to learn to belly dance. I started last September, and it was like a bolt from the sky - I was in LOVE! I now go to 4-5 classes a week, and practice every day at home, and about the only way you will keep me from going is to break both my legs (and then I will probably still wheel my wheelchair there...). Nothing on this earth will ever stop me from going. I now understand why some people are so enthusiastic about running/swimming/whatever - when you find what you love, you feel like you can fly!

I wish I had learned this 20 years ago. But then again, learning what doesn't work for you can still be quite valuable - as long as you don't quit trying new things, you will eventually find something you love. It's never too late to try something new!


jab91864 05-11-2009 08:11 PM

Maybe there is hope I will find an exercise I don't absolutely hate...lol. Thanks for the encouragement !

Misora 05-12-2009 11:49 AM

If you like variety I love Netflix. They have a nice range of fitness dvds and if you don't like it you send it back and get a new one! I can't stay with any video more than a week or 2 before they start driving me crazy :P

kk140 05-12-2009 07:20 PM

wow, great idea! and congrats!

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