Sneaking in some extra exercise

  • You know, like take the stairs. Park far away from the store. Get off the bus one stop early.

    I've started to develop some little routines, mainly for when I'm stuck waiting somewhere. It helps with the boredom of waiting, but I think it also adds up to a little bit of extra exercise.

    When waiting for the bus, I'll do some calf rises or one-foot balances (when I feel like nobody's watching and/or I don't care if anybody does ), or I'll just contract my stomach muscles. Kegel exercises are also rather inconspicuous .

    Riding the bus, I'm sitting towards the edge of the seat, with my back straight, and try to keep as still as possible against the movements of the bus. Surprisingly good core activation - I got the idea from those Bosu boards in the gym.

    In the kitchen, waiting for water to boil or microwave to ding, I'll do squats, push-ups or triceps dips against the counter, some stretches... whatever strikes my fancy. With the microwave on, I'll try to hold a plank for the last minute or see how long I can hold a wall squat.

    What are your little extra moves?
  • I take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. I park in the farthest parking space anywhere I go. If I'm on the phone I'll pace around instead of sitting still. I stand and fidget instead of sitting when I'm waiting around for somthing. If I'm bored at home on the weekends instead of crashing in front of the tv all day I'll wonder up and down the aisles at a store, or go to the park anything to keep moving. When walking with my toolbag that weighs about 15-20 pounds I'll do bicep curls with it until I get from my car to where ever I'm going. That's all I've got so far!
  • I have heard that wearing high heels is also a little bit of a workout. I hope it's true since I wear them everyday!