flabby arms

  • I noticed that since I started loosing weight and exercising, that the back of my arms (where my triceps is) looks even more flabby..Am I doing something wrong ? My biceps looks kinda good though.
  • Sometimes your skin tone will look worse before it gets better.

    Have you been doing exercises that will help develop the tricep muscle?
  • I do push-ups for my arms, I don't know if this works my triceps or biceps.
  • well it'd mostly work your biceps and chest. Although pushups are great, its hard to rely on one exercise to work your entire upper body.

    I would do some tricep dips and look into things like tricep pushups (your hands are closer together to help work your triceps).
  • ok thanks a lot...i'll try that
  • Quote: I do push-ups for my arms, I don't know if this works my triceps or biceps.
    Push ups don't work your biceps. Biceps are a 'pull' muscle that work with your back muscles in exercises like rowing and chin ups.

    They work your pectoralis major (chest), triceps and anterior deltoids.

    Good tricep exercises:
    push downs on a cable machine
    kick backs with a dumbbell
    french press
    dips on a bench - or sometimes gyms have machines for this.

    Otherwise, an overall fat reduction would get the 'arm flab' down, since you can't spot reduce, only strengthen the muscle underneath.