What should i do now?

  • Okay so im getting pretty bored of my elliptical workouts.. Anyone have any suggestions for some new equipment i can buy that will be effective and fun?? The only catch it I dont want any bulky equipment because i would have no place to store something to big.
  • I dont know about equipment, but i had a friend give me an old, old Richard Simmons cassette tape. He talks to you while you walk to some totally 80's music. I got a kick out of listening to it in my car, and i think i might listen to it while on the treadmill. I also have workout DVD's by Gilad who totally kicks rear.
  • I LOVE workout DVDs. I am somewhat of a collector. I spend a lot of time on half.com and Amazon and collagevideo.com finding new routines that could be fun.

    Exercise.tv also has some nice workouts. I use them to search for new instructors that I might enjoy.

    My favorite videos at the moment are WATP, 10 Minute Solution series, Zumba and Dance Off the Inches series.
  • Add intervals to your elliptical work. Set the resistance really hard for 1 min, easy for 1 min, hard for 1 min, easy for 1 min, etc. Or go really fast for 1 min, slow for 1 min, fast for 1 min, etc. Do the intervals for 10 to 20 min, with a warm up and cool down. It's a much more intense workout so you don't have to work out as long. And since you are changing things every min, the time flies by. Studies have shown that intervals are more effective for fat loss than cardio at a steady pace.

    Buy a jump rope and a hula hoop (one of the weighted hoops used for exercise, not the type of hoop sold to kids). Jumping rope is fabulous cardio exercise and the hula hoop will make a good rest in between cardio sets. Add in some lunges, squats, a few push-ups, and you've got yourself a nice workout. There is a great jump rope workout at Self.com that you could easily add a few hula hooping sets to.