I FINALLY did it!

  • I have been trying to wake up at 5:30 on the weekdays to get in a 45 minute power walk before I go to work. I get SO lethargic during the day because I am trapped at my desk and get can't up. So I've been trying to get myself up early for the past month and I can never do it. My alarm goes off, and all I can think of is that extra hour of sleep and I roll back over.

    Well this morning I finally got out of bed and went for that walk. It was so refreshing and nice out that early that I think it will be even easier to get up tomorrow, and even easier every day after that.

  • I love early mornings. Once you get in the habit, you'll find yourself getting up early even on your days off just to enjoy the peace and quiet
  • Great job!
  • That is something that I always wanted to do and stick with it because I think it gets your day started and you get it out the way. Good job Hopefully I can start doing that as well!
  • Way to go! Studies show that people who workout in the morning, tend to stick to it more than at other times because as the day goes on, it's easier and easier to find out excuses not to do it. I don't always get my workouts in early, but your level of commitment to wake up that early is amazing. Just a thought: have you considered eating your lunch at your desk and then taking a little walk at lunch time too? It sounds like you're at a job where sitting a lot makes you feel lethargic..maybe a few extra walks could help with that feeling? Just a thought.
  • Yeaaaaah!! That's suuuch a great feeling. Hopefully it gets better from here on out! Congrats!!
  • I prefer to workout in the morning first thing, otherwise my day gets away from me....by the time I get home it's often 7PM or later...all i want to do is relax.

    I started setting my alarm a few mins. earlier each week after New Years...(because it was so dark, i never wanted to get up)...I have the coffee set the night before and now I get up at 5AM. that gives me enough time to take care of the animals, tackle a few house things and either get on the treadmill at home and do some free-wts. or take a good hour at the gym (which is less than a mile from home). i always feel better when i get into this routine, but the hard part is getting started and sticking with it 4-5X a week.
  • I actually do make it a point to take a walk during lunchtime if I can. Recently it's been SO hot and humid here though that it's just not plausibe, I'd come back in dripping with sweat.
  • oh yeah, I'm in central NJ, and the humidity makes it hard to breathe if you're outside....i have terrible allergies, which is why I opt for the gym or treadmill (along with the TV).

    but i've always preferred the morning workouts, because it's too early for me to think up an excuse and all those *success stories* on the info-mercials seem to motivate me....
  • That's great. I do the same thing, I'm getting up at 5:20 now. It does get easier. A couple weeks later it's a lot easier, a few months in and it feels normal. My appetite for sleeping in has kind of gone the same way junk food did - I hardly want it anymore (but still do once in a while).

    The single thing that works best for me - absolutely without fail get up as soon as the alarm goes off. Laying back down kills me. Pretty soon it becomes a habit - alarm, turn it off, stand up and into the bathroom. Sometimes I sit on the toilet with my eyes closed but by the time I'm done with that, washing, weighing and putting my workout clothes on straight away, I'm awake (not necessarily perky )

    The other important thing for me - consistency. I still get up early on the weekend. I don't set an alarm, but I don't lay around in bed. I was sleeping in until 6:30 or 7 but that didn't feel good, so now I'm moving it to 6 or 6:30, and hopefully 6 will become the norm on the weekend.

    And if I have a late night, I *do not* use it as a reason to sleep in. If I do, then I can't get to sleep on time the next night, and it's a vicious circle. Just get up early anyway, you'll be tired enough to go to bed early the next night, and you'll be right back on track
  • Congratulations!!! I am so jealous. I tried all week to get up and do it in the morning and I failed!! It is ok though because I still suck with it after work. But oh a perferct world for me, if there ever was one, is to be that person that gets up in the AM and gets it done. Thanks to everyones posts here I am gonna try again next week.
  • it helps to have animals....they appreciate routine. my 3 cats form a chow line in the kitchen when the coffeepot goes off. If i'm not there momentarily, they will wake me up anyway (in several noisy ways~one of them beats on the bedroom mirror which wall-mounted and thumps)
  • Quote: it helps to have animals....they appreciate routine. my 3 cats form a chow line in the kitchen when the coffeepot goes off. If i'm not there momentarily, they will wake me up anyway (in several noisy ways~one of them beats on the bedroom mirror which wall-mounted and thumps)
    My "girls" are 2 70+ lb doggies who are used to having their breakfast served at a specific time. Imagine the "several noisy ways" they can come up with I actually don't even need an alarm clock.