Just beginning..need advice

  • Hi everyone. I joined the gym last week. My excuse was not there anymore since this gym has daycare as part of the membership. I go 5 days a week. I do cardio and weight training 3 days a week and just cardio 2 days a week. I am only able to do 16 reps on each machine one time. I am building up to being able to do them 2x and then 3x. I am doing 40 minutes of cardio. A warm up on the recumbent for 10 minutes and then a brisk walk on the tread mill with changes in incline. I have 70 pounds to lose. Will I be seeing results with these exercises?

    Also, I am short. There are two strength training machines that emulate arm curls.m I find using these machines very uncormforatble because of my height and arm length. Can I strengthen my arms without using the machines? What exercises would I do for that?

  • Hi Sara - Take a look at the 'Ladies (and Gents) Who Lift' thread for great advice and ideas about strength training; any exercise will give you results, it just depends on what you are looking for - shape and tone? Weight loss?

    Good luck!