C25K Question

  • In week 5, the week I'm doing currently, the last day is a 20 minute jog...why do they go back the next week to doing intervals if you can do 20 minutes? I am sure there is a good reason for it, I would just like to know what it is, if someone can answer?
  • Just an educated guess here, form a C25K graduate

    I would imagine the main reason is to NOT push your body to do too much, too fast, so the start of week 6 continues to build endurance without injury. But trust me, there is an awesomely GREAT feeling in doing the 20 minute run... and then next week seems much easier!

    Anyone else have any thoughts?

  • That makes sense, Heather.

    I know that having just finished day 1 of week 4, I was really feeling it. The only other time I felt it was after the first day of week 1 (when I wondered just how far I'd ever make it--run 60 seconds--me?!?!?!). Now that you say that week 6 is easy in comparison to day 3 of week 5, well, it just motivates me more!!! Thanks!
  • I think it was a big push at the end of the week then they bring it down so you don't overdo it.