is fat always squishy?

  • I was trimming some steaks and it made me think -- is fat in us humans always squishy or can it be hard too? I thought of this question because the fat I was trimming off was really firm. I had always assumed that the fat on me was squishy but now I'm all .
  • You know, I have no idea - but I'd like to hear what others think! Interesting...
  • As far as I know, fat is always squishy unless it is under the muscle or between the muscle. It is the reason that some people can have a big belly but it is firm. Their fat is actually under the muscle.
  • Are you sure that some of what you were trimming wasnt cartilage?
  • And was the meat right out of the fridge or did you warm it up to body temperature first? If our bodies were at a steady 42-45 degrees like the inside of a refridgerator I'm guessing our fat would firm up in a hurry too

  • Hey guys, thanks for the replies.

    Thinking about it, I know some men who have big bellies that are very firm. I've never thought about whether women have the same thing going on. I only know my fat seems all squishy, and now realize how ignorant I am about this. Must do research.

    And yes, this meat had been in the fridge, so it definitely was not anywhere near body temperature.