Applied Nutrition Full Diet Pills

  • I'm not one to use weight loss pills, due to the fact that most are dieretics. However, I found these on the clearance rack at Walmart for $7, so I figured that I'd give them a shot. The theory is that you take the pills with water and they swell in your stomach and make you feel fuller.

    Today is my first day taking them. So far, I'm believing that they work. I took the pills about an hour before lunch. I was pretty much starving before I took them. By the time my lunch was ready, I wasn't all that hungry. I only ate half of the portion I had made for myself.

    Applied Nutrition Full Diet Pills

    I'll update over the next few days with my observations.

    Update: I do seems to notice a slight difference in appetite while taking these pills. I don't believe its enough of a difference to warrant paying for these pills though.