Every Other Day Diet

  • Good morning, I did a quick scan here and did not see this mentioned. Has anyone investigated this plan ? It seems based on healthy eating but with a twist to increase your metabolism. I am currently on the beach, but some of these " quick fixes " sure tweek the curiosity. Linda
  • I don't know much about the formal program. For quite some time I conciously zig zagged calories. One day I would be at 1100 and the next day 1500 for example. Now, I really find that if I have a high day, I naturally want less the next day if I listen to my body carefully.

    I would go about it carefully for certain. I think my fear would be that I would discredit my "diet" days by what I was eating "off" days. Would you track calories to be certain you were doing okay?
  • I haven't counted calories on the beach, but perhaps that would be a good option. I have seen mention of this EODD in many places online and have also heard of this " up and down " dieting method. You find that this helps you to lose your weight ? I find that I plateau and it makes me crazy, so if this would trick my body into losing on a regular basis but safely that would be a good thing. Linda