Has anyone heard of Prescript Fit?

  • My doctor wants me to try it.. Apparently she even did it at one point and lost 40lbs and kept it off... Just wondering if anyone knew of it or had tried it. the website is www.drdiet.com

  • I tried prescriptfit. The shakes are not very good and kind of pricey. I do know several people at work that are doing it and have lost a lot of weight. You have to have a lot of self control to stick to the shakes and slowly adding the other food groups back in.
  • Well.. I've done it for a week and a half... lost 5 lbs so far. The doc really wants me to continue.. I agree, it is a bit pricey (although I don't mind that too much, as long as I lose weight).. the shakes don't taste very good at all, but they do keep me full and I don't really struggle with thinking about food constantly(which may just be mentally blocking it since I spent so much on the darn shakes). I'm going to stay on it and see how I do.. Thanks for responding since no one else did, lol.
  • Eh, you need to be careful with this kind of thing. Anything that involves shakes and not eating regular protein, veggies and what have you can be good for awhile, but you could gain the weight back later. Just be careful, good luck.
  • Sounds like Medifast