How can you save a blog?

  • First of all, THANK YOU for having this blog site. I think the whole website is wonderful.
    I would like to save my blog - I've made a lot of posts - I don't want to delete it, just save the older posts. Is there a way to do this?
    I tried once upon a time using the RSS Feed (somehow), but there were all sorts of tags and things embedded in the text.
    Is there another way to do this?
  • Thanks! Maybe you could print the pages individually and put them into a binder? If you don't want to print the pages with the design (etc) then we could set it up so you could just print the text.
  • Suzanne, I think I have almost figured it out. I'm tired from my workday - maybe tomorrow I'll throw out the question of how to convert the xtml to the doc format.
    Meanwhile....I used the RSS feed in the meta options to pull out all my posts, then I saved it as Xtml, and from there saved to doc - this works, but you get all the tags.
    Then I tried to print the xtml doc - saving it to an mdi file. That comes out quite nicely.
    Last September, I tried the same thing and was successful, but have NO IDEA how I did it.
    Again - THANK YOU for the wonderful job you do.