Post-Medication Weight Loss

  • I was wondering if any of you who were dealing with depression and similar conditions have been put on any medication that caused you to gain a lot of weight. I didn't specifically have depression, but i've been diagnosed with similar things and I initially started gaining weight as a result of these medications.

    I was wondering if enough people had this experience and could share tips as to losing weight after being on medication. However, i'm not sure if my current overweight issues are from that, as I was on those medications a couple years ago.

    For anyone who has had these experiences, I have a few questions:

    Did you gain weight due to the medication or due to the condition of depression itself (or both)? I ask this because for me, when I was depressed and also had other symptoms, I was more inclined to stop eating than to binge eat. That's why they put me on medication that caused gain to begin with, because they thought it wouldn't matter if I gained a few pounds. Little did they know...

    Did you ever go off the medication, and if so, did you begin losing weight right away?

    And... if you didn't lose weight right away, what did you to in order to help lose that weight?

    I'm of the understanding that these medications mainly slow your metabolism, causing you to burn less calories and also make you more hungry. I remember when I was on them, I'd eat ENORMOUS amounts of food. One day, I ate a huge burrito, three bagels and practically a whole bag of carrots. I would eat anything I saw... even once I think I ate catsup right out of the bottle. I'm not sure if this was from meds or maybe just swiniging the other way in my eating

    I don't know..

    Any thoughts on this subject?
  • I ate with my depression. Gained 20# that took me forever to lose. Then last month I was diagnosed with depression and put on Wellbutrin. I have noticed that I eat smaller portions and I feel fuller longer. I hope you can find what is right for you! *hug*
  • I was on paxil for 6 months......I was manic........I was not overwieght and my house was never cleaner!

    Maybe I should do it again!

  • I heard some negative warnings on the news about Paxil for women. I forget what they said.
  • Ya it makes you want to clean your house!
