Reorganizing The Way You Eat

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    I found this article on the net, thought others might want to read it.

    Reorganizing The Way You Eat

    How does it look to handle nutrition unconsciously? Go to any grocery store, and you can find out for yourself. Watch people as they make their food purchases. Well over 95% of them are choosing unconsciously. They have commercials from mass media humming around in their brains as they select the foods they will eat. Make no mistake about it, if you buy it, you are much more likely to eat it than if you do not buy it. So, unconsciousness in nutrition begins and almost ends, with the purchasing process.

    Why do people buy what they buy? Besides, the hypnotic effect of commercials, which create the favorite brands of food people like to buy, they are looking for what "tastes good." What does taste good, and why does it taste good? As it turns out, tasting also is an unconscious process. Few people actually taste the foods they eat. What we "taste," instead, is the associations we have to a particular food. Those foods which, throughout our childhood, were given to us with love and affection, tend to "taste good." Those "special treats" they gave us "taste good" for a lifetime.

    Our parents and/or grandparents lived through the Great Depression. Sugar and candy were hard to get and expensive. To put psychological distance between themselves and that Depression they showered their children and grandchildren with sugar-candy: high-fat, high- calorie, expensive food products combined with much love and affection. Therefore, we developed an addiction for these foods.

    People are addicted to foods. You are addicted — strongly habituated — to the foods you eat. It is very much like smoking. Before Native Americans contributed tobacco to Europeans, Europeans did not miss having a smoke. There is nothing natural about the craving for tobacco (and the 200 chemicals added by the tobacco industry for taste and addiction). It is a learned habit, and it is associated with much more than the way the tobacco "tastes."

    The foods to which we are commonly addicted are those foods our parents gave us with love and affection. In some cases, you also are addicted to those foods you felt it necessary to use to rebel against your parents.

    There is a class of foods called "comfort foods." When you eat them, you feel more comfortable. You associate them with memories of being safe. Typically, these are high- carbohydrate, high-fat, high-calorie products that tend to be derived from grains, cereals and cows: breads, pasta, cake, cookies, ice cream, milk, yogurt; also chocolate. These are addictions probably equally damaging to your health as tobacco is for most smokers, yet you think of it as a healthy diet, because that kind of belief is the condition of mass consciousness around food.

    How does one interrupt these addictions? When you are ready to do it, here is the way, the truth and the light.

    Throw out all foods which are not supportive of real vitality.
    Do all your own grocery shopping.
    Purchase only those foods which are supportive of real vitality.
    Do all your own food preparation.
    Eat only at home (for a period of several months at least).
    Learn to appreciate the taste of these foods.

    If you live with someone who does not choose your method of nutrition, separate your food purchase, storage, preparation and consumption.

    (For a smoker who wants to stop smoking, a parallel method also is the way, the truth and the light.)

    Let us face it: if it never enters your environment, you will not eat it. Then your hunger becomes your friend instead of your enemy. If you become hungry enough, and you have only health-supporting foods in your environment, eventually you will eat them and learn to enjoy them. Eventually, you will learn to prepare these foods in special ways, with spices and special cooking methods to make them even more tasty. Finally, you will lose your desire for those foods to which you have become addicted and which damage your vitality.
  • very good article.
    thanks Leenie!
  • "Finally, you will lose your desire for those foods to which you have become addicted and which damage your vitality."

    I am praying right now that this will happen for me.