Afraid I will have a Negative body image after weight loss due to post prego body?

  • I kow this sounds stupid, but are any of you afraid of what your body will look like after the weight comes off? I have had three kids, all via c-sections... and my last one did a number on me. I have stretch marks on my legs, breast and stomach. I have never been above 225, but am afraid that I will have droopy skin, especially between the thighs. I want fit into my pre prego clothes again, but will that be possibly if I have extra skin? Plu, I really want to improve my sex life with the hubby, I hope my negative body will improve and not stay the same....
  • I hear you part of me is scared. I don't EVER remember being a "normal" size I remember 1 minute I was 90 lbs at 9 years of age then all of a sudden I step on the scale at 16 and was in the 200's somewhere (I don't know where I just know if was above 250) I didn't eat different than anyone else problem was I stayed home on the computer all night, I wasn't very social. This was my pcos that caused this and now I am scared I have tons of stretch marks EVERYWHERE and stretch marks don't really repair themselves :\ I am scared of what I will look like I will never be able to wear a bikini I know this But I dont want flaps of skin on my tummy etc either :\ I totally hear you.