3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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VermontMom 12-21-2010 05:19 AM

hello ladies -

Aunty Jam - I also sure hope that the friend can fix your vehicle. Or maybe go the route of the 2 new vehicles? I agree that the truck needs to go. Hope he feels that way too. So sorry you are at a point when you have to think of ultimatums.

buddly - Hi!!! been wondering how you've been coping. Of course it would be hard to focus on anything, I'm glad your girls are trying to enjoy Christmas.

emaline - I just saw your first post, the one you made before you joined this thread. Are you feeling any better, either in body or mind? I sure hope so.

and Hi :wave: to everyone else.

Aunty Jam 12-21-2010 11:59 AM

Hey guys... the truck will be going, we don't have a choice, we need 2 reliable vehicles and this is the only way it's going to happen. I don't think that guy is going to be coming over... he's been some what unreliable (like my car - hahaha), not returning calls and such, one time when he was supposed to be at our place hubby called him and he was drunk. Just yesterday he was caught stealing perkicet (sp?) from a co-workers duffle bag. The haven't called the cops yet but will if he won't return them. It's too bad for me car wise... cause what he had been able to help hubby with over the phone almost got it going. He's not a friend of ours, he's the mechanic at the dealership that the friend of hubbies works at/part owns. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want him for a friend!

I don't know what to do as far as the ultimatum.... half of me thinks it will get his butt moving.. the other half thinks it would damage our relationship beyond repair no matter what happens. Another part of the problem is that I can't get by without him financially anyway. He does bring in some money.

Buddly - Don't let him spoil it for you, he's not worth it. Can I have some cookies? Please?

ChickyMonkey 12-21-2010 01:23 PM

Hello, all--I just joined this forum after reading through some of the posts in this category. I feel that I really relate to all of you, and am so happy to have found a forum with lots of activity.

I have struggled with my weight for years and years--really, I guess, my whole life. I had a great deal of success with weight loss about 2 years ago when I lost around 80 pounds, but ran into some financial difficulties, couldn't afford my gym membership, and backpedaled a great deal. This year, in January, my doctor recommended that I take an SSRI to assist with depression, which I did. I gained about 35 pounds in 9 months, then went through the misery of tapering off the drug, and am now trying to regroup and restart.

I remember that a key factor in getting my weight loss started was my participation in a different forum. I learned a lot there and enjoyed the friendships and relationships that resulted. For some reason, there is very little activity there nowadays, and none of the people I knew, so I decided that a fresh start somewhere else would be good--so here I am!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all! I am most working on trying to forgive myself for screwing up and getting fat again, so I can free up some emotional resources to get un-fat again (or at least less fat! ;))

Stepping Out 12-22-2010 04:31 PM

Just stopping by...
It's been a long time since I've posted here..probably over a year. I still check up on the forums pretty regularly. There's a lot of new people here..and a lot that have left since I last posted. :carrot::carrot: to all who are succeeding; :hug:to all who are struggling..and a MERRY CHRISTMAS :tree: to everyone!

hope4me 12-22-2010 10:31 PM

Hi Stepping Out, I remember you. It's good to see you again.

Again, welcome to all the new people. It's good to have some new faces here. I hope you all stick around.

I'm sorry I've been here so infrequently and really haven't said much. I think things will slow down a little after the holidays. I hope so because I just can't hold my eyes open when I get home because I'm so tired.

Well, I'm going home till Monday to see my mom and probably won't have internet access. So MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and things start to look up for you all soon. I'm so grateful for you all!! Thank you all for listening to me the past year and giving me something to look forward to everyday. :grouphug:

BellaLucia 12-23-2010 06:52 PM

Good for you ChickyMonkey, no regrets!

momof4under5 12-23-2010 08:23 PM

Craziness of Christmas....not much to say...soooo consumed with getting stuff done!!!

Hope everyones doing ok and hanging in there!! Hope you all have a blessed Christmas. I know some have had a rough year...not just a few bad days but some events that have just been hard...I hope your able to find some joy in the things you do have!!! Sometimes simple things like that is hard!

We didn't get our Christmas bonus but my husband is thankful to still have a job. They company in 20 some years has NEVER not given a bonus. Thank God I already had the kids mostly done and then we got two checks we weren't expecting. Then the big gifts for the kids were both on clearance and ended up saving like $45 there....so I know God was helping us!!!

Find something to be happy for and forget the bad just for a little while!!!

VermontMom 12-23-2010 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by momof4under5 (Post 3618382)
.I hope your able to find some joy in the things you do have!!! Sometimes simple things like that is hard!

Find something to be happy for and forget the bad just for a little while!!!

momof4, you are wise beyond your years, AND a sweetheart. That is fantastic advice and I know I am sooo thankful for this forum.

buddly 12-25-2010 05:19 AM

Merry Christmas!!Wishing you all the best, everyone!!

hope4me 12-25-2010 02:47 PM

:wreath: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :wreath:

It's snowing here and really beautiful. I hope you all are having a great day.

Leenie 12-25-2010 04:11 PM

Merry Christmas Everyone

momof4under5 12-25-2010 11:32 PM


Had a long but good day!! I think next year we will wrap 10 presents a night and cut them all loose from the packages and put batterys all in then wrap! That way we don't spend a whole day cut toys from boxes, putting batteries in, assembling things!! I FINALLY tonight got a little time to play with each of the kids...I cleaned up downstairs and then went to each room to check on things!! I was way more prepared this year by cleaning toys out the week before and getting everyone totes for toys...They each just brought their tote down and after we broke the stuff free from the package it went in their tote!! So that was nice...Just a big mess of everything else!

I am exhausted and still have to prepare for kids church tomorrow. They just asked me on Wed to do it...I am sooo exhausted so I hope I can figure out what I want to do and do it!!

Vermont-aww thanks...I have had people tell me that before....but I think it all just comes from going through things and getting a different out look! I sometimes have to take a step back n smack myself upside the head. I get so involved in the things that are negative in my life that I don't even see the positive!

Oh I WAS SOOO MAD LAST NIGHT....my foster daughter text me about a question and I asked her what she was doing for christmas. She said her mom told her shes to old for christmas (shes 17). All she got for christmas was $20 so her and her boyfriend just decided to spend the day together watching movies and she didnt even stay at her moms house....i dont blame her I wouldnt want to sit there and watch my sis and brother open gifts while I got nothing. She lives like 2 hours away so we are going to have her down for a day because I have some thing I know she needs and I wanted to get her!! Its just WRONG how parents can write off their kids like that. CHRISTMAS is CHRISTMAS and FAMILY is FAMILY...Teens are a handful..they are growing, learning, and trying out their wings...you have to have patiences and A LOT of forgiveness!!! NO teen (or anyone else) should feel so unloved on Christmas...
It makes me wanna just snatch these girls up and show them they are worth it and they are lovable...ewww it makes me mad that parents cant or wont show them unconditional love..and hurting for those that feel no one loves them cause no on bothers to show them...
OK jumping off the soap box....teens esp teen girls are my passion and calling. I know God has us as youth pastors for a reason. There is a love I have for these girls I cant explain. Several of them call me mom. When we go places I have had people as which kids are yours and of course they chime in "Im the oldest" LOL They just want to feel loved and like they belong...ok ok Im done!!! lol
Have a great day after christmas...LOL

I also am thankful for all of you here!!

emaline29 12-27-2010 03:25 PM

VermontMom - Thankyou for your kind thoughts.

At last I am feeling somewhat better. My back pain never goes away but stress does make it worse and the thought of spending xmas on my own coupled with being indecisive about whether to travel or not made things much worse as it brings back such bad memmories of a violent and drunken OH.
It's nice to come to this forum and know that others are thinking of you even tho' we don't literally know each other. Receiving warm wishes and hoping to encourage others as well is such a tonic!

Happy New Year to one and all!!

somethingnew 12-27-2010 04:46 PM


BethC 12-27-2010 09:12 PM

Happy Holidays everyone! I have posted here before, but I wanted to check-in and say Hi. I'm in NYC and we've been snowed in for 2 days. I actually was thrilled to leave the house to go to the chiropractor today! I'm hoping tomorrow will be better!!
Have a good day everyone!

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