New here

  • Hello all, I am new here and I think this site is very cool. I just started nutrisystem, I have like 120 pounds to lose. I have tried alot of diets and I pray this will work, I have high blood pressure, and on two meds for it, but still some days its still high, I also have very, very bad anxiety and panic attacks and of course depression comes with it, I do work, but when I am not at work I lay in bed, I just cant seem to get control over my life,
    I am very glad I found you all, I have been on alot of forums but this ones seems to have all the issues I am dealing with.
    Will be glad to get to know you all..
  • Hi louwho, This si a great place for you. There are lots of topics and the boards are always changing. Pick your boards and jump in, some of them are quieter than others. It really depends on the time of day I think. 100+ is always jumping.
    Good luck and welcome to the boards
  • LouWho

    We're glad your here too. There's a monthly post you can join if you wish, the ladies there are amazing. These chicks really understand and they offer such love and compassion.... very cool !!

    Good luck with NutraSystem, it does work, I went on it years ago, like in 1992... did good with it

    Anyway, I'm glad you joined 3FC's .... your gonna have fun here
