3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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MsRD 12-04-2004 06:27 PM

Happy Saturday :)

Today is WI day.....and the scale is the same as last week. That's ok....I guess..:sorry:..too many splurges in the food department this week.... and not enuf water. I have to get it thru my thick skull that I have to be OP *every* day....not just when there isn't a dessert around! Vigilance!

Julie.....I agree with Joy....you have to *make* time for you! I used to notify DH and kidlets that the 'next 30 minutes' (or afternoon or whatever) was MY time......I was not to be interrupted by them, except for fire or arterial bleeding. And then I stuck to it! It is amazing.....you will find the family will manage quite well without you..:idea:..and you get a mental health break!

Kelly.....glad to hear you had such a good day. I think I may pick up on your cleaning exercise regiment..:dancer:...both the house and I could use it!

Sassy......loved your cheerleading post! It made me smile! :) WE CAN DO THIS!!

Cybele.....Welcome aboard! What weight loss plan are you working with?

Dill.....come on now, chickie, don't lost your perspective! :halffull: Remember, there are those of us who would kill (or at leat maim!) to weight 138 pounds again!

It is inventory time at work..:spin:..absolute madness! I have worked nearly 60 hours this week....and am looking forward to tomorrow off!

clipper 12-04-2004 08:14 PM

This sounds like the place for me!!! I need "MOTIVATION", big time! I've been a WW gal for 25 years. I've also gained and lost the same 10 pounds a gazzillion times... I never learnt on WW, how to maintain my weight, once I lost it. I was a smoker for 27 years. When I quit 4 years ago, I found out how much I used butts to help control my weight. I would love to get this 7 off, and keep it off.
- I will stay within my 23 pt. range each day.
- I will get to Curves or walk 6 days of the week.
- I will drink waayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more water.
-I will remember I'm going to Mexico in Jan. and how I want to look trimmer in my trunks!
I'm looking forward to doing this with you..

lameducklucy 12-04-2004 08:15 PM

GAAAH!! I'm back. :D

Okay. So I just wasted $50 to go to an idiot dietician. UGH.

AND I WOKE UP AT 6:30 ON A FREAKING SATURDAY FOR IT!!! :lol: If I wasn't nicer... I'd be really pissed off right now, chickies!

"Oh, you have the perfect diet and you know what real serving sizes are and you're not freaking STUPID! I don't know why you can't lose weight. Your diet is perfect and I just ate $50 of your well-earned money so that you could get up early and come here and waste 2 freakin' hours while I explain to you what a serving size is and you epxlain to me that you know this and then you show me your stupid food journal for the 3 days and I'm like, wow, she already does it the right way." -- what she would say if she had a brain. I consider her robot idiot woman at this moment.

I know. I'm cranky and tired and whiny, my chickies. :) Just seems like a huge waste of my sleep, my day, and my money to have someone tell me that crap. AGH!

Anyway, so I just keep on doin' the same ol' crap, I guess. Until I go back to the doc, at which point I am basically demanding that he give me SOMETHING, because if not, I may be forced to go merchant of venice style, my dears. :lol: (Haha, I would seriously never EVER cut out a giant chunk of my body. That's NUTS!)

SO anyway...

No workouts allowed until Jan 1st. At that point, I'm allowed, but I have to be careful. If the foot hurts, 0 exercising allowed. :( *sob* I MISS ENERGY!!

Working as the data entry temp, getting paid way too much (i love it!) and basically not around a lot.

Our stupid crappy computer has XP on it, which I consider to be a very well-respected virus distributed by Microsoft. :lol: (Jennifer, I bet you know what I mean! haha!) So after years of working juuuust fine, somehow, it reverts to just-installed stage and tells me that I need to activate it. UH, I DID THAT IN 2002 YOU FOOL! :lol: So we had to crack it and beat the stupid thing up before it'd let us back onto the drive. Now I'm back. YAY! :D

Other than that, doin' okay here. Foot hurts, gonna go back to the doctor in a week here for the followup on it and tell him that it still hurts and I want the foot specialist. I don't care if I have to wear a boot. I'm sick of it hurting!! So for right now that's basically it.

I'll be around more often, I swear, my chickies! :D Hope you're all having a totally not-as-stressful-as-mine weekend :lol: and take care! :D

hikein2005 12-04-2004 10:39 PM

Saturday Evening Check In
Checkin In! It’s late on Saturday, but I haven’t been feeling compelled to write since my last depressing entry on Thursday night…until now! I started a couple of times, but didn’t have anything positive to say!

Really and truly, for those of you who do not know me well, I am NOT usually as pessimistic! It just has been major stress since my job changed a month or so ago! So, I am going to try to make some changes and appreciate what all of you have said.

I gotta say, though…Joy…I was a bit offended AT FIRST when you said that I needed to “Focus on what you give not on what others don't.” But then, I got to thinking about that, and realized that you are soooo RIGHT! If I can find some joy in what I do for others, then why should I think about what others are NOT doing! That combined with something my Director told me the other day when I was stressing about how much I have to do…she said “It can only get better!” AMEN!!!

So…I’m back! I may not be back into the groove for a while with diet and exercise, but my spirit is back and I am going to think more positively and optimistically about life in general! I am going to enjoy each moment with my residents at work and with my family when I get home. I am going to go to the “Thankful Thread” and journal every day until I can come up with 3 things I am thankful for about that day! Anyone care to join me? Some days it’s a struggle to come up with three, but other days, three seems so pitiful!

I am really just “watching it” with food through the holidays…not getting too carried away with sugary sweetness and fried foods, but really need to up the water and I do need to do some form of exercise every day…besides my usual walking at work!

Please help me keep my goals and my reason for doing this in perspective. I know that a journey of a 1000 steps was made with the first step. I’ve taken that step….over and over…and I will continue until I reach my destination!

Lucy…glad you are back!

Thanks to all you chickies who inspire me daily! I may not comment, but I am hearing you and cheering you on and encouraging you! We will all do this together! Thank you for not being judgemental and for being who you all are!

hikein2005 12-05-2004 11:56 AM

Morning Chickies!
I woke up this morning with a sore throat and feeling just yucky in general. So I am taking it easy today! DD is outside playing with the neighbor girl and hubby is vegging in the family room to a movie! So we are all, at least happy with our day! :)

I may go for a walk later today if I get done all the things on my list, although I do know I need to take/make time for myself and those things that are a priorty! So, I should re-word that...I will PLAN to go for a walk this afternoon! I've left last night's dishes in the sink...wondering if anyone will notice when they run out of dishes! :D

Food today, so far includes a bowl of Smart Start w/ 1/2 cup milk, some (a serving portion) chips and low fat mozzarella cheese & salsa!

Water: 8 oz. so far, but I've had a cup of coffee w/ creamer! I need to chug the water today and see if I can kick this bug before it gets the best of me! ;)

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Hugs to all!

gabwill 12-05-2004 09:18 PM

Well, I haven't done anything since wednesday. I have been watching what I have been eating but that is all that I have been doing. Not so good on my part but I am promising myself that in the morning I will get up and run for atleast 30 minutes. Other then that I am not promising anything to myself besides to get off of my butt for atleast 5 other days.
I did weigh in today and I am down 1 lb. That is real good for me. Hope that I can do the other 4 lbs in the next 26 days. That would be ideal. I know that it won't be done if I don't help myself so I WILL do atleast 6 days of exercise this week. 3 of running or intervals and the other 3 of whatever is wanted that day but atleast 30 minutes. Only time will tell if that happens. I need to do this though. I am tired of complaining about it. I realized that I really can't complain unless I am doing it and it isn't coming off. Anyway, that is all for now.

squabb56 12-06-2004 01:55 AM

Hello all :wave:

I can't believe I didn't post yesterday or .... maybe I can... I think I was up to about four glasses of wine before I signed in last night. Needless to say I wasn't too focused.

Had a good day yesterday. No exercise but eating was OP. Worked very hard during the day cleaning up.

DH came home and we decided to go out for something to eat. Ended up having "baby" lazagna & a medium athenian pizza (I can't belive I was too full to eat more after one piece) and two glasses of red wine. Of course we brought the left overs home and I had another piece of pizza later. But all and all I don't think it was so bad for a "treat night"

Today more cleaning. Hubby did outside windows I did inside, as well as other cleaning and laundry. I'm trying to organize and de-clutter.

Eat was well OP today. Currently 10:20 and I have used 24 of 28 points.

I feel like I had a good and productive weekend. I'm actually feeling pretty up right now. It's so much easier than being depressed.
1. Stay OP: :yes: :yes:
2. Exercise; :nono: :nono: but lots of housework :yes:
3. Water/Tea: :nono: :yes:
4. Touch Base: (good or bad) :nono: :yes:
5. Journal::nono: :yes:
6. Become better organized : :yes: :yes:
7. Keep five pound goal in focus: :yes: :yes:

I plan to do well tomorrow. I need to focus on some arobic exercise. It's supposed to snow tomorrow, so I don't know what I'll do..... might have to dig out the old nordic trek or exercise bike. :lol3:

Gabwill - WTG on the one pound gone forever :bravo: :cp:

Hikein - Hope your feeling better.... try some mega doses of echinacea if the "cold" bug has got you. I find it helps me if I take it as soon as I feel a cold begining.

Lucy - Its too bad that you had a bad experience with your dietician. When I went - it was a group thing - I found that she provided great information. But I guess when it comes down to it we need to practice ongoing healthful eating and be more physically active to be successful. :shrug: Take care of your foot.

Welcome Clipper :cb: Are you following the flex or core program on WW? I quit smoking six years ago, I was about 50 pounds overweight then and have put on anothe fifty or so since. Good for you not letting it get out of hand. I'm sure if you keep your goal in focus, follow program, drink your water and keep up your exercise pace you'll have no problem with the seven pound loss before your (I'm turning green here) vacation in Mexico next month. :twirly:

MsRD - a stay is not a gain. Good for you maintaining on such a busy week

Well hugs to ((((( everyone )))))


hikein2005 12-06-2004 01:52 PM

Monday, Monday!
I worked 1/2 day this morning and came home and made a big pot of broccolli/veggie cheese soup! It is yummy! Would love to share a bowl with you all! Not hard either. I'll post my "recipe" on the recipe thread if anyone would like it!

Didn't get in that walk yesterday, but kept plenty busy! Today I'm going to go work out after I finish putting labels on the Christmas cards! Other than the soup today, I had a Zone bar and coffee for breakfast. About 16 oz. water so far! Gotta start chugging! Also having some cottage cheese with my soup!

Supper tonight will be more soup, I think! It's a soup kind of day here...rain mixed with snow...dreary!

Hope all are having a good day! :)

Joy...I've got some green tea also and some Chai tea bags that are pretty good! Maybe will go make some when I'm done here!
4 glasses of wine???????? Girl...I'd be passed out! LOLOL!!!! :lol:

Gabrielle...your plan sounds solid! Stick with it...you are almost there! Can't you taste it????? :cbg: You keep your routine and you will do what you need to get done! Go chickie, go!!!!

LKTS 12-06-2004 03:55 PM

A quick update with my original goals and how they're going:

1. Food perfectly on-plan from 12/2-12/19 (includes 2 free meals a week)

Got a cold Thursday, so was inconsistently on plan through the weekend. Back to it now, though, and did my food prep yesterday.

2. Drink > 2L water / day

So far so good.

3. Officially join the gym & follow exercise plan (3 days weights & HIIT, 1 day pilates, 1 day hiking, 1 day Nia)

I decided I'm going to put off joining the gym this month and do it after the beginning of the year. Instead, I'm going to do my workouts at home on M/W/F. I'll have to miss this week's Pilates but will be back next week. I'll see how the grad paper writing goes as far as weekend activities.

4. Work to get below 200# by 12/19

Well, not yet ;)

5. Reduce caffeine intake to 2 green tea / day and stop buying diet pop

Bought my last 12 pack on the weekend, and am tapering off.

gabwill 12-06-2004 08:05 PM

Well I did my run!!! I did 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. I felt like I had another mile (atleast) in me but my daughter decided she didnt' want to be in the garage at all. I should have just done it this morning when my husband was here and available to watch her. I decided to be lazy and wait until this afternoon though. Oh well. I run again on wednesday so that will be a day when I get him to watch her for me instead of doing it after he leaves. Proud of myself though that I didn't stop in the middle. Did the minimum I needed to do and may even go in there tonight and walk a little but I doubt it. If my daughter gives me as much trouble as last night, that is definitely out of the question.
And thanks for the encouragement Hikein and Joy.

MsRD 12-06-2004 08:45 PM

Hello All ! :wave:

Today was great! Breakfast was cereal & milk & tea, lunch was applesauce & granola bar & orange juice, dinner was chicken stirfry and rice...and I am positively gurgling with the water I drank today! Gotta keep on plan.....this week is shaping up to be quite busy.....I have 3 Christmas parties, a doctor appointment, an after-work meeting, and somewhere in there I have volunteered to babysit DGS..:spin:..along with the usual 45-50 hours at work. Sheesh!

Clipper....welcome! I really think we are all good at losing weight..:halffull:...but lousy at maintaining the weight loss!

Lucy....sorry the meeting with the dietician didn't meet your expectation.....however, she did reinforce the fact that you are doing everything right, if that is any consolation. I know you miss your workouts...:strong:....ever think of just getting down on the floor and doing situps or crunches or just workout out with some hand weights?

Julie....sounds like you got yourself back thinking right again! That broccoli/veggie cheese soup sounds so great...:hungry:....please post the recipe!

Laura....you are doing so well keeping up on your goals! :) I wonder if the gyms will be offering some January 'deals' to accomodate all those New Years resolution folks?

Gabwill......sounds like you had a good run. Congrats on the pound lost!:cp: There is no stopping you now! 2.5 miles in 30 minutes is really moving! You go girl!

Got a list of stuff to do before tomorrow.....aerobics right on top of the list! :dancer: Have a great evening!

sparked 12-06-2004 09:52 PM

Why is it that every time I am totally motivated and ready to kick butt at these goals of mine something (like Tom's monthly visit) totally knocks me on my a$$??? I've been doing good foodwise, but exercise - forget about it. I haven't been immobile (been a cleaning fool (seems everytime I clean bf and d just mess it up again)), I just haven't exercised. Another change of the season (fall into snow) so Tom is hitting me heavy. Anyway, food for today was 1 cup black coffee, 2 hardboiled eggs for breakfast, about 4 oz of grilled steak, 1/2 cup green beens, 1/2 cup teriyaki rice, 1 cup salad w/ romain, ham, hb egg and ff cheddar and a cup of milk for dinner. Of course I finished my d's rice for her. I'm sure Lipton rice isn't the healthiest. Oh well, if that was my only downfall foodwise today then I don't feel so bad. Water wasn't that great, 1 had 20 oz at work and am working on 20 oz now. Need to step that up. I don't drink soda or anything so the only two things I drink are water, milk (1%) and occasionally coffee. Anyway I plan on staying awake after bf leaves for work and doing 2 to 3 mile WATP and some floor exercises. If I can just make it a habit of doing that every day I will be the happiest person in the world. I have 2 hours after bf leaves for work before I have to leave the house. Note to self *Get off you A$$ and start moving!!!! I was thinking last night about going low carb, even checked out some South Beach recipes today but I'm not too sure. I still think that if I can control my portions that I won't do so bad. I still need to start making sure I have breakfast and lunch though. If not I go buck wild when I get home from work.
Hope everyone is getting on good. I haven't had a chance to read any entries with all the cleaning and holiday decorating and what not but as soon as boss's trial is done I will have some free time at work to read through. Happy Weightloss everyone!!!!

squabb56 12-06-2004 11:31 PM

Hi Everybody :wave:

Hey, Kelly -- don't stress - you'll do what you can when you can. I'm sure you'll be back to your exercise plan as soon as TOM allows. WTG! You didn't use TOM as an excuse yourself to overeat. CHUG that water, it'll help ease the pain of TOM.

MsRD - What's your plan of action for the three parties? :cheers: I'm sure DGS will help you get your exercise in. How old is he? I'm sure you can find an activity that you both can do and enjoy! :high:

Gagwill - You continue to impress me. I don't think you need to worry about only getting your minimum run of 2.5 miles in 30 minutes in today. You just got in there and got it done, it could have been easy to use an excuse after dealing with a troubling night with DD. I would try to use your running time as time to focus on yourself... better idea to do it while you can concentrate on your running and not be distracted.... make an appointment with yourself on Wednesday at the given time, smake it something you can't put off until later in the day.... Just some ideas that may help....

LKTS - I'm finding it helpful to review my goals on a regular basis too. Sounds like you're getting right back on track.

Hikein - During this cold and damp weather we a pot of soup on the go most of the time. I kinda think of it as "hot salad". It's nutritious and warming. I came across a recipe for soup on a box of tea the other day, it's chamomile tea, califlower, celery and onions (if I remember correctly). Sounds different, I'll let you know how it is. I've been busy with cleaning for the holidays too. I need to get my cards done and mailed as well, especially out of town cards. DH has family in Yellowknife, NWT and in the North in Prince George, BC. And I have an uncle in northern Aberta.. Better do it tommorow. I tried making Christmas cards with stencils this year. I made a few and then when we were at the store the other day DH "gently" suggested we buy some.... my homemade ones were pretty lame.... I guess I need some practice with my artistry... :lol:

AFter all my good feelings and optomism yesterday .... today I feel "poopy". Achy, cold, lack luster, tummy full of gas, etc. Came home from work at 1pm. Kinda laid around, slept and watched TV. Dr. Phil had a weight loss challenge going on between two families... will be checking in throughout the season.... could be interesting. Most of the time I can't watch because I'm at work.

So this is how my day has gone....
1. Stay OP: :yes: 25/28 points so far
2. Exercise: :no:
3. Water/Tea: :halffull: 4/8 so far
4. Touch Base: (good or bad) :yes:
5. Journal: will do after this post :yes:
6. Become better organized : did some reading today :halfempty:
7. Keep five pound goal in focus: :yes: we'll see on Wednesday....

Well that's it (enough) for now... off to do my journal

hikein2005 12-07-2004 06:28 AM

A few thoughts...
I was just reading an article How to keep control through the holidays which had some good tips for all of us...most of them we know! But a nice refresher through the holidays!

Up early today! I went to bed at 8pm last night but it was NOT a restful night! :( Hope I can make it through this day at work! I mean, I know I can...I just hope that I can keep myself in check! You know! ;)

Joy...4/7 still is above 50%, so keep trying! You are doing good chickie! Hope you are feeling better! I've got that "head cold feeling" today too and I think TOM is lingering somewhere around the corner! ;)

Kelly...your food plan sounds awesome! I wish I had the motivation to cook healthy every meal, but it does take planning and preparing! Not something I have much time for these days, but I'm trying! Gonna do a crock pot something today for supper tonight!

MSRD...I hear ya on the busy schedule! You work a lot of hours! Refresh my memory...what is it that you do again? I have something planned every night this week including Saturday and Sunday! Geesh! This is a busy time of year! I hope we both can find some "me" time in the schedules!

Gab...Yea on the 2.5 miles! Job well done chickie! Give DD a hug from me! :)

LKTS...One day at a time! You are doing super! Keep up the good work!

OK...Gotta go get some breakfast & sip on some Chai tea! Mmmm!

Hope you all have a great day!


LKTS 12-07-2004 12:15 PM

Yesterday was good - on plan foodwise, had a tiny bit of eggnog late at night but I stayed up till midnight so that's not too bad. Did my LBWO and cardio. Have my food planned for today and even get a free meal somewhere in there.

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