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Weekend Boater 01-20-2017 04:32 PM

Hi ladies, Happy Friday night!

Hope you are all doing well. I felt much better today! I went to bed early and slept well and boy what a world of difference. I felt much more energy today and got my workouts done. We are going over some friends tomorrow night and they are making OP stuff...I can't believer it! They are so nice! I didn't want to trouble them. Anyways, whatever you all do, I wish you a happy and fun and healthy weekend and I look forward to us catching up soon!

LurchMomma 01-20-2017 06:02 PM

Hi Weekend Boater!

God bless you for being so tenacious! Have a great time tomorrow night! I've been walking and logging a deficit on MFP, but no movement on the scale lately. Have a great weekend. I'm preparing for my weekend marathon. Thanks for thinking of me last weekend. It was especially awful. LOL.

Weekend Boater 01-20-2017 06:33 PM

LurchMomma Thanks for the encouragement and support. Of course I thought of you! I am sorry last weekend was bad! Well, you know, it's still not over yet! We have 12 days left to the month so a lot can happen. Wishing you good weather this weekend for your marathon and a great run! Happy weekend :)

Weekend Boater 01-21-2017 02:05 PM

lurchmomma Ok, I was officially slow yesterday! lol :o I believe you meant your marathon at work. Hoping this weekend is much better for you!

A big hello to all of you! Hope your all having a nice weekend. I decided to take a rest day from exercise and did my beauty treatments today. All ready for tonight! I will be having chicken kabobs over our friends house, a big treat! I miss the grill tremendously! As soon as winter breaks you can bet the majority of our dinners will be cooked on the grill!

I can't complain about winter really, we have been pretty lucky here so far! Today is actually a very mild day at 51! Have a super day and night everyone!

WebWoman 01-23-2017 01:53 PM

Happy Monday Spring chickens!

It's a mild winter day here, but overcast with intermittent showers. I woke up early and did 30 min on the treadmill with 5 minutes of jogging. It felt good and I hope to increase that time as I try to make it a habit again.

Lost the extra pounds gained last week but still fighting to get below 170!

WB, hope you had fun at your friends' house and that you had a good weekend overall.

Hello to everyone else!!


LurchMomma 01-23-2017 03:32 PM

Hello Ladies!

WeekendBoater: I WAS referring to work as a marathon. LOL. I only WISH I could run an actual marathon! How was your weekend?

Andi: When you get below 170, you will have to start a "getting out of the 160's" thread! Good job on the treadmill! I read on another thread somewhere about putting a "dreamboard" in front of your treadmill with pictures, quotes, graphs of progress toward goals, etc, to help encourage continued commitment to your plan. I don't have a treadmill, but I thought that was a neat concept.

As for "aiming to be fit", that is my ultimate goal. I think that weight loss is merely one indicator of progress in the journey toward fitness, not the destination in and of itself. I have reevaluated and adjusted my target weight. I think that realistically, the desire to be 138 pounds had more to do with being able to say, "I am in the 130's", than anything else. My plan is to aim for the mid 140's and then see how I feel. It's interesting with MFP. I've noticed that I lose more readily when I hit the target "macros". The past couple of weeks, I've been short on protein and carbs and over on fat, but still well below on overall calories, I haven't dropped any weight, and have actually gained a couple of pounds. Interesting. It seems that the old saying, "a calorie is a calorie is a calorie", may not be true. At least not in my case! I'm not sure how "macros" are calculated, or even what a "macro" is, but when I was hitting the goals as recommended by the pie chart, I was losing weight. Food for thought. LOL. All this talk of "pie" charts and "food" for thought is making me hungry! I think I will go look for a high protein, moderate carb, good fat snack!

Have a great day!


p.s. Andi, I like your quote! Is that new? :) My memory isn't the best these days, so maybe I have seen it before, and it just didn't register!

WebWoman 01-23-2017 03:58 PM

Hi All,

LM, Yes it's a new quote from an old Latin Proverb: Destitutus ventis, remos adhibere.
(Literally, "when you have no winds, take to the oars")

Sometimes it's seems like an uphill battle doing what we're doing, so we need to take ownership, dig in, and make it happen!


Weekend Boater 01-23-2017 04:19 PM

Hi ladies, so nice to come in and read your news and see your posts! Happy Monday to you all as well.

midonino :welcome2:

WebWoman I really like that spring chicken greeting! : ) speaking of spring, can't wait for it! WTG on losing that gain and also on your workouts! :cheer: I had a really nice time at the friends house, thanks for asking. It was a real treat and lovely company and we only had to go across the street! lol

lurchmomma about the marathon, I know, I realized it after! :lol: smiling here! It was weird, it just popped in my head out of the blue. Oh well, glad something is still working right upstairs! lol I hope you had a good marathon and a great start to your vaca today! : )

Saturday night with the friends was great, thanks for asking. They cooked a delicious OP meal, they had chicken and steak-tips, with grilled zucchini and onion, steamed broccoli, couscous (I just had a bit of that) and bread which we skipped. That lemon pepper chicken (which I had) was sooooo good! He cooked it perfectly too and they cooked on the grill! They got it at butcher boy, I like to take a ride over there some day down the road and check it out. Sunday was a non eventful day and I ended up having a mashed potato thing later in the evening (that was not OP). I felt kind of lousy this morning but decided to just focus on the day today. I like your mentality and view of the journey. I really feel the same way, I do have plenty to lose though and like to see the numbers going down but health is my primary concern and fitness too of course! It increases quality of life.

I am trying hard not to focus on the numbers too much as I have done in the past, I just don't want to get caught into that trap again as I had before. I am working to eat healthy and follow my plans and yes indeed, just as you said, the pounds get lost as a result! In all fairness though, I am sure I will have my share of frustrations when I plateu or the scale stops moving, which I will have to fight off. Do you think maybe you hit a plateu? Although it sounds like you know what it is that maybe affected you and already have your plan in place which is great! I am not knowledgeable enough about macro's to say but I totally agree with what you said about not all calories being the same! With me, it makes a big difference what I eat! Too many carbs always affected me. Oh that dreamboard, grannyputtputt recommended that to me here, I thought it was a neat idea too!

Okay, I surely can type, are you gals ever going to ask me any more questions? :lol: hope so! smile. A big hello to everyone else and all of you. I hope that you are all well.

I have a very busy day tomorrow and must be up quite early so I will get to bed early. No exercise Sunday and today. After tomorrow, I will be back at it. Hope you all have a great night.

Scotsgal 01-24-2017 08:14 AM

Just popping in.... London was awesome! I put on 4.4lbs :lol: Im now only 2.8lbs up. I also have a horrible cold/cough thingy so Im afraid ill give it to everyone in the gym. Didn't go yesterday....... dont think Ill go today as its my birthday and taking the exuse to try rid myself of this bug. I think Ill get some squats in though because I dont want my legs to go all mushy.

Hope all is well! :wave:

LurchMomma 01-24-2017 11:04 AM

Greetings and Salutations!

ScotsGal! Happy Birthday! Doesn't it just figure you would get sick? I hope you feel better soon. Make sure you get the rest and fluids your body needs.....

WeekendBoater: I swear, I worry I'm developing early onset dementia. I remembered reading about the "dream board", but for some reason, thought it was on another thread. I am having some trouble with word finding, too. Grr. I don't know if I'm at a plateau, if it's too much sodium and too little water, if it's hormonal fluctuations, or if I've finally hit menopause, which makes weight loss harder in and of itself. I haven't had TOM since late November, but last year I had been without TOM for 8 months, then my stepson was killed in an automobile accident, and two weeks later, my cycles resumed. My GYN said the emotional upheaval associated with the loss could have "reset my clock". Next month will be the one year anniversary of the accident. So hard to believe how quickly time passes. I have lost 30 pounds in the past on the Atkins Diet, but last time I tried the low carb approach, I ended up so exhausted that I could (literally) barely walk up the stairs at work. I researched it and found that there is something called "the low carb flu" which has the hallmark symptom of exhaustion. I had reached the low 160's rapidly. I ended up going to the doctor because I felt so awful, and he was reviewing past lab results on the computer and he said, "hmmm, you were positive for Lyme disease in 2014". I had been hospitalized overnight for a very slow, irregular heartbeat. I didn't know they did a Lyme test. I was discharged home the next morning, the results must have come back after I was home, and somehow, I never got the memo. So, long story short, I don't know what really caused the fatigue. Even though I know low carb is very effective for me, I'm afraid to feel that way again.

Andi: I really like that quote. Thanks for providing the Latin. I like the way it sounds when I try to pronounce it in my brain! :) Did you get your fitbit?

The scale said 175.2 this morning, so I think a lot of problem was sodium. Oddly enough, last week, the same thing happened. I was up on Monday, at the low for the week on Tuesday, then back up two pounds by the end of the week, even though I stayed within calorie budget. Going to really try to keep my focus on increasing lean protein this week.

Have a great Tuesday!


WebWoman 01-24-2017 12:58 PM

Hi All,

Doing fine, but up a pound. Had a late dinner with DBF ---it was fabulous and OP, but was fairly late in the evening. Overcast again here, but I'm trying to keep my spirits up.

Does anyone else here live alone? I have been divorced for many years and my kids have moved on... there are certain challenges to that which take a lot of self-discipline.

Have a great Tuesday EVERYONE!


LurchMomma 01-24-2017 04:33 PM

Hello Ladies!

Ï have trouble posting from my phone. Ï somehow send things before Intend to. LOL. Plus, Ï laid my reading glasses on the wood burning stove. Bad move. Very bad move!

Andi: I'm just curious about the dietary and fitness difficulties you encounter as a result of living alone. I've often thought Ï would be far more successful if ï DID live alone. My DH loves thongs like biscuits and gravy and mashed potatoes, etc, and it's like having to prepare separate meals. He is disabled, as well, so he is unable to walk or ride bikes with me and a lot of the time ï feel guilty going out to exercise and leaving him on the couch. Ï guess if you lived with someone with the same sort of plan and same sort of desires and abilities, it could make it easier. Is that what you were referring to?

I'm getting ready to make some chili, so adios Amigas! Ï hope you are all having a great day!

Weekend Boater 01-24-2017 09:42 PM

Hi ladies, as always, nice to come in and find your news and posts!

Scotsgal Good for you! You already got all that off! I am sorry that your not feeling well, get better! I wish you a speedy recovery! I can barely lift a finger when I am feeling lousy, let alone go to the gym! Thanks for keeping us posted, rest well girl and again feel better! I am so glad I came in tonight and saw it is your birthday so I can wish you a happy birthday! :bday2you::celebrate::bday2you: I hope you had a wonderful birthday sweety! Health and happiness to you always! Keep on truckin':carrot:

lurchmomma There are so many threads here and so much info, I can totally understand that......sometimes too when we have a lot on our minds, well you know! I would hardly say you have dementia for such reasons. I am so sorry about your stepson! Emotional upset can really throw our bodies off! I know what you mean about the fact that a number of variables can be at play. I know we are all unique and different and may react differently but one thing I know for sure about myself is that when I get emotionally upset I feel much more drained then I would from any physical endeavor! As for the flu, yes! They also have a segment called "the south beach flu"! I never really experienced it but once I did feel empty and they said to have beans to help with the flu! I had some refried beans on hand (the non hydrogenated f.f ones ) and lo and behold it really did take care of those cravings. Some of the gals in the other thread said that they felt great for a few months on low carbs of that nature but then very fatigued after and they described circumstances very similar to your own! As for the Lyme disease, it is very prevalent here on the North Shore and I know and have many friends that have contracted it. It can be very complex. I so can understand your not wanting to feel that way again and I don't blame you! We are always striving to feel well. Seems we are always learning something new and striving for our health. I do hope you feel better! I honestly feel, well at least with me, it's the emotional upset which affects me more than anything! Your chili sounds yummy! :) DH is lucky to have you, I think it is great you walk and workout and are health conscience!

Webwoman I am glad you had a great time with DBF! Oh, it has been grey and overcast here for about a week. I am in good spirits today though as some things went very well!. I also try to keep on a time schedule for meals and not go over a certain time but sometimes something can happen which throws a curveball into it. I hope you have a great night and wake up to a new day tomorrow!

A big hello to the rest of you and all of you! We still have a week left so let's keep trying! Keep going! Will catch up soon!

Rosinante 01-25-2017 03:29 AM

Challenge Goal: 27.76lbs

So far: 11.8lbs 43% of the way there!!

Good luck, everyone! :carrot: I can see lots of people doing really well! Yay us!!

Weekend Boater 01-25-2017 11:25 AM

Rosinate That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing and Congratulations! :carrot::cheer2::congrat: Congrats on getting into onderland too! :carrot:

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