July Steps Challenge

  • For the last week or so, I’ve been wearing a pedometer all day long and have been challenging myself to get to 12,000 steps each day. I find doing so motivates me to take more steps than normal. For example, I no longer search for parking spaces that are close to the entrance, but purposely park in the outer spots. Or I will sometimes squeeze in an extra walk in order to meet my step goal for the day.

    Are there others out there who wear a pedometer all day, or would like to do so? Why don’t you set a daily goal for your desired number of steps and then report back here as to how you did each day. Anyone interested in joining me?

    My daily step goal is 12,000 steps. I suspect I will be above that number on days when the weather is good, but likely a bit below on rainy days, since it’s tough to walk around in circles inside! But hopefully I will at least average 12,000 steps per day for the month of July. I will start reporting my actual steps beginning today.