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lmb2387 08-01-2011 03:11 PM

Thank you both very much for your support! And your willingness to continue past 8/13. I think this is going to be a great new development!

I like both of your workout ideas and we should try to hold each other accountable to work out every day, at least something that gets us moving.

Ashamalee, I like your idea of joining WW. I'm actually thinking about it too but I can't really afford to spend any more money on dieting :( So for now, I'm going to try to stick to my calorie range and keep track of what I'm eating and my exercise in a diet app I have on my phone. I'm going to work really hard to lose what I gained this weekend and then I'M GOING TO BEAT THE WEEKEND. I swear, it's like my personal kryptonite but I will overcome the temptation to go off track on the weekends!

You both did much better than I did this weekend but here's to a great start to August and thank you again!:carrot:

ashamalee 08-01-2011 06:53 PM

whew...i just finished the 30 day shred workout! i feel like jello but it is def a good workout :) I always feel like a fatty when doing that DVD because I'm so dead after only 20 mins. I think tomorrow that needs to be workout #1 while I have lots of energy. Today my first work out was a 4 mile walk on the treadmill! It felt great after this weekend :)

Jade...I like your new challenge! Its such a reasonable goal and a great reward :)

I signed up for WW online today. To start off, I get 37 points to eat a day! I thought that was a lot. I don't think I will eat that much a day but I'll see. I'm going to try and explore the mobile app this week so that I get used to it and so it can help me stick to a diet while I'm at the beach next week.

I hope you guys had a great Monday!

lmb2387 08-01-2011 09:17 PM

Ashamalee, I did D1 L1 of the shred today as well as the Bum Bum video from BBL. I was dying and actually had to stop a few times during Bum Bum because I could barely breath. It's incredible how your body changes. Just a few weeks ago when I was doing the shred and working out harder, the shred dvd got so much easier each time and I had no problems getting through back to back DVDs but boy was I struggling today! I agree with you, I'm going to wake up and do the shred before work and the BBL after work just because it breaks it up better and the shred in the morning really gets me going for the day. We can do this! I refuse to fail yet again.

I took measurements and pics so I can track my progress well. I think I'm going to avoid the scale for awhile (if I can resist because I tend to get obsessive about the scale) and just focus on inches lost.

Let's work hard ladies and reach these goals! If we just stick to it we'll have something to be really proud about and will have made some really large steps in the right direction! :)

lmb2387 08-02-2011 10:02 AM

L1 D2 of the shred done! BBL day 2 tonight. It's amazing how much more awake and focused I am when I workout in the morning. It feels good! :carrot:

I didn't step on the scale because I still don't want to know lol so far August has gone pretty well for me (that's sort of a joke since it's only been 1.5 days :) )

I hope you guys are doing well!

Jade235 08-02-2011 10:46 AM

Hey gals, way to go on your workouts!

I have often wished I could do those home type work outs but my body is just not strong enough for higher impact, fast moving stuff. But that's what I working on changing! :)

Went to meet up with my hubby's soccer team last night to help with practice (he's out because of a sprained ankle) but there were not many of the guys there. Which turned out to be better since my knee was so sore. My friend who is on the team showed me some strength training I can do for my glutes, hamstrings and back so that was good. I need to go to Big 5 or some sporting goods store and pick up some resistance bands!

W1 D2 accomplished for my 8MITM. So far August has gone pretty well for me too! ;)

Ashamalee: that's great that you signed up for WW online! I had thought about joining up online after meetings did not work for me but since the hubby and I are doing it together we decided to not spend the money. I thought about joining up again after I get a smart phone but I still think we'll keep going on our own for now. But let me know what you think about it. First tip: do your very best to eat all your daily points! If you don't hit that number once in a while I'm sure you'll be fine (I have 30 points a day on the old system and some times I do not eat them all) but that number is there for a reason. :) Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about your success.

LMB: good for you for breaking your ties to the scale (at least for now). I think focusing on other things besides the number on the scale is very good. While it is a great measuring tool, it's not everything. I have to remind myself of that often.

My focus this month is that every little things helps. Doing my workouts in the morning helps me wake up (a little, I'm still struggling with getting up early, my hubby and I usually hit the snooze until the absolute last minute lol). But it does help me start the day feeling good about myself.

Anyway, I will end my novel here! lol Hope you gals have a great day!

lmb2387 08-02-2011 09:33 PM

Hi gals! BBL day 2 done! so far both days I've done everything I've planned. :) Seems like we are all holding up our ends and doing well! Good job to us!

Jade, be careful with those knees! You don't want them getting so bad you can't do anything for a few days. It sounds like a great plan to do exercises with the resistance bands because they are less impact. You can still get a good toning workout without having to do a lot of high-impact moves. Pilates with resistance bands or just simple on the floor toning exercises work great! Watch lunges and squats because they really make my knees hurt after awhile. Good luck!

Keep up the good work gals!!

ashamalee 08-02-2011 10:11 PM

woo hoo! we have all started off august well (all 2 days of it :))

I did day 2 of the shred! My legs are super sore but it feels good. I didn't get a second workout in today because I went on a day trip with a friend all day but we were walking around the little town all day so it was an active day and I'll do 2 workouts tomorrow. It probably worked out well since I pushed it really hard yesterday.

I used all of my WW points today but I think its because I ate a meal out so it was more points. Jade, do the WW points decrease over time? Because I could eat normally and be just around my allotted number of points. I do like some of the "cheat cards" that the online program gives you. They compare foods and drinks so you can make better choices when out. It was hard figuring out points for a restaurant meal though..I just kind of guessed?

I was talking with one of the girls that I'm going to the beach with and she wants to continue to stay on track for her running goal so we are going to get up in the morning and workout. This will make sticking with the 30 day shred much easier knowing that someone else will be sticking to their plan too.

Jade, take care of those knees!!!

Here's to a good day 3!

lmb2387 08-03-2011 11:21 AM

L1 D3 done! Yey! I'm crazy sore but my BBL D3 isn't too intense tonight and BBL D4 (tomorrow) is a rest day so I only have L1 D4 tomorrow of the shred(I might go to the gym for some cardio to loosen up my muscles).

It really feels great to get up and workout! Let's keep this going ladies! :)

Jade235 08-03-2011 12:14 PM

Hey ladies,

I am definitely taking care of my knees! lol

They were not as sore yesterday evening or today so that is good.

Great job both of you for keeping up with your workouts!

Ashamalee: that is great that you will have a workout buddy on your beach trip, having that support is so helpful!

Also, with the new points system I am not clear on how they do it, but I know on the old system that as you lose weight you are recommended to re-do your numbers and that WILL lower your points eventually. Basically as you lose weight your body needs a different amount of calories etc to maintain that new weight. I believe this is true with calorie counting as well.

Also, my hubby and I notice that even though we will stay within our points, if we are eating a lot of dairy or higher fat foods we may not lose as much as we want in one week because we are still not eating the best choices of foods.

But what's nice about WW is that you CAN go out to eat and enjoy yourself just as long as you count the points.

Now yesterday, hubby and I ate fast-food so that was not the smartest idea and we definitely went over our daily and flex points, BUT I did a weigh in this morning just to see how I am doing and I'm at 228. So that is only 1 pound up and I think I can do REALLY well in the next few days to either get it back down to 227 or maybe if I'm lucky 226.

I did my 3rd morning of 8MITM and will be going for a walk or biking this evening and plan on eating lots of lean protein and veggies for the next few days along with LOTS of water to help me flush out the bad and keep in the good.

Here's to another weigh in coming up! :)

ashamalee 08-03-2011 04:42 PM

Workout 1 and 2 done! I noticed that the shred was slightly easier today. whew

Jade, I'm glad your knees are feeling better today and thanks for the info about WW. I did like not feeling guilty yesterday for eating out because I still stayed within my points. Stick with those lean meats and veggies!! you are close to your goal!

LMB, way to stick with the workouts!! Stretching after feels good and helps me not feel quite as sore the next day.

I think we are all having out best week yet! Lets keep it up!

lmb2387 08-04-2011 11:24 AM

Hi gals!

Congrats to both of you for keeping up with your workouts and eating healthy! We are doing so well and ashamalee I think you are right in that this is our best week yet! But we have many many more to come!

Jade, I'm very glad to hear your knees are feeling better! And to both of you, good job for staying within your points and not allowing yourselves to feel guilty because you enjoyed a meal out or ate a higher point meal. These are the things we need to just accept as a part of life and realize, it's honestly not bad to go out to eat or enjoy a nice meal as long as we are aware of portions and just make sure it isn't an every day occurance.

Last night I wasn't able to do my BBL day 3 because I didn't get home until after 9. No worries though, today was supposed to be a rest day so I'm just going to do yesterday's workout today. Also, I wasn't able to do L1 D4 of the shred this morning because I had to be into work for a meeting much earlier than usual so I'm going to do that after work as well. It's going to be about an hour workout so that's perfect and I'm glad I can stay on track even with everything life has thrown at me this week! Just shows me that I can't use life and it's random schedule changes as an excuse to not reach my goals.

I actually weighed myself this morning, not sure why, I guess curiosity got the best of me but I was actually happy to see 156.8. I usually gain when I first start working out hard due to muscle gain but I'm feeling really good about all of this!

Keep it up ladies! We can do this! :carrot:

Jade235 08-04-2011 03:45 PM

Hi gals,

I did a maintenance weigh in yesterday afternoon because I was super stressed out from work and was tempted to just say screw it and eat crappy for dinner.

But when I stepped on the scale and it read 226.5 (down 1.5 from my other maintenance weigh in) it motivated me to cook a healthy dinner and stay on track!

I got 45 minutes of a combo of biking and walking yesterday and did my 3rd morning of 8MITM and did my 4th this morning.

This morning was squats which were a little tough on my knees but I was able to get through them pretty well.

Ashamalee: glad that workouts are getting easier for you, that shows how much stronger you are just in this short amount of time.

lmb: way to not let life get in the way! That is such a great attitude and it's so good that you have your back up plan already in place.

I am excited to see how we all do at weigh in this weekend. Just a couple more days so keep up the good work! :)

ashamalee 08-04-2011 03:46 PM

LMB, great job not using life as an excuse and figuring out how to stay on track even with a different schedule! I'm guilty of doing that lots. At least today is day 4 of the shred so I don't know about you but it was easier today. I think because I'm not moving like an 80 year old any more from being so sore. Maybe you didn't gain because your muscle gain and weight loss balanced out? YAY! :)

Must be something in the air today because I couldn't resist the scale this morning either. 234...down 3!! yay! :carrot: And its only Thursday...more time to continue to eat right and workout.

lmb2387 08-05-2011 10:06 AM

Well ladies I have some bad news and some good news.

Bad news- yesterday after work I was supposed to do L1 Day 4 of the shred and BBL day 3. Well, about 30 minutes after I got home from work my boss called and was eating at a restaurant near my apartment with her family and wanted to come by to see my new kitten. She wasn't sure when they would get there but they ended up coming a little over an hour later. I would have been able to work out in that time but I didn't know how long I had and I didn't want to be all sweaty and red in the face when her family showed up. Needless to say by the time they got there and then left it was about 8pm and I hadn't had dinner and I just can't workout that late or else I cannot sleep that night. So basically, long story short, I didn't work out yesterday :( I'm really bummed but I'm not going to let this slow me down. And of course I woke up with a splitting headache and when I went to do the jumping jacks in the shred warmup I couldn't take it so I stopped. Don't worry, I am going to go home and do all of it after work no ifs ands or buts. I will NOT let one day mess up my overall goal!

Good news- I weighed myself (ugh I can't seem to avoid the temptation) and I was 155.8! only 6 more lbs until I reach my first goal of 149. I don't care if it's 149.8 I just want to see 149!

Great job to both of you for keeping up with working out and losing!!! Sometimes it is good to get on the scale for motivation but I find that between the massive amount of water I've drank and the food I've consumed I'm always up at least a lb by mid day. Good job Jade for being down a lb but I could never get on the scale mid-day to stop me from giving up because I'd see the number was up and really give up!!!

It's friday. The day I love and hate. Love because it means its the weekend and hate because I'm afraid for my diet. Well I've decided thats just stupid. I'm in control of whether or not I work out and I'm in control of what I consume so here's to a great weekend and I'm even hoping to be down when i weigh myself on Monday!!! We can do this! :D

ashamalee 08-05-2011 06:15 PM

lmb, way to not let yourself give up and to keep pushing through. You've worked hard so far this week so don't let yesterday stand in your way..and more importantly..the weekend!

Lets stick to our workouts and healthy eating this weekend! :)

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