3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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vikkivma 07-17-2008 10:36 AM

Go Miriam!

That's awesome!!

And congratulations to all of the losers.

I went down a small amount, but any loss is a good loss, so...

SW: 192.5
CW: 188.4
GW: 187.5

Congrats to McKenziesmomma! You're so close!!

theresia 07-17-2008 01:44 PM

I am still at 137, yesterday I was up to 139 (TOM visiting this week).. I am losing slowly, right now 1 pound/week, I am happy with that..
SW 138
CW 137
GW 133

MercerMom 07-17-2008 02:44 PM

I finally got my signature!!! Hope it worked.

I had a whoosh :carrot: 150 this morning:carrot::carrot:



miriam101 07-17-2008 03:56 PM

Wow Heather - 1 more to go! It could be you winning this challenge!!!:)

Congrats on the signature :)

donna129 07-17-2008 04:10 PM

Well jumping in after lurking for years.. Maybe if I post, I ll \get some where...All of you are doing so well!!
SW 220
CW 220
GW 215

jessacaca 07-17-2008 05:10 PM

welcome Donna!!!

It looks like we could have a winner tomorrow!

McKenziesmomma 07-17-2008 05:56 PM

WOW...we have alot of ladies getting really close

Kittycat - 0.5 lbs to go
Vikkivma - 0.9 lbs to go
Mercermom - 1 lb to go
McKenziesmomma - 1 lb to go

WOW...its getting soooo close...getting interesting!!!

Lets go girls!!! ;)

PrettyPaula 07-17-2008 06:06 PM

im no where im afraid girls, TOM has put a stop to that but im on plan, and im walking about 2-4 miles per day right now :)

Mrs Snark 07-17-2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by PrettyPaula (Post 2274562)
im no where im afraid girls, TOM has put a stop to that but im on plan, and im walking about 2-4 miles per day right now :)

Being on-plan is what counts, the scale is totally secondary! Way to get right back into the swing of things after your vacation!

miriam101 07-18-2008 01:14 AM

I'm same today - and happy about it, too! I was worried that yesterday's number was a mirage, and today I'd be way up again. Also - last night my husband made me supper (he offered - how could I say no?) but he made sunny side up eggs in sooooooo much oil, probably about 1/4 c...and french fries - and he deep fries them twice. Ugh - one of my WORST trigger foods...But I only took a small handfull and ate my eggs and a cucumber and tomato... So I wouldn't have been too surpirsed if my number was up anyway, but it WASN"T!! :) :)


SW: 151.6
CW: 148.8
GW: 146.6

I probably won't win this challenge, but I'll sure enjoy starting the new one out with a number in the 140's! :)

PS - Josephine - don't you leave for California today? Have a SPECTACULAR time! How long are you going for?

Fat Chick B Gone 07-18-2008 05:25 AM

Hey ladies! I'm off for Vegas in a few hours and won't be weighing in. I'm sure someone will have this one won by the time I get back!

PrettyPaula 07-18-2008 05:51 AM

hey ladies!!! down a little today from

SW: 209
CW: 208.4
GW: 204

mothermavis 07-18-2008 06:01 AM

S 152.2
C 148.6
G 147.2 I am so happy, the numbers are slowly going down! But, they are going down.

Mrs Snark 07-18-2008 06:47 AM

152 even this morning. This afternoon I leave for California for a long weekend and though I'll have a laptop with me I'm not sure about access to a scale, but I'll check in if I can!

We may have a winner today anyway, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

SW: 155
CW: 152 (-3, 2 to go)
GW: 150

Welcome Donna!

Matilda08 07-18-2008 09:05 AM

Hey guys! I am almost there I have one more lbs to make it for this 5lb challenge.

s 233
c 229
g 228

mountain mama 07-18-2008 09:05 AM

I'm staying at my mothers and she doesn't have a scale. I will try to get one to start the next challenge :)

McKenziesmomma 07-18-2008 09:17 AM

Miriam - yayyyy for staying in the 140's!!!

Matilda - Good job on the 4 lb loss :goodluck:

Josephine - Have fun in Cali!!! Are you going to the beach???

Mothermavis -- You are getting soooo close!!

Prettypaula - Yayyyy ...bye bye pounds!!! Even with TOM thats great!!

Fat Chick B Gone- Have fun in Vegas...remember all that free alcohol they give you when your gambling has lots of calories!!! And stay away from the buffets!!! LOL

McKenziesmomma 07-18-2008 09:17 AM

Oh yea...I'm still at 244 today

SW: 248
CW: 244
GW: 243

just keep swimming 07-18-2008 09:47 AM


SW: 154
CW: 154.8
GW: 149

Come ON. :dizzy: I drank a gallon of water yesterday. That's twice as much as usual, and I'm pretty sure my body held on to all of it. :lol: Oh well, still waiting for the whoosh. Any day now... :crossed:

Congrats to all our losers! Looks like it's gonna be on to #18 soon!

MercerMom 07-18-2008 10:07 AM

Good Morning Ladies,
STill at 150 this morning, but so glad because we went to the theatre last night and afterwards took my daughter out for ice cream, thank goodness it was chick fil a ice dream, but I did have a small cone.

I am really going to be strict today and see if we can start a new challenge tomorrow:D


McKenziesmomma 07-18-2008 10:11 AM

Where is kittycat and vikkivma...I figured they swoop on in here and end this thing for us today :D

jessacaca 07-18-2008 11:23 AM

down just a bit but i didn't see 166 so I am happy about that!!!!


josephine have a great weekend!!

mothermavis yay 140s!!!! that must feel great!

vikkivma 07-18-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by McKenziesmomma (Post 2275439)
Where is kittycat and vikkivma...I figured they swoop on in here and end this thing for us today :D

lol. I wish - moments before victory, and TOM rears its ugly head.

SW: 192.5
CW: 188.8
GW: 187.5

MercerMom 07-18-2008 05:03 PM

Hey Girls,

I have a question to ask about your scales. I see most of you are using a digital scale. I am using a dial scale, however my mothers digital scale and my scale show different weights for me. I was thinking of buying myself a digital scale for my first five lb. reward but I don't want to go digital and "gain"weight. Which is more accurate? Can digital scales be off. What if my starting weight was more than I thought. Am I excited about nothing!!!!


vikkivma 07-18-2008 07:09 PM

Well, I've found that my digital scale (I actually have 2 - one that reads in 0.5 pound increments, and one that reads in 0.2 pound increments) are pretty much dead on to the doctor scale, but I've only had either for about 2 years, so I'm sure like with anything else, with age it would start to wear down.

The dial scale I had in the past could be up to 10 pounds off.

Yes, you might "gain", but you'll never be "shocked" when you go into the doctor's, which was always really depressing and embarassing for me.

kittycat40 07-18-2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by McKenziesmomma (Post 2275439)
Where is kittycat and vikkivma...I figured they swoop on in here and end this thing for us today :D

And here I am, still at 134.5. I'm pretty sure that's 1.5 from goal. I sometimes forget where I started.
I'm getting ready to battle weekend temptations. :devil:

Happy start to the summer weekend!

McKenziesmomma 07-18-2008 08:22 PM

kittycat - you are right about the 1.5 lbs...sorry

Mercermom - I had the same thought you did...I have a digital scale but I wanted one that reads to 0.2 so I could see how close I was to a certain weight...I finally got one but I don't like it because it is just all over the place compared to my scale....I figured I will stick with the one I started with...at least that way I will really know where I am in relation to where I started! :D

Losing4another 07-19-2008 04:22 AM

I'm so happy to see you ladies still have this challenge going....After a fun summer of eating tons junk and eating out just about everywhere I'm ready to get back on plan. Bringing with me some extra pounds :eek:

SW 234.2 :(

CW 234.2

goal 229.2

mothermavis 07-19-2008 07:19 AM

S 152.2
C 148.2 4 ponds in 10 days, I'll take it!
G 147.2

Getting there!!

Jessacaca, I am with you any loss is good , and yes, hitting the 140's & staying here is huge for me, I am thrilled! Next mini goal is 139!

mountain mama 07-19-2008 08:11 AM

Ok.. I i'm joining on this challenege at the tail end, I know. I stepped on the scale and had a SMALL freakout.. ( and by small i mean big ) At least I'm back now and I'm not gonna dwell or justify it ( even though i'm dying to make my excuses why i've allowed myself to gain so much of my weight back )

starting weight: 297.8
current weight: 297.8
goal weight:292.8


McKenziesmomma 07-19-2008 08:49 AM

Yayyyy!! I weighed in this morning and not only did I hit my goal weight for this challenge of 243...but I was down to 242....I weighed like 500 times!!!

Wheewwww hoooooo!!!

SW: 248
CW: 242
GW: 243

I'm off to start the next challenge!!

mothermavis 07-19-2008 09:32 AM

Yay Melissa!!!

donna129 07-19-2008 10:56 AM

Saturday I know this is over, but wanted to post anyway to try to get into the SWING , lol. Will move to next post

SW 220
CW 118
GW 215

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