Happy Friday!

  • Must get coffee... back soon...
  • Daily Thought
    (enjoy that coffee, Ellis )

    Daily Thought


    Now and then we will be plagued
    by spectres from the past . . .
    The first impulse will be to bury these skeletons
    in a dark closet and padlock the door. . .
    We think each of us who has been relieved
    owes something to those who have not . . .
    and we should be only too willing to bring former mistakes,
    no matter how grievous, out of their hiding places.
    Showing others who suffer how we were given help
    is the very thing which makes life so worth while now.
    Cling to the thought that, in God's hands,
    the dark past is the greatest possession you have --
    the key to life and happiness for others.
    With it you can avert death and misery for them.
    Alcoholics Anonymous, pp. 123-4
  • Kat, congratulations on reaching your 10 month ummmm... thingy! (must get another coffee...)
  • 10 months, wow! i can't wait until i can say that myself. you must be very proud.

    had a good day yesterday, and i will have another on plan day today! yay!
  • Good Morning!
    Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!

    My hair has a natural wave to it for those who asked

    Kat-Awesome meditation. I talked to another bullemic last night about some of the stuff I use to do. It was very comforting to hear and have someone understand what I was saying. Also she was able to share some treatment insights that made me feel way less weird so this is part of my past I am ready to try to recover from and use to help others. One day at a time, recovery is a beautiful thing.

    Ellis- How's that coffee?? Mine is awesome I also made the little rock muffins this morning, mixed berries,lots of Splenda, and a splash of 1% milk and they taste like cobbler. Hmm is this good or bad?

    Holly- Morning! Have a beautiful day lady!!!!!!

    I have to work tonight. Until them I am going to play it by ear. I might finish my step work. I read Chapter 3 again last night in the Big Book. If I keep going at this rate my whole Big Book will be underlined!

    I LOVE YA'LL! So check in !
    Miss Chris
  • Morning all. I have been in bed with the 24 hour flu bug. My son gave it to me. Have had to stay away from the baby which is killing me. They live with us (long story) so that makes it harder to keep away from her she is sooooo cute.

    I am beginning WTS with The Recovery Group today. They report that only a handful finish. I will need support to remember I am worth it. My history does not display being kind to myself ever.
    Replace myself with the can and that would be me kicking myself all the time.

    Sounds like I missed out on some stuff while I was gone will try to catch up when I have more time.

    Everyone have a good day today. Praying for abstinence for each of us.
  • Hi all...

    Visited a R.D. today. She was very helpful. She was aware of my eating disorder coming in, so she really stressed that she didn't want me doing the counting thing. She gave me some general guidelines, but did not give me a food plan for the same reason. Her main piece of advice was to set very small goals towards habit-changing steps. I know it sounds so simple, but it was helpful to hear it from her. She wants me to have one goal a week to work toward that is choice or behavior rather than strictly food oriented. (i.e., I can't have a goal of "I will eat an average of 1200 cal per day." but I can have a goal of "I will eat an average of 5 servings per day of fruits and veggies." Does that make any sense to anyone but me?)

    I am to go back and see her in the middle of May.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I am at work with no sleep I am sure HP will take care of me

    Bunna- Sorry you have been under the weather and unable to play with your new grandbaby. Thank you for praying for my abstinence today that's so cool.

    Jenelle- Makes total sense to me girl, baby steps and no counting. A beautiful place to be. In fact there is this stupid scale in the women's room here at work I think I am going to put a post it note on it that says,"Your value lies within"

    Have a great night!
    Miss Chris