I feel disgusting

  • The last week has been.....okay. A few more snacks than I wanted to, mainly because I have been extremely tired all weak and lack of sleep kills my willpower. But, nothing crazy.

    Then Friday comes. Wine comes out, chocolate gets bought....not the worst, but not the best.

    Today starts. I make delicious low calorie crepes (with greek yogurt and fruit filling) for breakfast, have a fantastic spinach and salmon lunch, and snacks are almonds, an apple, and peas (I love frozen peas )

    Then a craving hits. For a hot dog, of all things. I don't really like hot dogs, but for some weird reason, tonight I WANTED one, probably just because I saw it. So I ate two giant ones. Then I had some cereal (to "coat it with something healthy", does anyone else do that?). I told myself I was done eating for the night. And I probably would have stuck to that, except my guy ordered a pizza. And ONLY because it was here....not because I craved it, or was hungry, or anything else...I had 2 slices. I feel like grease is seeping from my pores, my stomach has gained 5 inches, and like my entire week of working out has been shot.

    Just.....yuk I have kept the vast majority of my weight loss off for 5 years now, but I cannot curtail my habits ENOUGH to drop the last 10-15 lbs. I know a lot of my habits have successfully changed (only eating 2 slices, for example), but why can't I kick them completely? I'm just frustrated....and making a list of all veggies, fruits, and lean proteins to do a week sorta detox diet, that's how nasty I feel!

    Mostly just a vent, hugs welcome
  • {{hugs}}

    I've felt like that a lot myself lately. I'll have a great day, then evening hits and it's just one overindulgence after another. I'm close to goal too, but I end up overeating and ruining all of my on plan days, so it evens out to maintenance calories. And the whole "coat it with something healthy" thing, oh yeah, I've done that too!

    Just wanted to say I feel you.

    {{more hugs}}
  • Hugs
  • **HUGS** I've been there. You'll get past this. The gross feeling will go away and you'll continue working on your last few pounds.
  • this is soooo me as well...trying...we gota keep at it!!