I'm so proud of myself!

  • Ok, I don't know why I feel compelled to pat myself on the back, but I just can't help it!

    Yesterday, I had so many binge triggers going on, but I didn't do it! I stayed within my calories.

    My son was sick with a fever and terrible cough (still is, btw), I had only slept 1 1/2 hours (I was up at night with him and then couldn't fall asleep after), I was feeling sick, I had a horrible headache and I also had my monthly visitor (if you know what I mean). Normally, any of those would be enough to send me over the edge and into binge town, but I didn't do it!

    What I did instead...I had 4 healthy macaroons (70 calories each) and that, for some reason, made me feel satisfied. Usually, I wouldn't want something that calorically expensive, but they are 2 inches high and wide so quite substantial and made of raw, healthy ingredients, for the most part.

    I would have felt so much worse this morning had I given in and had thousands of extra calories.
  • Way to go!! Now you know that next time you can pick healthier choices again! Any victory, wether big or small, is something to celebrate
  • Patting yourself on the back is underrated--why SHOULDN'T you cheer for yourself as much as you'd cheer for any friend?

    You made great choices in the face of stress--you should be pleased with yourself! And we can all be pleased too--and remember it can be done--and we feel better after we make good choices.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • You should be proud of yourself!! That decision to stay on track is sometimes very difficult
  • Of course you should pat yourself on the back. This is a battle we're in. When we slip, we frequently belittle ourselves and feel awful. So, winning a battle -- especially with as many triggers as you experienced -- is HUGE! Way to go!
  • Thanks everyone! Most people wouldn't fully appreciate what an accomplishment that was, but I knew you would!