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pixelllate 06-10-2011 10:10 PM

Anyone ever binge on non-delicious food?
I was thinking about the food that I binged on...its usually food that I either think is fancy or healthy so I don't feel "too" bad. Such as soft whole wheat bread...if that is paired with Nutella (lol I used to think that its fancy because its European...I know i know haha) I am a GONER. And while this is a food that I don't normally buy-I tried raw almonds for a while because all the diets said that a great food they were...tried SO hard to keep at 7 almonds...no WAY. I also don't buy chips because I'm more of a bread/Nutella lady myself, but if I have a bag right there, I can't stop at one...even those common Lay's chips. Although I can eat tons of fruit itself (and the kind that is just there, not the kinds I want) it doesnt amount to TONS of cals, the problem is that I still want a real meal, so all that fruit with full meals=tons and tons of calories. What makes it worse is that that means that I packed on the cals on food that isn't even amazing!

luckymommy 06-10-2011 11:01 PM

I know exactly what you mean! My urge to binge doesn't usually coincide with having good food around as I try not to keep anything "bad" in the house. So, I end up eating a bunch of stupid stuff that isn't all that good. It makes me feel like not only am I horrible at dieting, but I'm not even good at binge eating! ;) If I have an urge to binge at a supermarket, I walk around in a daze, not really knowing what to buy and I buy things that aren't all that good actually. What happens, actually, is that nothing tastes good enough. I am always looking for that amazing high and it's really hard for me to find it. I try to remind myself of this feeling when I have a craving. By the way, I think I told you before that I love your Avatar because I am REALLY into Nutella...I like to spread it on very good white bread...the thing is that I only fully enjoy the first few bites and then, it's not good enough. :(

pixelllate 06-10-2011 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by luckymommy (Post 3887046)
I know exactly what you mean! My urge to binge doesn't usually coincide with having good food around as I try not to keep anything "bad" in the house. So, I end up eating a bunch of stupid stuff that isn't all that good. It makes me feel like not only am I horrible at dieting, but I'm not even good at binge eating! ;) If I have an urge to binge at a supermarket, I walk around in a daze, not really knowing what to buy and I buy things that aren't all that good actually. What happens, actually, is that nothing tastes good enough. I am always looking for that amazing high and it's really hard for me to find it. I try to remind myself of this feeling when I have a craving. By the way, I think I told you before that I love your Avatar because I am REALLY into Nutella...I like to spread it on very good white bread...the thing is that I only fully enjoy the first few bites and then, it's not good enough. :(

Thanks luckymommy! Thats me in my past life-Nutella Lisa!
I tried countless gourmet chocolate hazelnut spreads...people tell me that those other kinds are better tasting-I have never found it to be true!! But I totally agree...at the same time, it never "satisfies" me, it just keeps me going so that I can continue to binge and forget about little stresses

sheramama 06-11-2011 08:19 PM

When I binge, I usually will eat anything in reach. Even stale crackers. AUGH.

krampus 06-12-2011 09:18 AM

I have binged on plain oatmeal before, so yes I totally get it.

Generally if I am binging I feel like luckymommy, where I get obsessed with finding the "perfect" flavor combinations and it's hard to find anything that tastes good enough.

bellaella 06-14-2011 10:10 PM

my weakness is bread or crackers with PEANUT BUTTER. FRICK. that stuff is amazing.

but yes, i agree. sometimes nothing in sight can satisfy that urge to eat...... if there was something that could read our minds!

hhaffner 06-14-2011 11:42 PM

I'll be good for a week and then by the end of the week I'll binge on carbs (usaully chips or cookies or maybe order a large pizza).

I think i must feel 'deprived' somehow from eating healthy so i binge on junk food.
The worst port is when i'm done and i realize that what i just ate didn't even taste that good and i feel gross.

(in fact i had an urge to binge tonight on grilled cheese sandwiches)

Munchy 06-15-2011 10:58 AM

When I lived alone, I kept no unhealthy foods in the house, and if I wanted a snack, I'd head to Whole Foods down the street, and the effort was often enough to deter me from going.
I binged on brussels sprouts, cucumbers, carrots, impromptu homemade onion rings, egg whites, you name it.
It was the action, and not the actual food that I wanted. I was in OA quickly after that.

tigerchild 06-15-2011 01:07 PM

I find I'm more likely to binge on non-delicious foods. I mean, the first handful of doritos or chips or saltines does taste "good" I guess (though for me it the salt and texture that triggers) but really...they do NOT taste delicious, not really.

There are some delicious things I can't keep in the house (like hummus--no matter what the size of the container, I will eat it all if it's in my fridge--that still gives me the salt feeling, but it's actually really really tasty, IMO, unlike chemical flavored doritos or plain water crackers or saltines), but they're the exception rather than the rule.

I'm sure it depends on the binger. I used to think those things were yummy to me, but the more I've consciously observed, I think that for me it's FAR more about the texture than anything else. Crunchy/chewy + salty/sweet +small and easy to pop in my mouth is an absolutely devastating trigger for me.

I too like PB and crackers or PB/nutella and crispy toast--I used to think it was the spread that I was binging on, but in reality it wasn't--it was the bread/cracker carrier. Same thing with chips and salsa. Salsa I genuinely love, and have eaten with a spoon when I have a mind to (I love gazpacho too) but it doesn't trigger the mindless feeding frenzy until almost vomiting that pairing it with *chips* (crunchy, bite sized little carriers) does.

Anyway, just some ramblings about what I have observed in myself.

bitkit 06-15-2011 05:14 PM

I am a binger, so I binge no matter what. Though not now that I'm in OA.

So I've binged (and purged) all vegetables under the sun, including bags and bags of lettuce, I've binged on things so grey from the freezer I don't recognize them until they've been defrosted, uncooked pastry, nori (seaweed) sheets, etc.

Never much of a junk food binger for fear of the calories, though my real weakness is pastry and bread. I have overeaten those but cannot purge them properly so I've stayed away.

I also binge on liquid (4-5 litres of diet soda at a time, sitting on the toilet) and on gum (a dozen packs at a time, to the point of severe gastro distress).

I am only as sick as my secrets.


pixelllate 06-15-2011 10:07 PM

I just realized…when I was little, my favorite dreams were of me entering a store full of toys and stickers and grabbing EVERYTHING. Growing up, I was pretty “raggedy.” I always got the hand-me-downs and my cousin always had new, beautiful toys with her. I always felt so dowdy and it made me feel bad, I just wanted to take and take and take. Even now, I rarely buy gifts for myself, which can be good in terms of dieting (for now) but in the past, I think that I subconsciously reacted by binging-it was my way of taking and taking, and rebelling I guess-finally grabbing everything that I ever felt deprived from-and a lot of it. I get the same glee when I am waiting to binge at 4 AM. In the end, it only leaves me deprived though, of nice clothes and having a social life-I don’t want to go out when I am at my fattest. Even now, it frightens me a bit how EASILY I adapted to my new out of shape identity, I am so comfortable being the nonsexual friend, who never goes for guys and will chat about clothes but doesn't dress hot...because that is where I am in my comfort zone I guess. ugh.
I have to really address my self esteem and realize that I am not a lesser person, and just because I did not get much growing up doesn’t mean that I do not deserve the life that I want now.

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