i'm trying my best

  • So......I'm really at a frustrating point in my weight loss. I've plateaued ---everytime I step on the scale I'm up a pound or down a pound but nothing ever goes below that. After losing my first 25 lbs consistently every week its been so frustrating trying to get to onederland. This plateau is really tempting me to binge. So the past week I eat strictly on plan then the next day I eat more liberally, basically binging over the calories and the same pattern for the rest of the week. Of course the scale hasn't moved. I just needed to share this with u all, Im a newbie to the forums. Anyway my family and friends haven't been helping they keep telling me that I'm losing too much weight! And are always trying to sabotage my diet. These forums are the only thing that are keeping me on plan because I read through all the posts and try to stay motivated to see others have succeeded
  • Caliyah--

    Don't give in, no matter what. You will get past this plateau and be so glad that you stuck with it.

    Keep on keeping on!

  • don't give in! I am right there. i lost 20 and plateaued it sucks..but you can hang in there. Zig zag your calories a little higher, lower, higher, lower--just keep them the same for the week. That should help. I finally got a lower number today the 11th day of the same junk you were seeing on the scale!
  • I absolutely know how that feels. My body tends to put on the breaks right before 229 and right before 200. The lesson I have learned time and time again, is to be patient. Keep eating on program. If you have to do SOMETHING, add in a different sort of exercise. Eventually it WILL come off. Just not on your timeline, yoou know?

    You can do this. That urge to binge is the same self-defeating thought that puts so many of us through this weight loss yo-yo cycle time and time again. Let's break the cycle.
  • Ignore the sabatoeurs first of all.

    How did you lose the initial weight if you dont mind me asking? If it was through calorie counting say, I would suggest just going back to basics and tracking everything for a week or so.

    Generally whatever you did to lose the initial weight WILL keep working (with a few minor tweaks here and there).

    Please dont get discouraged . . . you can do this
  • thanks so much for the encouragement! i have been doing calorie counting so i will go back to basics. thank you ladies. i think i've just been obsessive about the scale - i weigh myself everyday literally i'm trying to stop doing that and weigh myself once a week but that has been hard habit to kick.
  • Think of what you've done so far--you've lost 25 pounds! That's crazy impressive, and if you can do that, you can do more. Try to use that accomplishment to keep you going, you'll get past the plateau!

    Congrats on your progress so far!
  • I used to have the same obsession over the scale.

    How I got rid of that obsession? By literally getting rid of it. I gave my scale to my mom telling her I will be at her place once a week only, to weight myself and that I was not allowed to come more often. She understood and guess what?

    She gave me back my scale after a month cause I was cured

    Hang on! plateaus NEVER last if you stay on track you will start loosing again